The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 221 0154. The ultimate boss—The Sleeping Tyrant!

Hahaha, you are really a stupid cyborg. Do you think you can break through the door by killing a few infected bodies and breaking a few metal benches?

You'd better answer my questions obediently, maybe I can save you some pain.

Alexander's jeers echoed down the corridor.

Chen Chong raised his head and glanced at the camera, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

He raised a heavy hammer and shook it provocatively at the camera. This move confused Ashford and Dr. Alexander in the monitoring room.

What does he mean? Is he declaring war on us?

Alexander shook his head and looked at Chen Chong on the screen with a joking face:

It seems like this little lost mouse wants to cause some damage.

Are you sure you can take him down? Ashford asked.

Haha, sir, you can watch it with complete confidence, it's just a mouse.

Alexander smiled confidently and took out a fist-sized controller from his pocket.

With a slight click of the green button, a 10 cubic meter hollow part suddenly collapsed in the center of the passage in the fourth area.

Hmm? Still weird?

Chen Chong turned around and looked behind him. The sound of metal gears turning came from below in the collapsed hole in the passage.

Soon a metal cylinder two meters wide and four meters long slowly rose up from the collapsed hole.

Hey! Is this an intercontinental missile launcher?

Chen Chong exclaimed in his heart. Except for being slightly smaller in size, this metal cylinder is exactly the same as the intercontinental missile launcher shown on TV!


After a while, the missile launcher sprayed out a stream of white mist.

The metal rings that sealed the launch tube fell off automatically one by one.

Chen Chong looked at the tube eagerly. Before the monster appeared, the picture book function in his mind was displayed first.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Tyrant (Sleeping God)]

[Status: alienation, evolution,]

[Level: 6]

【Life: 4000】

【Strength: 58】

【Defense: 39】

[Stamina: 41]

【Speed: 29】

[Talent skills: 1. Enhanced infection: Carrying high concentration of virus, causing target genetic mutation through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Sleep God Strike: Burn the fusion virus group in the body to produce powerful jumping power in a short period of time, explosive speed +20%, strength +200%

3. Strengthen regeneration: through the continuously dividing virus cells in the body, injured flesh and blood tissue can be repaired in a short time.



He is different from the tall, muscular man he imagined.

This is the strongest tyrant with super strong four-dimensional attributes and skill blessings comparable to Goliath.

It turned out to be a blue humanoid biochemical weapon that was a little taller than Chen Chong.


Doctor, when did you hide the Tyrant in the fourth area?

The moment he saw the sleeping tyrant appear, Ashford, who was in the monitoring room, was the first to be unable to bear it.

As early as in North America, he personally participated in the testing experiments of the third generation tyrant.

In the experimental site, Ashford witnessed with his own eyes a third-generation tyrant easily destroying three tanks under the attack of an armored formation.

According to Wesker, the third generation of Tyrants did not reach the level of perfection.

What can truly be called the ultimate weapon is the Sleeping Tyrant.

It is said that the Sleeping Tyrant was created by adding the tyrant gene to the strongest gene produced by hundreds of thousands of competing genes.

It can be said that Sleeping God is the most powerful existence in the Tyrant series, and is also the strongest in melee combat.

Alexander raised his head proudly:

Sir Ashford, the information from the Scientific Research Department is top secret. You just need to remember your promise.

Chen Chong stared at the Tyrant of Sleep with all his vigilance. In Umbrella's biological weapons, monsters beyond level 5 actually appeared, which surprised him.


There was no dialogue or any warm-up exercises.

The Sleeping Tyrant, who had just stepped out of the metal cylinder, let out a strange cry and raised the sharp claws of his right hand to grab Chen Chong's head.

Chen Chong's pupils shrank, and he swung the heavy hammer on his left side hard, hitting the claws of the tyrant of sleep.


The two of them started to exchange attacks without any fancy blows. In the confrontation of pure strength, the tyrant's first attack was completely crushed.

The small body flew backwards like a broken sack and crashed directly through a bulletproof glass wall.

How can this be?

Alexander screamed subconsciously, he knew the strength of the Sleeping God Tyrant Tyrant best. In terms of strength, no one can compete with it, but now

Click click click

The sleeping tyrant walked out step by step, stepping on the broken glass on the ground.

Seeing the tyrant appear intact, the two people in the monitoring room breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right. Although this rat is very powerful, he can't even hurt the tyrant.

Alexander laughed coldly, Kill him, tyrant! Tear this rat into pieces!

In fact, the attack on the Sleeping Tyrant just now was not as good as it seemed on the surface. According to Chen Chong's observation in the illustrated book, this guy's health has been knocked out by 9%.


The Sleeping Tyrant made a strange sound again, and a light red light flashed slightly on its skin.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful aura burst out from its body!

At this moment, the sleeping tyrant's four-dimensional attributes exploded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No! It's the God of Sleep's attack!

Chen Chong spread his arms slightly, and a transparent Qigong wave condensed into a wall of Qi in front of him, attacking the sleeping god Tyrant Tyrant who was rushing towards him.


A dull blast of air rang in my ears, and the powerful force of the collision shattered all the glass houses on both sides of the corridor.

However, Chen Chong's Qi Wall did not stop the Sleeping Tyrant's attack. The Tyrant's power under the Sleeping God's blow had exceeded hundreds of values.

A fierce strong wind blew in his face. Chen Chong bent his knees slightly, stepped hard with his feet, and jumped more than five meters high.

Seeing that the sleeping tyrant's attack was about to fail, the monster actually changed its direction in an instant, and the momentum of the attack was directly aimed at Chen Chong, who was leaping in the air.



In desperation, Chen Chong put his two hammers together and slammed into the claws of the Sleeping Tyrant.

The huge force collided together, and a sun as big as a fist was knocked out between the heavy hammer and sharp claws.

The sun emitted dazzling light, which stung Chen Chong and closed his eyes.

Then a transparent shock wave quickly spread out around the two of them, and Chen Chong's body hit the roof uncontrollably.

Half of his shoulder and his right arm were cut off by the shock wave.

Countless fine black and red blood threads were constantly squirming, forming pink granulation at the wound and rapidly repairing Chen Chong's body.

Alexander stared at the camera with a sickly flush on his face:

It's amazing! It's amazing! The black virus in his body actually has such a powerful recovery ability. Look! He can even recover his outer clothes, it's incredible!

Doctor, we must report all the situations here to the board of directors immediately. Ashford looked at the scene on the screen with a solemn expression.

I agree with this decision, but Chief Ashford, aren't you aware of a problem?

what is the problem?

The black body virus infected body you gave me is completely different from the level of the biochemical man in front of you.

The virus genes extracted from that infected body were completely incomparable to this person.

what do you want?

I want this cyborg alive.

[The host's body is damaged and its health is reduced by 30%! 】

The violent shock made Chen Chong's brain buzz. Feeling his body slowly recovering, Chen Chong twisted his body hard and pulled his head out of the mud on the roof.

Not far away, the Sleeping Tyrant was standing there quietly repairing his chest. The transparent hole the size of a fist also healed in less than five seconds.

After suffering a dull loss, Chen Chong became serious. Chen Chong was quite surprised by the flexibility of the Sleeping Tyrant.

It also aroused his inner fighting spirit.

Every step taken by Chen Chong has not been smooth sailing, from the first encounter with the giant licker, the battle with the parasite in Gutao Town, the destruction of the king, the G virus Qin Zhongkang, and Zhuang Congxiang who devoured the king's heart.

The strong men who appeared one by one have now become a part of his body. Alexander regarded Chen Chong as a trapped bug, but what he didn't know was that the real bug was themselves.

The black and red bloodshot veins on both arms continued to surge, and a pair of huge heavy hammers slowly disappeared, replaced by a pair of ferocious claws.

The sharp claw that has reached level 4 is no longer the short-looking tickling tool it once was.

The claw blades of both claws alone are 35cm long. When the arms are drooped, the middle claw blade is almost touching the ground.

[Form: Claw Level 4: Attack with terrifying tearing damage, attack distance +35%, strength +25%]

Although the strength of the hammer form is five percent higher than that of the claw, the reduced speed makes Chen Chong very inflexible in battle.

The sleeping tyrant opposite looked at the changes in Chen Chong's arms and stood motionless like a curious baby.

Just when Chen Chong was confused, the fire sprinkler on the roof suddenly opened, and a stream of extremely rich green liquid spurted out.

It's a nerve agent! Even wearing a gas mask cannot resist this powerful poison, unless it is a fully enclosed one.

Chen Chong pinched his nose and hid in a corner, and the green liquid quickly wet the entire fourth area.

The pungent smell kept pouring into Chen Chong's nasal cavity, and a feeling of extreme dizziness made Chen Chong feel drowsy.

Perhaps because they were afraid that Chen Chong would be difficult to deal with, the nerve agent spray continued for five minutes, until the entire ground formed a watery puddle, and then it stopped.


Not long after, Gate 4 slowly opened, and a group of USS soldiers, fully armed and wearing fully enclosed protective suits, walked in.

The two soldiers walking at the front cautiously approached Chen Chong, who had fallen unconscious on the ground, and then lightly bumped Chen Chong's shoulder with their rifle butts.

The target has fallen into a coma, the fourth area is safe!

After receiving the report from the soldiers, a man covered in white protective clothing strode to Chen Chong's side.

Well done! Bring this bionic to my laboratory. In addition, give him a few injections of nerve blocking agents.

Yes! Doctor!

The soldier beside him saluted in his white coat. At this moment, Chen Chong, who was originally unconscious, suddenly opened one eye.

Oh! Danger!

He's not unconscious!

Just as the two soldiers shouted, Chen Chong suddenly turned over, grabbed the white coat in front of him, and pulled off his mask.

Haha, it is indeed you.

Seeing Alexander's horrified expression, Chen Chong showed an evil smile.

Protect Doctor!

da da da da

Eight well-trained soldiers, almost at the same time, aimed at Chen Chong's head and limb joints and pulled the trigger.

Each of these USS members is the king of guns. Even if Chen Chong held Dr. Alexander hostage, they dared to shoot directly.

It's a pity that this time the opponent is a non-human strongman like Chen Chong. Before the bullet was discharged, Chen Chong's figure had already drawn a black arc and passed by eight soldiers one by one.

These soldiers still maintained their original shooting postures, and even the expressions on their faces had not changed, but their heads slowly slipped from their necks in the next second.

No! Don't kill me! I know you can understand me, right? Alexander didn't care that he had been exposed to the poison. He gasped and begged Chen Chong loudly for mercy.

We can cooperate. With my brain and scientific methods, I can definitely make you stronger than you are now!

Chen Chong didn't speak or interrupt the other person, he just held him up like this.

I saw your battle just now. Look at it, its name is 'Sleeping Tyrant' and I improved it with my own hands. You believe me, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I will let you become this world The strongest cyborg in the world.”

Alexander pointed at the sleeping tyrant not far away, becoming more and more excited as he spoke. It seems that he has already convinced the other party.

Sorry, Mr. Alexander, I am a human, not a cyborg.

Said. Speak?

Alexander stared blankly at Chen Chong, who was shrouded in a gas mask, as if he didn't believe his ears.

Are you human?

Alexander was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head, No! No, no, no, you are not a human being, you are definitely not a human being.

I have done experiments, and the human body will never have such a powerful power as yours. You must be lying to me, right?

Hehehehe. Chen Chong's dull laughter came from under the gas mask. He slowly put Alexander down, Mr. Alexander, before you judge whether I am a human being, have you ever thought about whether you are a human being? What about humans?”

Me? Alexander pointed at his nose, and then laughed, Hahahaha, do you even need to think about this? I am a pure human being!

Oh? Let me remind you, do you think your memory is complete? Or do you still remember everything from childhood to adulthood?

Chen Chong just looked at Alexander in front of him quietly, his confident laughter turned into surprise.

My memory. My memory

Haha, now you have discovered it! The one who is not human is you, you are a clone!

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