The flames soaring into the sky illuminated the entire eastern night sky. Almost instantly, all the large survivor bases on the east coast suffered a devastating blow.

Due to the sudden incident, the defenders in Wanshan were blown to the ground by the first wave of missiles before they had time to react.

Because nuclear warheads were hidden in the underground shelter, no one dared to fire there rashly.

Once a nuclear warhead explodes, the entire east coast has no chance of survival.

In front of the huge screen, Ashford, who was wearing a straight suit, was standing in the main position, smoking a cigar in his mouth.

USS captains at all levels were all present and lined up around the round table.

On the screen, densely packed light spots were directed towards the five most populous survivor bases in Daxia, among which Jingzhou and Linzhou were the two areas most targeted by the light spots.

Ashford took a deep breath from his cigar and watched the people below exhaling a puff of green smoke.

According to reliable information, a team of four evolvers is approaching here. Among them is the highest threat figure 'Alice' and the final product of the Goddess Project.

When he heard the words 'final product', Hank, who had his head down, was shocked.

Not long ago, he received an anonymous telegram, and the other party actually used the old Persian code.

That telegram clearly contained the contents of a 'top secret plan'.

And emphatically told him to eliminate the products of the goddess' plan.

To this day, he still doesn't know who the person who sent the telegram was. It's just that this time the product of the goddess plan appears on its own initiative, and perhaps the mysterious sender will also reveal his true face.

Sir! I request to take the initiative and intercept them halfway.

Ashford looked at this taciturn subordinate in surprise. The other party actually asked for a fight?

strangeness! strangeness!

Hank, are you sure?

It was strange, but Ashford still believed this man.

Hank shook his head: I don't know. We can only find out after we fight.

Hank's words are always so direct and clear. The title of 'God of Death' was not obtained out of thin air, but because he was able to complete the mission in desperate situations every time.

After a long while, Yasifu nodded: I will equip you with the strongest weapons and the most sophisticated team. Remember not to get close to the final product, and don't look directly into her eyes. If there is no way to capture her, Then kill him completely.

After the missile was launched, big bosses such as He Hua and Dai Jianfeng contacted Chen Chong almost at the same time. After learning that Chen Chong and his party were approaching the underground shelter on the east coast, they all sent urging messages.

Andy: The nuclear warhead was not launched, and we still have a chance to sneak in.

Holding the communicator in his hand, Chen Chong stopped Alice who wanted to drive on:

Now we have to change our plan. The three of you will take the car and attack Umbrella's peripheral personnel as planned.

Alice: What about you?

Chen Chong: Time is urgent now. The bus is too slow. I need to rush to the underground shelter immediately.

Andy on the side heard something strange. When did humans dislike the slow speed of off-road vehicles?

But considering that the other party is Chen Chong, everything seems reasonable.

Good luck!

At night, Chen Chong's figure was running on top of the tall building. With a combination of gliding and vertical climbing abilities, there are few obstacles that can slow him down.

Fifteen minutes later, a formation of helicopters with the letters USS flying towards the direction where Chen Chong came.

Hank, sitting on the helicopter, silently stared at the ground below. The cannon mounted on the helicopter has not stopped for a moment since it took off.

The flock of zombie birds, attracted by the rain of missiles, was darkly entrenched in the sky.

Seeing the helicopter formation approaching, the birds rushed towards the aircraft one after another like crazy.

Sir, should we avoid these birds first and take a detour?

Hank waved his hand: If we take a detour, we will miss the target. We will fly like this.

In the blink of an eye, a black shadow flashed past the building below, and Hank suddenly lowered his head and looked down.

I saw the black shadow running towards the underground shelter at an extremely fast speed.

Hank suddenly switched his helmet to the far vision state. What was shown in the image was not a girl, but a man wrapped in dark red energy mist.

This man's speed was extremely fast, and even the far-sighted tracking function of the helmet could not stably capture the opponent's movements.

Not Alice and not the final product!

Who is this man?

Hank looked uneasily at the black dot that gradually disappeared at the end of his sight. For safety reasons, he immediately dialed Ashford's communicator.

Sir Ashford, there is a suspicious male human being moving at high speed, heading towards the underground shelter.

Ashford: Have you captured any pictures of his appearance?

Hank: No, he's so fast that I can't catch him.

Ashford on the other end of the phone obviously paused for a while: Okay, you continue to complete the task! I will handle the unknown man.


Ashford frowned deeply after hanging up the phone. Who could this man be?

The news from Ada Wang only said that there were four people, and only Alice and Lilith were mentioned.

For a moment, Ashford felt like he was riding a tiger, and now all the elite forces were sent to intercept Alice and Lilith halfway.

If you encounter a strong enemy, you can only rely on the madman from the scientific research department.

Alas! Really, it seems like we have to ask that old guy Alexander for help.

In the snow-white laboratory, three doctors in white coats were sitting in front of a zombie, quietly observing it.

The strange thing is that this zombie did not show any bloodthirsty and crazy side. A pair of dark eyes looked at the three doctors with the same curiosity.

The zombie's hands and feet were fixed to a metal seat, and his head wore a round metal cap that looked like a pot lid.

The leader, the doctor, actually looks exactly the same as Umbrella's chairman, Alexander, and has the same name.

It's just that he is not the real Alexander, but a clone with partial memories implanted into him.

Because Alice escaped from his hands earlier, in order to obtain Alice's blood, Alexander Bo followed Ashford to Daxia and became the chief virus expert in the scientific research department.

OK, let him loose the handcuffs.

The two assistants beside Alexander carefully walked to the zombie and opened the shackles that fixed the zombie's hands.

The escaped zombie did not attack the two of them, but sat on the seat like a curious baby.

The two assistants looked surprised when they saw this.

Alexander pushed the phone on the table in front of the zombie. The zombie looked up at Alexander, then slowly picked up the phone and put it next to his ear.

It's amazing! He knows what it is!

A male assistant said in disbelief.

The corners of Alexander's mouth raised, and then he handed a camera to the zombie.

The zombie obediently took the camera, and then pressed the shutter at the three of them slightly naughtily.

Oh my god! You did it Dr. Alexander! The antiviral serum successfully tamed the zombies.

Alexander still did not give up the experiment. He handed the last Rubik's Cube block on the table to the zombie.

The zombies once again grabbed blocks of various shapes and accurately filled the corresponding holes.

Look! It has reasoning and discrimination abilities. Wow~ It's incredible.

The two assistants were surprised by the zombies and started talking to each other.

But Alexander, who was the main person in charge of the project's experiments, saw something was wrong.

The zombie grabbed a triangular building block and forced it to fill the circular hole. A ferocious expression began to appear on the originally calm face.


The more zombies can't be put in, the more violent they will become.

Suddenly the zombie stood up suddenly and broke free from the chains that bound it. Alexander, who had already realized this, instantly opened the door to the laboratory and escaped, locking the door behind him.

The zombie that quickly broke free of the chains became more ferocious than ordinary zombies. It grabbed the bald male assistant and bit his neck with a big mouth.

The short-haired man wanted to escape in fear. When he came to the door, he found that Alexander had already stood at the door and locked the door.

Let me out! Let me out!


Looking at the glass door covered with blood, Alexander pulled hard on his tight collar. Just next to the laboratory, a group of zombies who had been injected with antiviral serum were grabbing the benches and using the tools in their hands to smash the glass door crazily.

Fortunately, the glass door is hard enough that these zombies cannot break it.

However, even if this is the case, it also makes people feel frightened.

A group of unintelligent zombies actually know how to use tools!

Dr. Alexander, Chief Ashford, please come over.

A USS soldier strode over, his eyes glazed over when he saw the zombies held in the glass cell.

Dr. Alexander sneered and looked at the approaching soldiers and said:

Didn't you see that I was busy? Please tell Chief Ashford not to bother me until I find Alice.

What a coincidence, Dr. Alexander, Alice has really been found.

Ashford's voice suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor.

Dr. Alexander turned his head and looked at Ashford behind the soldier, his face changed slightly:

Are you sure? Where is she?

Ashford glanced at the mad zombies with interest, and did not forget to sarcastically say:

Alice's location has to wait for the time being, but the doctor's experiment doesn't seem to be very successful!

Alexander frowned and said unhappily: The serum I have been using was obtained from Alice's clone. Without the original body, this experiment will not be successful.

Oh? Didn't the doctor try the black body virus I sent?

Alexander paused: That kind of virus is very weird. It is impossible to effectively conduct experiments with the scientific instruments in this underground base. When Alice is caught, I will return to the North American headquarters with the black body virus. There is no other place that can satisfy my experiments. Require.

Ashford nodded and then said seriously: Doctor, I need your cooperation now. Alice and her accomplices are already heading towards the underground base. And with her is the final product of the Goddess Project.

What? The final product is also there? You didn't lie to me? Alexander excitedly grabbed Ashford's arm regardless of the difference in status.

That is Umbrella's most secret thing, and it is also the most perfect product. Being able to get the blood in the body of the final product is simply more effective than Alice.

Ashford gently shook off the opponent's hand: So, Doctor! You have to do your best this time! The final product is not so easy to deal with.

In front of the dark mountain col, a small apron with luminous lights flashing was busy taking off and landing.

A large number of well-equipped USS soldiers armed with rifles were ambushing in various hidden locations in the mountain col.

Two black Osprey helicopters that were sent out for patrol had returned. After a perfect vertical landing, ten USS members jumped out of the cabin.

The squad leader who led the team kicked away the gravel in front of him in displeasure.

Fake! There are more and more of those damn zombie birds, and two more people died this time.

The bearded soldier on the side followed and said: We are lucky to be back. When it was attacked by a flock of birds, our plane seemed to have been hit by something and almost lost its balance.

The squad leader gently patted the bearded man on the shoulder:

After this damn mission, I will retire after this period of time.

Sometimes I really don’t understand why Hank would come back when he clearly had enough resources.

The bearded man smiled: The God of Death never gets laid off, does he?

Ha ha ha ha

Several team members walked out of the tarmac with a smile. No one noticed that the USS soldier walking at the back was secretly looking at the surrounding buildings.

After walking out of the tarmac, the team leader was about to return to the dormitory. At this time, a soldier wearing a blue combat uniform strode over and stopped the team leader:

Captain Kane, by the order of Chief Ashford, all combat personnel must be on standby at any time tonight.

What? Are you serious? We have been on a mission for a day, can't we even sleep?

The squad leader grabbed the soldier by the collar and glared at him.

I'm sorry, Captain Kane. This is an order from Chief Ashford. If you have any objections, you can go to the chief to revoke this order.


Under the obstruction of Big Beard, Kane could only give up despite being dissatisfied.

Captain Kane, please go to the entrance of the underground shelter immediately to switch defenses with Captain Morgan.

After saying this, the soldier in blue turned and left, apparently because he was afraid of being beaten by Kane.

With an unhappy look on his face, Kane led the team to the entrance of the shelter. The round-faced burly man guarding the entrance greeted Kane warmly.

Hey! Why are you changing the guard, Kane?

Oh, forget it, buddy, no one can enjoy the soft big bed today, including you.

The strong man curled his lips helplessly, obviously already knowing the news about today's guard duty:

There's nothing I can do. You'll get better after tonight. Eh? But why are there only nine people left in your team?

Nine? Haha, are you kidding me? Kane smiled and turned his head to look at his team, only to find that his team was really missing one person.

What? Where did Glenn go?

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