Retreat! Retreat quickly!

Calibrate the artillery to the next scheduled point!


Attack! Cover them!


Da da da da da da da.

Gunshots rang out throughout the mountains and forests, and bursts of screams made people's scalp numb.

At this time, the two giants seemed to have found their target. They spread their legs and ran faster and faster, rushing towards the location of Zheng Ping and his group.

No! Their target is us!

The second battalion commander turned pale, exclaimed and ran towards the top of the mountain following the crowd.

Stop it, stop it!

The special operations captain waved his hand and directed his men to launch an attack.



Four individual rockets were accurately fired towards the giant. Just as the rockets were about to hit the giant, they saw the two giants accurately grasping the rockets in their hands, and then, amid the horrified expressions of everyone, they It's thrown back.

Lie down!



Four balls of fire exploded among the crowd, and the bare trees were uprooted.

The dry trees were ignited by the flames generated by the explosion in an instant. The flames on the mountainside blocked the people who retreated from the forward position on the other side of the forest fire.

The chaotic scene became even more chaotic at this moment.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zheng Ping's eyes turned red and his fingers trembled slightly. They were nearly a company of soldiers.

Just like that. Just like that. He died.

Sir! Let's go quickly?

Chief Zheng? Chief Zheng?

Wang He on the side raised his hand and waved it in front of Zheng Ping's eyes. He also used more strength to tug at the corner of Zheng Ping's clothes, hoping to pull him away in this way.

Zheng Ping was in a trance for a moment and finally came to his senses. But just when he was about to react and prepare to leave, a giant man covered in black smoke ran out of the forest fire and rushed towards Zheng Ping with a clear target.

Go quickly! Sir, go quickly!

Wang He seemed to be going crazy and pushed Zheng Ping away. He pulled out the pistol from his waist and stood between the giant and Zheng Ping with his slightly thin body.

For some reason, he didn't feel any fear when looking at the ferocious giant. Instead, he calmly took out his pistol and aimed steadily at the huge head.

At this moment, a figure wearing civilian clothes and aiming a gun appeared in his mind.

When the ferocious-looking licker rushed into the crowd, the young civilian saved himself from despair with a steady shot.

That was something that was engraved in his heart for the rest of his life, and that person was also someone he needed to look up to and be grateful for throughout his life.

At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into that man, and in front of him was the ferocious-looking licker.

As the white eyeballs gradually enlarged in his sight, Wang He's finger on the trigger pressed hard.

Brother Chong, thank you!



The bullet fired was eventually blocked, but the giant's iron fist hit him firmly.

Just when he closed his eyes and was about to accept his fate, a figure stood in front of him.

Are you dead? If not, get away!

Wang He opened his eyes slightly, looked at the other person's iconic chest hair, and smiled.

At this moment, Liu Quan's arms were covered with thick hair. His body had grown taller, looking like Popeye after eating spinach.

His hands worked in vain, but he firmly withstood the giant's punch.

Huya! Xiaoli! Cao Feng! Attack its left leg! The others are responsible for blocking the other end!

Liu Quan's body was continuously squeezed backward by the giant's fist, and his feet sank deep into the ground, plowing out two deep ditches.

A short-haired girl suddenly jumped out of the forest, and four cold black flying knives came out of her hand, instantly piercing the giant's calf.


The giant's left leg staggered slightly. The giant, whose defense could not be broken even by individual rockets, was actually pierced by this black and shiny flying knife.

At the same time, a short boy with a big head, like a gecko, clung to the giant's body and quickly climbed onto the giant's shoulders.

The giant was busy dealing with Liu Quan in front of him, and did not notice the little boy on his shoulder. The little boy placed his hands on the back of the other person's head, and his eyes instantly turned white.

The giant who was about to punch Liu Quan actually froze in place as if the pause button had been pressed.


Cao Feng is now!


Cao Feng, who was wearing blue clothes, jumped up, and the same black and shiny long needle appeared in his hand, and he pierced each of the giant's acupuncture points fiercely.

Seeing Cao Feng's success, the big-headed boy immediately returned to his original state. He nimbly jumped off the giant's body and stood quietly beside Liu Quan, waiting for the captain's praise with a proud look on his face.

Well done, you three go and support the others, I.


Liu Quan couldn't hold it back, and a stream of blood spurted out of his mouth. The beast-like arms began to fade away in an instant, and his body swayed for a moment, and a pair of cold hands immediately supported his arms.

Looking at Liu Li's worried eyes, Liu Quan endured the pain and smiled reluctantly:

It doesn't matter, just go and support me. It's okay.

Today, Liu Quan has reached the third level of evolution. In the constant fighting, he has recently felt vaguely that he is about to break through the fourth level.

It has to be said that Liu Quan, who has the bonus of beast transformation, has obvious advantages over ordinary people on the road of evolution. Even Duan Feng, who used to go hand in hand, was left behind by him.

Today Liu Quan is the well-deserved captain of the evolution team. Being able to take a punch from a giant with one blow is a symbol of strength.

Liu Li stubbornly refused to leave. She held Liu Quan's arm tightly and said stubbornly:

I'm not leaving, I'm going to stay and take care of you. Just Cao Feng and Huya go to support me.

Nonsense! Cough cough cough. Liu Quan interrupted Liu Li with a dark face. He freed his arm from Liu Li's arms, Only you and Cao Feng can use the black gold darts developed by Professor Su. How can you act if you don’t break the defense of others?”

Liu Li's eyes were misty, and she turned away aggrieved. But he didn't wait until she took two steps. The previously controlled giant actually moved again.

Huh? How is that possible?

Liu Quan's eyes widened and he looked at the giant in disbelief.


The giant roared angrily, and the long needle that had been driven into his body was forcefully forced out of his body.

Liu Li, who had gone and returned, quickly grabbed Liu Quan and ran towards the mountain with all her strength, regardless of the danger.

The Evolved Ones were far superior to ordinary people in terms of speed and strength. Before the giant could react, the two of them had already ran tens of meters away.

How can it be? How can this be?

Whether it is a black gold dart or a black gold long needle, precious nerve-blocking agents are applied to the surface of both.

These nerve-blocking drugs are the work of Professor Su’s painstaking efforts. As long as one drop penetrates the body, even an elite level licker will be paralyzed to the point of being unable to move.

What's more, Cao Feng was an ancestral acupuncturist before the end of the world. After becoming an evolutionist, he relied on his dexterous speed and acupuncture techniques to subdue many opponents.

Ever since he was taken by Liu Quan, none of the infected bodies pricked by the long black gold needle smeared with nerve-blocking agent could escape control.

Could it be said that the monster in front of me is not an infected body?

In the snow-white laboratory, the white-haired Su Gan is completing a difficult experiment with the help of two assistants.

As a professor of chips, I have now begun to study the biological field.

This made the assistants in the laboratory all admired.

Professor, should we slow down the experiment a little? I'm worried that this experimental specimen cannot withstand such frequent tests.

The female assistant looked at the infected body on the experimental table worriedly and said.

Su Gan's movements on his hands paused. He soaked the bloody surgical clips in blue disinfectant, then took off the rubber gloves on his hands and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The old man's eyes were sunken, and his originally straight back became a little rickety:

There's nothing we can do! We don't have enough refrigerant.

Recently, I discovered some problems. Once these infected bodies lose their lives, their corpses will decay exponentially.

If we don't experiment as soon as possible, a lot of experimental materials will be wasted.

The male assistant nodded slightly, turned around and took over Su Qian's work, and helped with the next step of the experiment.

Suddenly the bell in the laboratory rang.

Professor Su Qian! Is Professor Su Qian here?

Listening to the anxious voice on the other end of the phone, Su Gan quickly responded: I'm here, what happened?

Professor, the nerve blocker cannot suppress the infected body under the mountain, and the Evolution team's attack failed!


how so?

The three people in the laboratory all looked surprised. The male assistant's hand shook and he almost spilled the injection liquid.

Su Gan calmed down and asked quickly: Didn't the infected body have any impact at all?

No, its movements are not restricted at all.


Su Qian and the female assistant looked at each other, with expressions of disbelief in each other's eyes.

Could it be that the infected body is too strong?

The female assistant guessed.

It's not impossible. Su Gan immediately objected, The nerve blocking agent only blocks the control of the virus's brain over the limbs.

Even powerful viruses cannot escape this blockage.

Su Qian paced back and forth anxiously, constantly thinking about all the possibilities in his mind.

Could it be that that monster evolved from a parasite?

In the office where Huang Zhengjiang killed Captain Cao, they found a parasite sample that had not been injected by Captain Cao.

This sample came to Su Gan's hands several times. After his research on the four biochemical weapons killed by Chen Chengchang and his experiments on the parasite samples, he found that the hosts parasitized by the parasites retained a certain amount of Intelligence, and they are not infected.

Rather, it is a third type of creature that floats between humans and zombies. This monster is not dominated by viruses, but by parasites in the body.

The unknown giant monster at the moment is not afraid of nerve-blocking drugs. This situation is very consistent with the characteristics of a parasite.

Su Qian was heartbroken when he thought of this, and immediately decided: Let's go! I want to go to the front line to see that monster in person.


The two assistants and the soldier on the call were all frightened by Su Gan's words.

Professor Su, you can't go to the front line, it's too dangerous!

Yes! Professor Su. That monster is so powerful, you'd better not go out.

Su Gan's face darkened and he said in a tone that left no room for doubt:

Needless to say! If I don't make sure, how can I find a solution! Let's go!

Both assistants knew Professor Su's temper, and when he became stubborn, they would not even give Zheng Ping face.

The male assistant secretly winked at the female assistant, who understood the situation and hurriedly walked into another room and dialed the number of the medical station using the communicator inside.

The so-called medical station is a larger cave. This is responsible for the daily medical services for the civilians on the mountain. In the wake of the virus outbreak, illnesses that were common in the past seem to disappear in the blink of an eye.

People no longer have colds, stomachaches, toothaches and other diseases. Apart from injuries caused by bumps and bruises, there are no other types of patients.

In the medical station, Su Wei, wearing a white uniform, was carefully cleaning the wound of a wounded person.

The injured who were being cleaned looked at the beautiful nurse blankly, forgetting the sting of the wound for a moment.

She is so beautiful, her skin is fair and flawless. The long eyelashes blinked from time to time, and the cold hands gently scratched his skin, gently holding the bandage to bandage his wounds.

Don't get wet recently, remember not to do strenuous exercise, and remember to change your medicine every three days.

Su Wei didn't notice the wounded man looking at her. As she spoke, she cut off the medical tape.

I I can.

The wounded man stretched out his hands to grab Su Wei's arm, when suddenly another female nurse broke in:

Xiaowei, something happened to your uncle. Go to the office and answer the phone!


Su Wei raised her head suddenly, and the medical tape fell from her hand into the disinfection tray.

Before the wounded man's hand could grab the hem of Su Wei's clothes, the beauty in front of him had already run out of the compartment and disappeared from his eyes.

Aunt Guo, what's wrong with my uncle?

Xiaowei, your uncle is fine, but he has to go to the front line to observe the monster in person. The monster army can't even handle it.

Before the female assistant could finish speaking, Su Wei hurriedly said: I understand. I'm going to the laboratory right now. Aunt Guo asks you to help me stop him.

Okay! We'll do our best, but you must be faster.

Su Wei didn't bother to hang up the phone, turned and ran out of the medical station, towards the laboratory in the back mountain.

However, as soon as Su Wei entered the back mountain, a foreign woman with blond hair and blue eyes walked out from behind the boulder.

The person who came was none other than Alice, who secretly watched the girl going away. I felt a little relieved.

In order not to conflict with the people at Qianling Mountain Base, she could only sneak into the base secretly and find a way out.

Just now, Su Wei ran straight this way, startling Alice. I thought I had been discovered.

However, before Alice could lift her legs, Su Wei, who had just run not far away, suddenly stopped in front of an old man.

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