The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 186 0120. The Invincible Goliath

After the wave of bombings ended, the fighter planes in the air did not leave. Instead, they cruised in the sky and circled above the town of Elm Bay.

Although when setting off, these pilots had already received pictures of Goliath and the virus's nest.

But after seeing such a giant beast on the spot, they were still greatly surprised.

The target is not dead. All units should pay attention and launch a second round of strikes immediately.



Goliath stepped in the crater, raised his bare head, and roared at the fighter planes in the sky.

It was what looked like a fly to it that made it feel the pain of injury for the first time. It also allowed it to temporarily put aside Chen Chong's goal.

After wandering for a while, Goliath gradually became familiar with his walking posture and became stable.

Under the cover of his body, his huge left arm grabbed a huge fragment of cement wall from the crater.

Two fighter planes roared past Goliath's head. At this moment, Goliath struggled to throw the wall in his hand into the air. Under the huge force, the broken wall fragment was like a bullet, flying rapidly towards a fighter plane.


The driver exclaimed and quickly pulled the lift lever. A pair of wings swung deftly and narrowly avoided the boulder.


At the same time, the second wave of missile strikes came quickly. Goliath roared, raised his left arm like a mountain shield, put it on his head, and remained motionless to receive the missile attack.

boom! boom! boom!

A string of firelight looked extremely bright in the dusk. Chen Chong quietly observed the battle situation. It would be easier if these fighter planes could kill Goliath. The harm of a Goliath is definitely no less than the virus's mother nest.

The moment the missile made contact with Goliath's left arm, an incredible scene occurred.

The five missiles that hit the left arm did not detonate after impact. Instead, they shifted their position and bounced towards the surrounding buildings.

There seemed to be a ball of mucus on the surface of that huge left arm, and it actually slid the missile away! !

Chen Chong's eyes were as wide as bells. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would hardly believe it.

No wonder my sharp claws couldn't pierce the outer cyst before.

Carefully recall that the fourth-level dominator I met in Songchuan City before also had such an ability. Its outer skin is very smooth, and it is basically immune to any physical damage, and even bullets can slide away.

Obviously Goliath's smooth skin ability is much more powerful than that of the Dominator, and even missiles cannot break through the defense.

But Chen Chong had a little doubt in his heart. In the observation of the illustrated book, he did not see that Goliath had the ability to dodge.


A storm of fire and rain ended, and the surrounding streets and buildings were burned to ashes.

Goliath, with his giant arms raised, roared again, seeming to mock the warplanes in the sky for overestimating their own capabilities.

The second wave of blows only caused less than 7% damage to it. Even the effect was not as good as the first time.

Seeing Goliath, who was alive and kicking and constantly throwing boulders into the sky, all the pilots were completely at a loss.

What should we do, Captain? Do we want to continue bombing?

The mission given by the command center before departure was to eliminate this monster in the first wave of attacks. But now that the second wave is over, it still has no effect.

While the captain was hesitating, a large number of red dots appeared on the fighter plane's radar.

No! Those strange birds are coming! All units should return immediately and prepare to release decoys!

Fighter formations come and go in a hurry.

Chen Chong looked at the retreating fighter plane, and an unknown fire suddenly surged in his heart.

Are these fighters here just to ruin your own business? Made!

Chen Chong reached out and grabbed a piece of gravel, crushed it into powder and threw it on the ground.

Before he could stand up, the faint sound of a helicopter reached his ears.

On the helicopter, the four evolution masters each stood at a corner of the cabin and looked at the huge monster in front of the flesh and blood building.

Shadow Tiger clenched his fists and said in a low tone:

It seems that even the Air Force has not solved it. What on earth is this? When did the T virus have such a strong mutation ability?

Haha, do you still think this is the T virus? Maple Leaf sneered, but the expression on his face was not sarcastic at all.

It's not the T virus, is it the G virus? That's not right either. Andy said before that Umbrella's G virus can only be transmitted through blood. How many of those black monsters do you see?

Rui'er, who was sitting aside, rolled his eyes when he heard this. The Andy he was talking about was probably the recognized master of evolution in Linzhou City.

This number one master is also mysterious. It is rumored that this person is not only an evolution master, but also a virologist.

It's not the T virus, let alone the G virus. Let me tell you the truth, this kind of monster is infected with a new virus, and the name of the virus is 'Black Light'!

Maple Leaf bites the word black light very seriously, and the emergence of new viruses is another disaster for mankind.

The strength that he was proud of in the past was that he could escape unscathed even when walking through a city full of zombies.

But after this monster appeared, everything changed completely. The opponent was so powerful that he couldn't attack him. This time he went on a mission with the intention of making enough money to escape in the future.

Black light?

The three people around them all looked at Maple Leaf.

Maple Leaf didn’t hide anything, and this news is no longer a secret:

I heard this statement from Platoon Leader Zhao of the female barracks before. I don't know where it came from. At that time, I had never seen such a monster, so I didn't pay attention to it, but now

Maple Leaf said and moved his eyes to the ground. At this moment, they had reached the edge of the town.

Looking from a distance, a black zombie army on the edge of the town was fighting crazily among another, larger group of zombies.

They are like sworn enemies, biting each other.

Some of them are as big as trucks and have a pair of monsters with rolling arms, and they are frantically carving a bloody path through them.

Monsters with thick forelimbs and sharp claws kept jumping from the ground. They bounced as high as three or four stories.

I saw two black monsters leaping up suddenly, hugging a giant bat flying in mid-air and tearing it down.

The four people on the plane were stunned by this scene and even forgot the topic of their previous chat.

The battles between zombies were either biting or tearing apart corpses. Such bloody and spectacular battles were the only ones they had seen in their lives.

The number of black infected bodies is significantly less than that of T virus infected bodies. But their combat power is dozens of times stronger than the other's.

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