The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 171 0105. Sneak into the town! Chris appears!

Along the way, Chen Chong finally saw how powerful this woman Mo Qingning was. All soldiers who saw her, regardless of their official position, were very afraid of her.

Orders such as banning traffic and placing the entire city under martial law had no effect whatsoever on this woman.

The two of them walked out of the level just like that.

Looking at Mo Qingning, whose face was as cold as ice, Chen Chong endured the doubts in his heart and the pain in his hands and closed his mouth tightly without saying a word.

The two walked some distance, and Mo Qingning seemed to realize that she was still holding the man's hand. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, then let go immediately.

How do we get there?

Can you drive? Chen Chong asked tentatively.

I was supposed to study, but the virus broke out just after I passed subject two.


Chen Chong patted his head speechlessly. According to the speed and physical strength of the two of them, they were traveling faster than a car at full speed. But the physical exertion is also staggering.

It would be fine if they were just on their way, but where they were going there was a mother nest of the virus.

If you want to enter for observation, you will inevitably have to fight with the black light creatures entrenched around you. It is absolutely impossible without sufficient physical strength.

What? Don't tell me that you, a grown man, can't drive.

Mo Qingning looked at Chen Chong with disdain. Seeing that the other person's expression was getting more and more unnatural, she suddenly remembered the last time he carried her out of the city.

Ha! You really don't know how.

Mo Qingning seemed to have discovered something interesting, and the coldness on his face eased a lot.

What? Who said that men must be able to drive? Chen Chong retorted unconvinced, and then pointed to the unowned car parked on the road.

Didn't you pass subject two? Now you don't need to talk about traffic rules. Subject two is enough. You drive.


Mo Qingning pointed at herself in surprise. Seeing that Chen Chong had opened a car door, she felt an urge to give it a try.

Just drive, get in the car!

Mo Qingning greeted Chen Chong boldly and sat in the driver's seat.

Turning the key gently, the car made a starting sound like an old man's cough. A thick black smoke spurted out from the exhaust port at the rear of the car, and the car finally started.

Set off!

Mo Qingning, who was sitting in the car, seemed a little excited. He released the handbrake and shifted into third gear.

As soon as the clutch was released, the car suddenly sprinted forward and almost rushed into the woods on both sides.


Brake! Brake!

Chen Chong watched Zhao Qing drive too much and didn't remember anything else. Anyway, he remembered the brakes clearly.

Unexpectedly, this time there was no need to brake at all. Mo Qingning's clutch was too loose at once, and the car was already difficult to start. After sprinting forward for a while, it stalled.

Hey! Didn't you pass subject two? You can't even get started!

Chen Chong said without mercy.

I haven't taken it for a long time! Besides, I took the second test five times before I passed it.

After talking, Mo Qingning's voice became smaller and smaller.

Okay, okay, let me drive.

Chen Chong finally remembered that there was such a term as female driver in his previous life. The most terrible thing is that the person next to me can't even meet the standards of a female driver.

The two novices who were learning to drive drove the car to Yushuwan Town in a daze with the spirit of not being afraid of falling or death.

The two merged into the provincial road east of Wanjiang City along the southern part of Songchuan City.

The car was bumped and bumped by Chen Chong along the way, and it fell down as soon as it entered the provincial highway.

As soon as the car stopped, Mo Qingning immediately opened the door, swaying and ran towards the woods on both sides.


Mo Qingning, who was rolling around in minced meat and rotten corpses without vomiting, was vomited by Chen Chong's driving skills.

Hey! That's not it. Your ability to bear it is too poor.

Chen Chong leaned on the car hood nonchalantly and said teasingly.

Mo Qingning turned her head in embarrassment and gave Chen Chong a hard look:

I swear! Next time I get in your car, I won't be named Mo.

Ha ha.

Seeing Mo Qingning's desperate look, Chen Chong felt happy for no reason.

After simply judging the direction, it was not too far from Yushuwan Town.

Instead of continuing to look for a car, the two chose to walk.

As soon as they walked out of the provincial road, the scene ahead made the two of them alert.

A long row of vehicles was parked in the middle of the road. Some vehicles had their roofs lifted off, while others had their doors broken off.

The car closest to the two at the end had four long scratch marks on it. The scratches penetrated the entire car body, leaving neat cuts.

Mo Qingning frowned and slowly approached the car. Such neat scratches must have been caused by a blow.

Judging from the solid metal exposed on the body, this fleet is a bulletproof vehicle that can compare with light armor.

Being able to penetrate such a strong body with one blow, the opponent's strength can definitely reach about 25 based on this alone.

Chen Chong didn't pay attention to the other marks, but the logo on the license plate made him narrow his eyes slightly.


It's those people's convoy. Judging from the scene, a fierce battle should have broken out here. Mo Qingning said calmly.

This is not the key. The key is that the direction they went to is also Elm Bay Town. Maybe these guys have discovered something in the town.

As Chen Chong spoke, his face became more solemn.

Mo Qingning nodded, then took out a blue box:

It seems that all these people should have been eliminated. I just checked the log record in the car. There are one hundred and twenty people in this convoy, and the number of vehicles here is exactly 12.

The location marked above is the town of Elm Bay. Their mission is to capture a black infected body to provide research for the laboratory, which is what you call a black light creature.

Umbrella really took action! What worries Chen Chong most is not the emergence of black light creatures, but the fear that Umbrella has mastered the black light virus.

The appearance of Zhang Hui made Chen Chong wary. With Umbrella's energy, if the black light virus is mastered, it will definitely be a catastrophic disaster for the world.

Even if he can get the T-virus nemesis, it will be useless when facing the powerful black light virus.

Let's go! We have to act quickly!

The two figures were like lightning, leaving a trail of afterimages on the road, flashing one after another towards the direction of Elm Bay Town.

However, in the small town of Elm Bay at this moment, a small team of special operations troops composed of civilians and mercenaries were fighting fiercely with a large number of black light infected bodies.

The short-haired man in the lead is a foreigner. He held the rifle in his hand steadily, suppressing the ordinary black light zombies that were surrounding him. Several Daxia mercenaries standing behind the man covered several civilians as they retreated out of the town.

A black shadow flashed past, and a two-meter-tall fighter swung its sharp claws toward the leader of the man.

The mercenaries on the side fired the bullets from their guns in horror and shouted loudly at the short-haired man at the head:

Chris, get out of the way!

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