Kangxi 41 January 15:

"Wait!" The fourth elder brother stopped me, I turned around and asked, "Fourth elder brother, is there anything else?" "

"Me! Tomorrow is my birthday, you are coming! The fourth elder brother looked at me and said unhurriedly, I nodded, and said in his ear, "I will definitely come, and I will give you a big gift!" "

"What gift?" The fourth elder brother asked me, I shook my head, and said mischievously, "Now is not the time to tell you, I will tell you tomorrow!" "


The fourth elder brother hugged me, and I smiled, smiling sweetly.

Walking back to the house, he pulled out the gift under the pillow, "He'll like it, right?" "

"Sister, this is, for the man?" Li Xue, whom I saw that day, said, I nodded and said, "Yes!" "

"It's a mandarin duck embroidery?"

I nodded with a shy face, and Xiaohong and Xiaolu ran over and said, "Miss, what are you looking for the two of us?" "

"Xiaohong, you go and tell the tenth elder brother about the fourth elder brother's birthday tomorrow, and say that I want to ask him to go, Xiaolu, you go to the fourteenth elder brother and say that I will ask him to come to me to talk!"


These two maids entered the palace with me, but they were sent to different places, so they could only see each other a few times a month!

"Sister, you know the fourth elder brother, and you also know the tenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother!" Li Xue said in surprise, I nodded and said yes!

"Sister, you're amazing! However, I admire the Thirteenth Master! She said with an appreciative look on her face

"Thirteenth Master?"

Why do so many people like this person!

"And what do you admire about him?" I asked curiously.

"He's the most handsome person in the Forbidden City! And he can give a! Seeing her appreciation, I gently tapped her on the head, "Yes, yes, do you want me to meet you!" "Is it really possible?" She asked curiously, and I nodded.

"Thank you, sister." She said gratefully, and I shook my head and said, "No! "

Looking outside, it's so cold!

Looking at the snowflakes outside, I couldn't help but walk out of the house, stepping on the snowflakes, the snow was very deep and cold, I felt unstable, I was about to fall, a hand held me, and I looked up to see the fourteenth master!

"Fourteenth Master." I looked at him, and after he helped me up, he took my hand and said, "It's cold, don't move around!" "


I shook hands with the Fourteenth Master like this, and the Fourteenth Master looked at me and said, "Xiao Lu said that you have something to talk to me about?" What's the matter? "

"Fourteenth Master, I know that you have a bad relationship with the fourth elder brother, but on his birthday, please come this time, okay?"

"I can come, but you promise me a request!" He looked at me and said, I smiled, "Fourteenth Master? What are the requirements? "

"Tell me, do you really love the fourth brother!" He looked at me, that kind of eyes, very cold, very eager to know an answer, I shook my head, but nodded again and said, "Fourteenth master, I don't know, but I can tell you exactly!" I like you! "

"Huh?" The Fourteenth Master was stunned when he heard my answer.

"Huh!" I smiled, "Hehe, Fourteenth Master, do you really believe it?" What a stupid thing! You and I can only be friends, master and apprentice! "

"Really?" He looked at me and didn't say a word, and the atmosphere was so much.

He stroked my face, "Promise me to come and see me more." "

I nodded.

No matter how much I pay, at least I know, the fourteenth master will go to that birthday, at least the ending will not be so sad, I decided, at least I came to this ancient time.

I'm going to make things happen again, change!

At night, I couldn't sleep, there was a clasp sound outside the door, I opened the door, thinking to myself who it would be so late!

Open the door, it's the fourteenth master!

He came over to me and whispered softly in my ear, "I promised you that I would do it, but you owe me a favor." "

"Then how do you want me to pay it back?" I looked at him suspiciously, after all, he was the fourteenth master, and he didn't lack anything!

He Fang Buddha saw my thoughts, and gently touched the sword in his hand! said, "The day after tomorrow, you and I will go to the back mountain and I will go to the back mountain with me." "

"Huh?" I was surprised, but I still nodded, who called him the Fourteenth Master!

"Good! Rest early, and wake up early tomorrow. "

Looking at his back, so lonely, he couldn't help but touch his back with his hand, he turned his head and looked at me, "Is there anything else?" "

"Fourteenth Master, accompany me to see the snow outside!"

The fourteenth master didn't speak, turned his head, and walked out of the door, I looked at his back, and when I was about to close the door, he said, "Don't come out quickly." "

"Yes!" I ran over with a smile, and now, we're smiling at each other.

The Fourteenth Master looked at me, I also looked at him, smiled, and suddenly thought of a good idea, bent down to pick up the snowball, and threw him, but he avoided it from a distance, "Hehe, you can't hit me!" "

"Hehe, that's not necessarily!" Immediately, I threw out another snowball, this time hitting his clothes, and he was not to be outdone, he bent down to pick up the snowball and threw it at me, but I ran, and the fourteenth master chased after me.


A hearty smile gradually ripples in this royal garden, and now, we have completely abandoned everything, abandoned identity, abandoned age, and abandoned.

Suddenly, my center of gravity was unstable and slipped into the arms of the fourteenth master, my heart was pounding, her hand hugged me tightly, "Xiao Xiao!" You okay. "

"Don't speak." I looked at him with a blink of eyes, and he nodded thoughtfully, and just like that, we spent the night in the snow in silence.

When I woke up, I saw that he was still sleeping with me in my arms, and suddenly looked at him naughtily, and from time to time "teased" him with his hands, remembering the bits and pieces of him and me, and laughed.

"Xiao Xiao!"

When I heard him call my name, I hummed and walked away from him, but he hugged my waist tightly, "Don't go." "

"Fourteenth Master, me." Looking at his closed eyes, is it a nightmare?

There was no way, I held his hand tightly and said, "Fourteenth Master, Xiao Xiao won't leave, I will always stay by your side." "

"Really?" His eyes suddenly opened and he looked at me

I slapped him gently, "You're scared me to death." "


Looking at him, I unconsciously scratched his nose with my hand, "You! It's not big, like a child. "

"I'm a kid, what about you?"

"Me! About the same age as you, a bigger mind than you, haha! I secretly thought I was smart, but he said coldly, "Yes! Ma'am. "

"Huh? What are you talking about. I looked at him angrily, but he looked at me, "Auntie, auntie!" "

"Looking for a fight!"

We are running like this, so happy, so happy...

"What are you doing? So lively! A cold voice said, I looked up at him, and felt a little uneasy, yes, it's the fourth elder brother!

"Fourth elder brother auspicious!" I saluted him, and he came up to me and helped me up, "No need to be polite. Whispering softly in my ear, "I'm still waiting for your gift!" "Yes! What's the hurry? It's always for you! I gently helped him sort out his clothes, looked at the clothes he was wearing, and smiled bitterly for a while.

"What's wrong?" He hugged me tightly, and I leaned into his arms and could feel his heartbeat.

Holding him tightly, he looked at me and said, "It's not early, I have to go, do you want to go with me or go alone later?" "

I didn't want to see Sifujin, so I smiled and said, "At night, I'll wait for you in the house, you have to come!" "

"At night?" He looked at me and said jokingly, "Isn't it?" "

"Don't think about it! Love doesn't come, I'm gone. "

Although he said this, there was still a lot of sweetness, and looking at the departure of the fourth elder brother, he found that the fourteenth master had already gone away!

I didn't think about it so much, as long as the two brothers were good, I would be fine!



I opened the door and unconsciously called out the name of the fourth elder brother, but when I saw that it was not the fourth elder brother, but the eighth elder brother, the ninth elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother.

Looking at the group of them, I felt a little uneasy!

"Fourth brother, is he coming too?" The fourteenth master looked at me, and I nodded and said yes!

"What are you looking for me?" I looked at them and asked, "Nothing is going to come to me."

"Fourteenth brother, he has something to tell you?" Eighth Elder Brother and Ninth Elder Brother all laughed, and I asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with the Fourteenth Master?" "

"Me. I want to marry you! "

I was stunned for a moment at this sentence, but I had already been held in his arms.

"Let's go!" The tenth elder brother said this, the eighth elder brother and the ninth elder brother left one after another, and the dividends on my cheeks slowly receded.

"Fourteenth Master, are you kidding?" I let go of his embrace and looked into his eyes, but his eyes told me that he was telling the truth, and that he was going to marry me!

"What I said is true, can't you feel my sincerity?" He put my hand on his heart and looked at him, and I bit my mouth.

"Fourteenth Master, we are good friends, just good friends, aren't we?"

"Good! But I won't give up, I love Xinjue Luo Yinyu and will definitely marry you - Guarjia Xiao, do what you say! "

"Fourteenth Master."

Watching his back disappear into the vast sea of snow, Fourteenth Master, I'm sorry, I can't marry you, even if I want to.


The door was opened, and I threw myself into his arms at once, kissing him softly on the lips, it was cold, but I didn't shoot!

After the kiss cooled, but the warmth was there, he hugged me and said, "What's wrong?" "

"Fourth elder brother! Do you think you will marry me? I looked him in the eye and asked suspiciously, and he nodded, "Yes!" When I was a child, I told you that when I grow up, I want to marry you and make you my queen! "

"Yes." I leaned into his arms, didn't think about anything, suddenly thought of the gift I wanted to give him, and hurriedly took out the mandarin duck from under the pillow!

"Fourth elder brother, I embroidered it with my own hands." He hurriedly snatched it from my hand and kissed it on my lips with a smile, "It's beautiful, mandarin duck!" It's really heartfelt. "

But after a while, he suddenly asked, "Why didn't you come for today's birthday?" "

I turned my face away, ignored him, and didn't tell him an answer, the fourth elder brother looked at me like this, and laughed unconsciously, I looked back at him, "Fourth elder brother!" What's so funny? "

"Nope! Just thinking about how we're going to get along in the future! The fourth elder brother looked at me and shook his head helplessly, walked to the table and poured a cup of tea, drinking it slowly, I looked at him, is he really the fourth master in history?

"Fourth elder brother! In the future, Xiao Xiao will listen to you. I hugged his waist tightly, and he asked me with a sideways face, "And what about the answer I asked?" "

"The answer is simple, I don't want to meet Sifujin! I don't want to see her. I said with obvious jealousy, and the fourth elder brother turned around and put his two hands on my shoulders, "Don't worry, I will take good care of you and do what I say." "

"Yes, I believe it." I leaned on his arms, and I knew that I couldn't escape the fate with him.

Crossing, everything is just to meet you, fourth brother, I hope time can stop at this second.

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