The small stone hit the evil goblin closest to Ye Chuyun with great force.

""Wa la la la!"

The evil goblin who was hit by the stone screamed in pain, and then turned to look in the direction where the stone came from.

At this time, Ye Chuyun had already hidden himself and was not discovered by the evil goblin.


The evil goblin looked around suspiciously, but didn't find anything unusual, so he relaxed.

Just as he turned around, Ye Chuyun appeared again and threw a handful of stones over.


This time the evil goblin finally realized something was wrong, waving the whip in his hand, commanding the dozen or so dwarf goblins around to follow him and run towards Ye Chuyun.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun's mouth curled up.

The fish was hooked.

The position he chose now happened to be a blind spot, and would not attract the attention of other evil goblins.

When the evil goblin and his brothers came to Ye Chuyun's position.

He had already been holding the rune sword and waiting for a long time.

I saw several golden sword auras flashing.

Wherever the sword aura passed, the evil goblin and his dwarf goblin brothers had no power to resist, and they were all split in half!

Puff! Puff!

The sound of cutting was endless.

【Kill level 12 evil goblins (mutated level) and gain +4000 energy points!】

【Kill the level 12 dwarf goblin and gain +3000 energy points!】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it】

In just a few seconds, a pile of bodies fell in front of Ye Chuyun.

Then Ye Chuyun looked around.

Nothing happened.

"Didn't they appear?"

Ye Chuyun frowned, and then continued to use stealth to come to another location, continuing to attract the evil goblins.

In this way, Ye Chuyun followed the same method and solved batches of evil goblins and dwarf goblins.

Ye Chuyun didn't know how many goblins he had killed.

He only knew that his upgrade energy points were constantly increasing.

There were more and more spoils in the storage space.

The goblins in the mountains were also constantly decreasing.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


A goblin driving a huge steel robot suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Damn human, I have tolerated you for a long time, but you killed so many of my men. Do you want to stop my research?"

This goblin is different from the dwarf goblin and the evil goblin.

It is smaller in size, and its skin is golden yellow.

At this time, it is looking at Ye Chuyun angrily.

【[Name]: Arnor (Special)

【Level: 15

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 15000

【Features: Master of engineering, loves research, afraid of death



【Explosion rate】:????

"You finally showed up!!!"

When Ye Chuyun saw the goblin coming out, a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Everything he had done before was to lure out this special goblin named Arnold.

This goblin marked as"special" was not actually a ferocious beast.

It was an existence similar to an NPC.

In other words, it was also summoned to the world of gods and demons by the Heavenly Dao.

However, it was finally controlled by the Heavenly Dao and became an existence similar to"natives".

Existences that can be given the"special" mark by the Heavenly Dao often have deep meanings.

There must be some opportunities in them.

Ye Chuyun knew this so clearly because in his previous life, a man named Xiao Gang discovered the existence of Arnor in the Dark Valley.

At that time, Blue Star had already descended into the world of gods and demons for half a year.

Everyone's combat power had already caught up.

The highest had a combat power of hundreds of thousands.

Xiao Gang was only in his 20s at that time, and his combat power was only more than 20,000 points.

The reason why he came to the Dark Valley was because he was a blacksmith.

He wanted to save money and collect ores to make equipment by himself.

Inadvertently, he found Arnor in the depths of the Dark Valley.

After fighting with Arnor for a long time, he got a Treasure map.

This person just chatted a few words on the world channel at that time, and not many people paid attention to it at that time.

But later when Xiao Gang showed amazing talent in forging and finally became a forging master.

Everyone remembered the treasure map and couldn't help but link the two together.

At that time, it became a hot topic on the world channel.

But at that time, Xiao Gang relied on his identity as a forging master to join the first-class force [Shen Yao].

No one would offend Xiao Gang because of this unconfirmed thing.

So it was left unresolved.

Ye Chuyun happened to be He ate the whole melon.

He guessed that Xiao Gang must have obtained some props from the treasure map that can increase the probability of forging, so he was able to soar into the sky.

Even if the treasure in this treasure map is not a prop that can increase the probability of forging, it must be something else.

And Xiao Gang once said that just after he got the treasure map,

Arnold saw that Ye Chuyun didn't speak, and became more and more angry.

I saw that its hands kept moving, and the huge robot under it suddenly vibrated, and its speed soared, rushing straight towards Ye Chuyun.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun used the flying feather wings to fly into the sky to avoid Arnold's attack.

"I didn't expect that you, a human, could fly?"

Arnold was slightly stunned, then laughed and continued to control the robot.

The robot suddenly ignited, and its huge body actually flew up.


Arnold showed a sarcastic smile on his face, and his small hands controlled the robot. Countless gun barrels suddenly appeared on the robot's body, and it fired at Ye Chuyun.

""Ultra-gold shield!"

Facing Arnold's firepower attack, Ye Chuyun did not rush to counterattack.


The defense of the ultra-gold shield strengthened by [Heavenly Laws] was unprecedentedly strong.

Arnold's attack hit the shield and could not break it at all.


Seeing that his attack seemed to be tickling the other party, Arnold's face suddenly changed.

Then he gritted his teeth and pressed a red button.

Then three huge rockets shot out from the robot's body and hit the shield, causing a huge explosion.

However, when the smoke dissipated, Ye Chuyun was still not hurt at all.

"So strong? ?"

Arno's eyes widened, and he was ready to retreat.

Ye Chuyun immediately noticed this familiar feeling.

Just when Arno was about to escape, he used the [Teleport] skill to come in front of Arno.

Then he grabbed Arno's neck and lifted his body up.

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