After all the essences were swallowed, Ye Chuyun's attributes once again experienced an unprecedented surge!!

In addition, there is also the blood-colored six-piece set.

Ye Chuyun also changed the iron turtle suit and other equipment on his body.

He put on all the blood-colored six-piece sets. He had obtained many strengthening stones and skill stones in the cemetery of the Swamp King before.

It just came in handy at this time.

However, these strengthening stones can only strengthen two of the six-piece sets.

After all, the higher the quality of the equipment, the more strengthening stones are consumed.

And coupled with the possibility of strengthening failure, a lot of strengthening stones will be lost.

So Ye Chuyun gave priority to strengthening the [Blood-colored Armor] and [Blood-colored Helmet].

His luck was better, and he only failed twice.

Just when the strengthening stones were almost consumed, these two pieces of equipment were strengthened to the highest level.

【Blood Armor +5: Defense +200, Constitution +150, Strength +80. After wearing it, you will automatically absorb the enemy's essence and blood when killing them. After reaching a certain level, you can release a strengthening skill to comprehensively improve your own attributes by 10% for 1 minute. You need to reach level 10, strength, constitution 500 and above. One of the third-level best suits】

【Blood Helmet +5: Defense +180, Spirit +100, Constitution +100, Damage reduction 15%, Wearing requirement level 10, Agility, Constitution 500 and above, one of the third-tier top-quality suits.

The properties of these two enhanced pieces directly beat his [Iron Turtle Armor +5] and [Iron Turtle Helmet +5]】

【Tip: It is detected that you have six pieces of blood suits, triggering the equipment attributes】

【Two-piece set effect: Defense +100, Strength +100, Constitution +100】

【Four-piece set effect: Damage reduction 30%, all attributes +80】

【Six-piece set effect: Activate the skill Blood Rage, and each time you receive damage, your strength and agility will increase by 10%, which can be stacked up to five times and lasts for one minute. 】

After all the equipment was replaced, the equipment effect of the six-piece set was also triggered.

Ye Chuyun opened the latest panel.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 11 (39820/300000)

Reputation: 400

Title: The Person Favored by Heaven, God No. 250

Strength: 2762 (D-level, strength enhancement +1105)

Agility: 2142

Constitution: 3244 (D-level constitution enhancement, +1298)

Spirit: 2883 (E-level spirit super strong, +577)

Free attribute points: 50

Combat power: 23022 (22062+960)

After seeing the panel, Ye Chuyun was shocked.

This was just a trip to the cemetery of the Swamp King, and his combat power soared like a rocket!

His combat power was still 14,000 before he went in, and it became 23,000 directly after he went in.

Hell-level copy, and it's just a novice copy.

It's so terrifying.

Finally, there are 50 points of free attributes, and Ye Chuyun continued to add them all to spirit.

Now the spirit has reached 2933 points, and it is about to break through the 3000 mark.

But what Ye Chuyun didn't expect was that his physique is now the highest, as high as 3000.

After the spirit and equipment were all processed, Ye Chuyun took out the talent imprint.

In the cemetery of the Swamp King, he also obtained many talent imprints.

Among them:

4 pieces of E-level spirit super strong.

2 pieces of D-level strength enhancement 1 piece of

D-level agility enhancement

1 piece of D-level ice fusion

1 piece of D-level fire fusion

Among them, ice fusion, fire fusion and agility enhancement are what Ye Chuyun doesn't have.

You can get them directly by using the talent imprint.

All the rest are fused.

The first one, E-level spirit super strong

【Ding, fusion failed! 】

Hmm, it's a familiar prompt again.

Small scene, don't panic, continue!!

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion is successful, E-level spirit super-strength evolves to D-level spirit enhancement.

After seeing the prompt, Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up.

Finally succeeded.

Next is D-level strength enhancement

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, the fusion is successful, the D-level power is enhanced and evolved into the C-level power.】

【Strength: Permanently increase strength by 80%!】

Ye Chuyun's eyes widened.

C-level talent, so terrifying.

Permanent increase of 80%!!

His current strength is 2762. If it is a permanent increase of 80%, then wouldn't it increase by 2209 points at once? ? If you add them up, wouldn't his strength be infinitely close to 5000?

Oh my god, this talent is too amazing.

At the same time, he also gained new talents.

They are: D-level agility enhancement, D-level fire fusion, D-level ice fusion!

Now his talents add up to a total of 12!

I'm afraid that no one in other districts can find a person with more talents than him.

There is also a third-level skill book [Ice and Fire Double Ring]

Ye Chuyun has also met the conditions for learning, so he decisively learns it.

Now he has another means of attack.

Finally, Ye Chuyun put the replaced equipment, the extra equipment and spirits, skill books, etc., all set the price and put them on the shelves.

Now his storage space is empty again.

This feeling of emptying the backpack all at once is really a bit addictive.

There are less than 4 hours before the train arrives, and Ye Chuyun can only wait silently in the square.

While waiting, the announcement appeared again.

【Announcement: Congratulations to Wang Gang, Lei Chen, Liu Qian, Wang Yun, and Cai Kun for clearing the easy level of Swamp King Cemetery for the first time】


After seeing the announcement, Ye Chuyun was slightly stunned, then smiled

"I didn't expect Wang Gang and his friends to be so amazing. They cleared the simple level in such a short time."

"It seems that they failed at the normal level, so they chose the simple level as a second choice."

"But even so, it is already very impressive. It seems that they have really grown up."

However, in the following period of time, no announcements appeared except for Wang Gang's team.

After all, not everyone has the strength of Wang Gang's team.

Even if there is a strategy, it cannot be said that it can guarantee 100% success.

Combat strength must also be improved.���Just meet the standard.

It's already very good to be able to clear the level in such a short time.

This reminded Ye Chuyun of his past life.

Even if it was the easy level of the Swamp King Cemetery, it would take a month and a half.

Now they can clear the easy level on the third day.

This is something that other areas would not even dare to think about.

The chat channel was also very lively, and everyone was congratulating Wang Gang's team.

Ye Chuyun couldn't help but join in, anyway, it was just to kill time, and soon he became one of the jokers.

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