"Hey, look, that human is coming out!"

Someone shouted, and everyone gathered around him, looking at him eagerly.

When Ye Chuyun first came to the Temple of Destiny, no one cared about him, and some even hated him.

But now, he seemed to have become the center of attention in the Temple of Destiny.

"My friend, you finally came out.

As soon as Ye Chuyun came out, Tan Mo rushed forward.

"How about it, friend, did you pass the Tiandao review?"

"Oh, this one."

Ye Chuyun smiled and did not intend to tell others that he had passed the Heavenly Dao Assessment.

However, the next second, a voice echoed in the hall.

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun from the Blue Star World for completing the A-level Heavenly Dao evaluation. 】

Ye Chuyun:Good man, now he has no choice but to keep a low profile.

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

This human actually successfully passed the A-level Heavenly Dao evaluation!

"Oh, my god and demon coins, I feel so sad." Suddenly someone beat his chest and stamped his feet in regret.

""Hahaha, I made a lot of money, the odds are 10 to 1." Someone was dancing with joy.

Mo Hu was even more ecstatic.

He bet 50,000 God and Demon coins, and according to the odds of 10 to 1, he made back 500,000 God and Demon coins in one go.

Titan looked at Ye Chuyun with a complicated expression.

How could he not have thought that he would actually lose to a human from a lower world.

If this matter was reported back to Tianze Star, he would be so embarrassed.

At this time, Titan's expression was complicated, and he no longer had the contempt he had before.

"Oh my god, this human actually passed the A-level Heavenly Dao assessment, so what inheritance did he obtain?"

"That must be a very abnormal inheritance. This is really a step to heaven."

"Are you from the Blue Star World? It seems that we may have a chance to cooperate."

"By the way, let’s ask him what the A-level evaluation is about."

"Oh, I almost forgot."

At this moment, everyone rushed over to ask about the content of the evaluation.

Tan Mo was the first to come to Ye Chuyun.

"My friend, you promised me before that you would tell me the content of the review after you come out."

Ye Chuyun nodded when he heard it, and then smiled slyly:

"I certainly won't regret it."

"But I know you are here to gather intelligence."

"I can tell you the content of the A-level Heavenly Dao assessment. I wonder how much information I can get from you in exchange for this?"

Tan Mo immediately understood what Ye Chuyun meant.

It was nothing more than exchanging information.

This was also an unspoken rule.

Titan contributed the B-level assessment content unconditionally because he didn't care.

But if Ye Chuyun wanted to use the A-level assessment content for exchange, there was nothing wrong with that.

Tan Mo nodded and agreed:

"This is not a problem. Information about A-level Tiandao evaluation is very rare. I know the rules. As long as you tell me, I can tell you all the information about F-level to D-level Tiandao evaluation that I know."

"How about it?��

"If you don't believe me, you can sign a Heavenly Dao Contract."

Ye Chuyun nodded:

"In that case, let’s sign the Heavenly Dao Contract."

Tan Mo was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then laughed:

"Be careful, okay."

Then Ye Chuyun signed a Heavenly Dao Contract with Tan Mo and exchanged information.

However, when exchanging the evaluation information, Ye Chuyun still concealed some things.

For example, the fragments of the Heavenly Sin Forging Blueprint.

The statues he saw after entering the Book of Inheritance.

And the career-related information he obtained.

He did not tell Tan Mo about these.

After all, the Heavenly Dao Contract given by Tan Mo only required him to tell him the content of the evaluation.

It did not require Ye Chuyun to tell him the process and results.

When Tan Mo saw the information given by Ye Chuyun, he was shocked.

"You are also taking this test?" He couldn't help but ask


"You actually finished it?"


"What kind of monster are you??"

"I am a human being."

The two of them went back and forth like this, leaving everyone confused.

"Hey, fellow tribesman, what exactly is the content of your assessment?

Mo Hu was very curious.

"Come, I'll tell you in secret." Ye Chuyun waved his hand and told him in secret.

The others put their ears closer, but they couldn't hear anything.

"What exactly is the assessment content?"

They were so anxious.

Tan Mo was even more regretful.

If he had been like Mo Hu at the beginning and treated Ye Chuyun better, it would have been better.

Maybe he could have gotten it for free.

It seems that after experiencing this incident, we must not look down on any human from the lower world.

When Mo Hu heard this, he also showed the same expression as Tan Mo, and was very surprised.

"Can you accomplish all this?"

"You got here by cheating, right?"

Ye Chuyun shrugged and said nothing.

Seeing this, the others could not help but come forward to ask.

Ye Chuyun also took the opportunity to start doing intelligence business.

In order to obtain A-level evaluation information, these people also risked their lives.

They told everything they knew.

Ye Chuyun not only got a lot of information about low-level Tiandao evaluations, but also got a lot of information that he didn't know much about in his previous life.

Naturally, other people who got the information would not be so kind to tell others.

So those who didn't get the information could only come to Ye Chuyun honestly to exchange.

He could be said to be very happy with the A-level Tiandao in his hand. The Dao evaluation intelligence was used to the limit.

He made a fortune.

And those who knew the content of the intelligence all looked at Ye Chuyun as if he were a monster.

Titan couldn't help but exchange the information from Ye Chuyun.

He felt even worse.

You know, in order to collect 20 inheritance fragments, he killed all the messengers and still needed two.

And Ye Chuyun actually wanted to collect 50.

The problem is that he completed it.

This is very outrageous.

In Titan's view, this assessment is purely a matter of luck.

It can only be said that Ye Chuyun is extremely lucky.

Titan can only comfort himself in this way

"It's almost time to go."

Seeing that the information exchange was almost complete, Ye Chuyun was about to leave.

At this time, Mo Hu seemed to remember something and quickly took out a jade token and handed it to Ye Chuyun.

"This is my brand, add me as a friend"

"Although my world is not yet capable of crossing regions, if you have any questions, you can ask me."

""Okay, thank you very much."

Ye Chuyun smiled and accepted the jade token.

Seeing this, the others also took out their jade tokens and came forward.

"Friends, please add me too."

"One more friend means one more way."

At this moment, they were extremely enthusiastic, as if they had completely forgotten how they had mocked each other before.

After all, being able to pass the A-level Heavenly Dao assessment at level 10, their future achievements were limitless.

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