Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 10 (113680/200000)

Reputation: 180

Title: The Person Favored by Heaven

Strength: 1334 (D-level, strength enhancement +534)

Agility: 856

Constitution: 1476 (D-level constitution enhancement, +590)

Spirit: 1537 (E-level spirit super strong, +307)

Combat Power: 10776 (10406+370)

"!! This is 10,000 combat power? ?"

The moment he saw the panel, Ye Chuyun was stunned.

He used to think that it was as difficult as climbing to heaven to break through 10,000 combat power at level 10. He didn't expect that it would be so easy to come here step by step.

He has already consumed all the essences in the poisonous fog swamp to the upper limit.

However, Ye Chuyun has not consumed the body tempering pill, the powerful pill, and the latest pill formula, the five spirit pill, and various spiritual fruits to the upper limit.

In other words, 10,000 combat power is not his limit!!!

"Then let me see how much combat power is my limit."

Ye Chuyun licked his lips excitedly.

He took out the green jade pill furnace and started to refine the pill immediately.

The storage space had so many spiritual herbs, and now they could finally be consumed.

Ye Chuyun opened the pill furnace and put the spiritual herbs into it very skillfully.

Then his face condensed, and a ball of red flame appeared out of thin air, igniting the pill furnace.

A few minutes later, a body-tempering pill was successfully refined.

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, but proficiency did not increase!】

"It's really hard to increase my proficiency. I don't know when I can be promoted to an intermediate alchemist."

Ye Chuyun shook his head and continued to refine.

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, proficiency +1 point!】

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, but proficiency did not increase!】

【Refining the Strong Power Pill, but the proficiency did not increase!】

It took more than two hours.

Ye Chuyun finally used up all the materials for refining the Body Tempering Pill and the Strong Power Pill.

In the end, he refined 15 Body Tempering Pills and 16 Strong Power Pills.

The proficiency increased by more than 30 points. He is still a long way from being promoted to an intermediate alchemist.

It’s a pity that his proficiency is not enough. The materials of a Body Tempering Pill and a Strong Power Pill are only enough to refine one each.

If he was promoted to an intermediate alchemist like in his previous life.

Then it would be possible to refine 2-3 pills with one alchemy material.

Not to mention senior alchemists and master and grand master-level alchemists.

Although Ye Chuyun has the alchemy experience of an intermediate alchemist, his alchemy level is still only elementary.

It can only improve the success rate of alchemy, but not the number of refined pills.

This is an irreversible rule.

"Next, let's try the Five Spirit Pill."

Ye Chuyun was very happy.

In his previous life, he was just a worker, and what he needed to refine every day was the Tempering Pill.

He had never come across other pill recipes.

One reason was that the power he belonged to did not provide him with them.

The other reason was that the recipe was too expensive and he could not afford it.

The Five Spirit Pill was the first second-level pill he had come across. If he wanted to refine the Five Spirit Pill

, he had to start from scratch.

After learning the recipe, Ye Chuyun opened the trading house and began to collect materials for refining the Five Spirit Pill.

All that was needed to refine the Five Spirit Pill were second-level spiritual herbs.

Fortunately, the resources of Village No. 118 had increased several times, and second-level spiritual herbs were no longer rare.

Soon Ye Chuyun had gathered about thirty recipes for the Five Spirit Pill.

Then he focused his eyes, carefully opened the pill furnace, and put the materials for refining the Five Spirit Pill into it.

This time he was no longer as casual as he had been when he refined the Tempering Pill and the Power Pill before.

Ten minutes later, the pill furnace began to emit black smoke.

A burnt smell came from the pill furnace.

Ye Chuyun's face was slightly gloomy.

He knew at a glance that the pill refining had failed.

"After all, it is just a preliminary refining process, so failure is normal. Keep going."

Ye Chuyun shook his head and continued to refine.

The second time, he failed.

The third time, he failed.

It was not until the fifth time that a scent of elixir emanated from the elixir furnace.

【Successfully refined the Five Spirit Pill, and proficiency increased by 2 points!】

"Finally succeeded!"

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up.

The next second, he had a crystal-clear pill in his hand.

【Wulingdan: Taking it can improve your health】

"I don't know how effective this Five Spirit Pill is."

Ye Chuyun observed carefully for a while and took the Five Spirit Pill.

Suddenly, Ye Chuyun felt a strange force constantly flowing in his body.

His body was also constantly strengthening.

【Tip: Your body has been improved by the Five Spirit Pills: Strength +5, Constitution +5, Agility +5, Spirit +5!】

""A Five Spirit Pill actually adds a total of 20 attributes!"

Ye Chuyun was very surprised.

It is indeed a second-level pill.

The Tempering Pill and the Strength Pill can only increase 10 points of a single attribute.

The Five Spirit Pill can improve all aspects.

Even if you take the upper limit, you can sell it.

This Five Spirit Pill is definitely another way to make money that can be sold freely.

In this way, Ye Chuyun continued to purchase spiritual herbs from the trading house and refine pills.

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, and proficiency increased by 1 point!】

【Successfully refined the Power Pill, but proficiency did not increase!】

【Successfully refined the Five Spirit Pill, and proficiency increased by 2 points!】

【Tip: Take the Body Tempering Pill. Since your body has developed drug resistance, your Constitution will increase by 8.】

【Tip: Take the Body Tempering Pill. Since your body has developed drug resistance, your Constitution will increase by 7.】

【Tip: Take the Body Tempering Pill. Since your body has developed drug resistance, your Constitution will increase by 6.】

【Tip: Your body's drug resistance has reached its limit. Taking the Body Tempering Pill again will have no effect.】

【Tip: Take the powerful pill, strength +10】

【Tip: Take the powerful pill, because your body has developed drug resistance, strength +9】

【Tip: Your body's drug resistance has reached its limit. Taking the Vigor Pill again will have no effect.】

【Tips: Take Wuling Pills, because your body has developed drug resistance, Strength +4, Constitution +4, Agility +4, Spirit +4】

【Tip: Your body's drug resistance has reached its limit. If you take the Five Spirit Pills again, it will have no effect. 】

Ye Chuyun took all the Tempering Pills, Strength Pills, and Five Spirit Pills to the upper limit in one breath.

His combat power was greatly improved again.

Combat power: 11412 (11042+370)

""The combat power has exceeded 11,000."

Ye Chuyun was very excited.

Then he took out the strengthening stone and skill stone and began to strengthen his equipment and skills.

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