Chat channel 118.

Wang Gang:"??? What the hell is the Cemetery of the Swamp King? Why does it sound like the place where the final BOSS is?"

Cai Kun:"Fuck, Ye Shen, what did you do behind our backs again?"

Liu Qian:"It seems that this Cemetery of the Swamp King is the final copy of this poisonous fog swamp. Isn't it like this in online games? There is usually a novice copy in the novice village."

Ye Chuyun:"This Cemetery of the Swamp King appeared after I opened the seal of an altar. It is an alien space. It should be similar to what the above said, a novice copy."

Zhuang Liang:"Ye Shen appeared! Is this copy of Ye Shen difficult? I saw that the prompt said that you must be at least level 5 to enter."

Ye Chuyun:"Although it is a novice copy, the difficulty is definitely beyond doubt, so I suggest that if you want to go to the Cemetery of the Swamp King, it is best to increase your combat power to 2000 before going, and you also need certain defense and treatment methods to enter."

Lei Chen:"What Ye Shen said makes sense. This is not an online game where you can die countless times. You only have one life, so it's better to be cautious.""

Huang Li:"Wow, the map of the Poison Swamp has marked the location of the Swamp King's cemetery. It turns out to be in the deepest part of the Poison Swamp. I haven't been there yet.""

Wang Yun:"As expected of Ye Shen, the ferocious beasts there are at least level 5. I guess Ye Shen had already arrived at that place on the first day. No wonder he upgraded so quickly.""

Wang Gang:"I'm really a little curious about how much combat power Ye Shen has. It can't be 5,000 already, right?""

Liu Daqiang:"Oh my God, 5,000? I'm only 1,500. The God is worthy of being a God. With a combat power of 5,000, I can't imagine how cool it would be.""

Feng Yu:"I don't even dare to dream that I can have a combat power of 5,000. It's still a bit hopeful to dream of a combat power of 3,000.""

Ye Chuyun:"Uh, 5,000 combat power, it's actually a bit"

Wang Gang:"Uh, Master Ye, did I overestimate you?"

Ye Chuyun:"Underestimated you""

Liu Qian:""

Liu Daqiang:""

Cai Kun:""

Lei Chen:""

Zhuang Liang:"Breaking the formation, Ye Shen, you are really good at this Versailles. Tears are streaming down my eyes."

Wang Gang:"??? Good guy, 5000 combat power is still too low? ?"

Huang Li:"Shit, could it be 6000? 7000? 8000?"

Lei Chen:"You said less, I will directly guess 10000, Ye Shen, just tell me if my guess is right.""

Wang Gang:"Shit, 10000? Old Lei, are you trying to scare me to death?""

Ye Chuyun:"Emmm, that's about it, don't discuss me, you should hurry up to improve your combat power, remember my words, at least 2000 combat power is required to enter the cemetery of the Swamp King, and you must have certain defense and treatment methods, be careful of sneak attacks.""

Wang Gang:"Ye Shen, 2000 combat power is easy for you to say, in fact, there are still many people here who can't reach it, I guess only the top 30 people in the level ranking list can reach it.""

Liu Daqiang:"I was very excited after listening to Ye Shen's words, and then I looked at my panel, 1500 combat power, oh, it's okay.""

Cai Kun:"My five-man team including me barely reached the qualification of 2000 combat power, and now we are still short of a meat shield boss, are there any big guys who sign up."

Wang Gang:"Each member of my five-man team has an average of 3000 combat power. Let's have a healer or an assistant."

Feng Yu:"Wow, are you starting to recruit people now???"

Ye Chuyun:"Friends who haven't reached 2000 combat power don't have to worry too much. I have just put a batch of equipment, skill books, and spirit essences on the shelves, which can greatly improve your combat power."

Ye Chuyun:"For the cemetery of the Swamp King this time, these things are all 10% off, everyone come and buy them."

Cai Kun:"Fuck, Ye Shen, you were waiting for us here, your advertising is good, I'll go buy it now!"

Wang Gang:"Damn, don't grab them."

Zhuang Liang:"This bunch of bastards, they snatched everything away as soon as Ye Shen finished speaking"

Liu Daqiang:"Hahaha, I got two pieces of equipment and three spirits. Now my combat power can increase by another 100 or 200."

Ye Chuyun left the chat channel with a smile on his face.

He didn't lie in the chat channel.

Although the Cemetery of the Swamp King is a novice copy, it is also divided into several levels of difficulty.

They are [Easy】,【ordinary】,【difficulty】,【The minimum combat power of

2000 mentioned above is just based on the condition of the [Simple] level.

Judging from the average combat power of everyone in Area 118, it is already very good to be able to clear the [Simple] level of the Swamp King Cemetery.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun looked at the huge building behind the altar and left without looking back.

His goal is to clear the [Hell] level of the Swamp King Cemetery, so it is not enough now.

The most important thing now is to seize the time, improve the combat power as much as possible, and go to the Temple of Destiny for the assessment.

【Tip: Congratulations on completing the task, and get 100 free attribute points and 1 silver treasure chest! 】

Ye Chuyun looked at his panel.

Now he has a total of 105 free attribute points.

He thought about it and simply added all of them to the spirit.

Now he has at least more than ten skills, and he must have a strong mental power to release them at the same time.

In addition, the power of these skills mostly depends on the level of the spirit.

So now his main attribute is spirit.

After adding all 105 free attribute points to the spirit.

The spirit is currently as high as 1334 points, which is already the highest attribute in the four dimensions.

The combat power has also reached 9136 points.

In addition to the 100 free attribute points, Ye Chuyun also got a silver treasure chest.

In addition to what he currently has in the storage space, there are also those he just acquired in the trading house.

Now he has a total of 8 gray treasure chests, 8 bronze treasure chests, and 2 silver treasure chests.

If he synthesizes them, he can synthesize at least 2 black iron treasure chests.

This is not enough, he must at least synthesize a silver treasure chest.

If possible, he would also like to synthesize a gold treasure chest.

Now, he even looks down on the silver treasure chest.

"Looks like I have to go back to my old ways."

Ye Chuyun smiled and took out the treasure chest detector.

Then, he summoned the wind feather wings and flew into the sky.

Taking this opportunity, he planned to find all the treasure chests that have not been discovered in the poisonous fog swamp.

A big cleanup!!

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