At this time, Ye Chuyun came to a plain

【Tip: 24 hours have expired, double energy points have been cancelled!】

"It's a pity that we arrived so soon."

Ye Chuyun sighed regretfully, and then looked down at the endless plain.

This was also the end of Ye Chuyun's trip.

He was alert and did not land rashly.

There were all kinds of huge stones on the plain.

These stones seemed ordinary, but Ye Chuyun knew that these were all fierce beasts.

Once he landed on this plain, these stones would definitely attack him.

So Ye Chuyun dared not be careless.

He flew in the sky, and the Storm Blade in his hand shook slightly.

A huge true energy fell from the sky and randomly hit a stone as high as 3 meters.


With a bang, the stone exploded and dust flew.

A rock giant with a height of seven feet and green grass on his head broke out of the ground!

It was made of rocks all over, with a pair of green eyes and amazing momentum.

At the same time.

Other rock giants hidden in the plain also revealed their true faces, raised their heads, and looked at Ye Chuyun coldly.

There are hundreds of these rock giants.

【Name: Rock Giant

【Level: 8

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 3000

【Features: Stubborn, bloodthirsty, and protects territory

【Skills: Throwing LV5

【Talent: None

【[Explosion rate]: 2.5%

Ye Chuyun raised his eyebrows, not afraid of these rock giants.

His current combat power is 8200 points.

And the rock giants are at most 3000 points.

There is a huge gap between the two sides, and he really can't think of how to lose.

But even so, Ye Chuyun is still cautious and did not rashly land on the plain.

After all, life is only once, and once it's gone, it's gone.


The rock giant looked up at the human who was looking down at them.

Feeling provoked.

With a low roar, the rock giant took the lead.

It pressed one hand on the ground, and condensed a huge piece of earth and stone with a length and width of 1 meter.


The rock giant held the earth and stone in his hand and smashed it directly at Ye Chuyun.

The earth and stone were like cannonballs, fast and fierce.

The other rock giants followed suit and threw boulders at Ye Chuyun one after another

""Looking for death!"

Ye Chuyun frowned, and with a slight flap of the wind wings behind him, he easily dodged the dirt and rocks.

The dirt and rocks kept passing by Ye Chuyun's body and smashed on the ground behind him.

Bang, bang, bang!

The dirt and rocks kept smashing huge pits on the ground, and exploded and cracked!

In an instant, dust flew up and gravel flew everywhere.

If it were someone else who was hit, I'm afraid they would be injured immediately.

"Let's hurry up and get rid of these rock giants."

Ye Chuyun didn't want to deal with these rock giants, so he just used all his strength.

He waved his hand and his clone appeared beside him.

The original body and the clone used skills at the same time!

The next second, countless fire meteors and water tornadoes appeared at the same time, sweeping towards the group of rock giants.

Fire skill - Flying Fire Meteor!

Water skill - Sea King's Wrath!

Launch quickly!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly countless water tornadoes swept the rock giants into it, and countless fire meteors smashed the rock giants one by one.

At the same time, Ye Chuyun and his clones were not idle either.

They kept swinging their swords, and countless sword qi fell from the sky, constantly attacking the rock giants.


These rock giants had no power to resist Ye Chuyun.

Their bodies were blown into pieces and fell on the plain.

【Kill a level 8 rock giant and gain +500 energy points】

【Kill a level 8 rock giant and gain +500 energy points】

【Kill a level 8 rock giant and gain +500 energy points】

It took about five or six minutes.

Under the bombardment of Ye Chuyun and his clones, the rock giants were completely annihilated.

In an instant, he gained more than 50,000 energy points.

"Fortunately, the double energy point buff is gone. If I continue to kill, won’t I have to level up?"

Ye Chuyun thought with a little fear.

If he reaches level 11, he will be forced to teleport to the Temple of Destiny.

Before he is fully prepared, he doesn't want to enter the Temple of Destiny.


Just as Ye Chuyun was secretly happy, a rock giant more than 20 meters tall rushed over from a distance.

Ye Chuyun's face changed, and he quickly flapped his wind wings and retreated frantically to distance himself from it.

【[Name]: Rock King (King Level)

【Level: 9

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 4800

【Features: Stubborn, violent, bloodthirsty, territorial

【Skills: Quicksand Whirlpool (exclusive skill), Flying Rock LV5, Strengthening LV5

【Talent: E-level earth control, E-level super strength

【[Explosion rate]: 16%

Ye Chuyun raised his eyebrows!

The combat power of this Rock King is higher than that of the Man-eating Flower Demon King and the Golden Bird King.

It is worthy of being a level 9 king-level beast.

But compared to him, it is still a lot worse.

While Ye Chuyun was looking at the Rock King.

The Rock King was also looking at him.

It looked up at Ye Chuyun, with vigilance in its eyes.

It saw this human slaughtering its younger brothers just now. The strength of this human is probably about the same as its own.

The Rock King was a little wary, but not much.

It must kill this human to avenge its younger brothers!

It can be said that it is very stubborn.

The Rock King roared and used the strengthening skill to increase its combat power.

Then he jumped and rushed towards Ye Chuyun.

Ye Chuyun sneered and stroked the blade of the Storm Blade with his palm.


The blade was instantly covered with a golden light and became much sharper.


The next second, he slashed at the Rock King with a knife.

The golden knife light flashed!

The Storm Blade slashed across the Rock King's body, bringing up countless pieces of rubble.


The Rock King screamed in pain, and his high spirits suddenly seemed to die.

���The body is the best defensive armor, but who knew that it could be easily broken by this human

""Ah, ah, ah!"

It won't take revenge on my little brother.

Although it is stubborn, it doesn't mean it won't die.

At that moment, the Rock King howled and plunged into the ground.

It has the talent of earth, so it's not strange that it can escape underground.

But how could Ye Chuyun let it escape?

His eyes kept flashing, looking for the direction of the Rock King's escape.

The Storm Blade in his hand kept swinging, and he used the sword energy to chop wildly.

At the same time, he continued to use the Sea King's Wrath and Flying Fire Meteors to carry out carpet bombing.

He didn't believe that this couldn't kill this Rock King.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The plain was constantly blown up and roared.

The Rock King had been blown out of the ground a long time ago and was constantly tortured by Ye Chuyun.

Its momentum has fallen to the limit.

Mixed with a shrill scream.

The Rock King exploded and turned into rubble all over the sky!

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