After using stealth to leave, Ye Chuyun found another gray treasure chest at the next possible location of a treasure chest according to the map.

After opening it, he still got four items.

【[God and Demon Coin]*200

【Spirit necklace: After wearing, spirit +8, first-level equipment】

【Tempering Pill: After taking it, your physical fitness will increase by 10】

【Vision Enhancement: A first-level skill that consumes a certain amount of spirit to enhance one's static and dynamic vision for 30 seconds. After the skill time ends, it will enter a two-minute cooling time. The learning requirement is that the spirit must reach 10 points. 】

Now he has a total of 420 God and Demon Coins, which is a huge sum of money in the early stage. When the trading house is opened later, he can use this money to develop.

After opening the treasure chest, Ye Chuyun left without any hesitation.

He hid in a bush and opened the attribute interface again to check the progress.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 1 (28/100)

Strength: 22

Agility: 14

Constitution: 26

Spirit: 14

Skills: Identification · First-level LV2, Stealth · First-level LV1, Vision Enhancement · First-level LV1

Combat Power: 167���152+15)

God and Demon Coins: 420

Equipment: Green Claw Machete +2 (Attack Power +15, Strength +6, Level 1 Equipment)

Agility Ring (Agility +8, Level 1 Equipment)

Spirit Necklace (Spirit +8, Level 1 Equipment)

""The combat power is almost 200!"

After reading the data, Ye Chuyun was very happy.

As long as he found another treasure chest, his combat power would be comparable to that of the Green Claw Beast.

Then he would be more confident in playing alone.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun looked at the map, confirmed the location of the third treasure chest, and then rushed to take action.

More than two hours have passed since he descended into the world of gods and demons.

During these two hours, others were forming teams to hunt ferocious beasts, while Ye Chuyun was looking for treasure chests everywhere.

The improvement in the fourth dimension made his eyesight much better. He could observe the situation within a radius of ten meters, which made it easier for him to avoid danger.

If he encountered a situation that he really couldn't avoid, he would use stealth to get away.

During this period, he encountered many ferocious beasts wandering around the periphery of the swamp. Their levels were all level 1, and the highest combat power was around 260.

After all, the Poison Swamp is a trial site for novices, and the ferocious beasts on the periphery are generally level 1. The deeper you go, the higher the level of the ferocious beasts will be.

Ye Chuyun is only wandering around the periphery of the swamp for the time being.

At the moment, he was crouching, hiding his body with the help of low bushes.

The place he was heading to was the last treasure chest location on the periphery that he knew of so far.

【Tip: The treasure chest is within one meter, please look for it. 】

Ye Chuyun's eyes flashed, and he continued to move forward carefully.

However, when he saw the treasure chest, his pupils shrank.

The treasure chest was hidden in a pile of rocks, emitting a green light.

"It's actually a bronze treasure chest!"

In his previous life, Ye Chuyun found out about this treasure chest and thought it was a gray treasure chest. He didn't expect that the person who told him the location of the treasure chest was hiding something. It turned out to be a bronze treasure chest.

The quality of treasure chests is divided into ordinary, bronze, black iron, silver, gold, and dark gold. It is said that there are legendary and mythical treasure chests above dark gold. The two treasure chests that Ye Chuyun opened before were both gray and ordinary treasure chests.

In his previous life, Ye Chuyun had never heard of anyone getting a treasure chest above the legendary level.

He only heard that a Japanese named Nakamura had got a dark gold treasure chest.

He opened a six-piece treasure chest from it. There were 200 level equipment and several skill books, countless special items, and even a hidden job transfer certificate, which made others envious.

Now there was a bronze treasure chest in front of Ye Chuyun.

According to his 100% explosive rate talent, he could get 2nd level equipment!!

But in addition to the bronze treasure chest, Ye Chuyun also noticed the fierce beast guarding the treasure chest.

This fierce beast had well-developed limbs, with four sharp claws on each palm, covered with black scales, and a wolf head and an ape body.

Ye Chuyun's eyes condensed, and it was obvious that he recognized this strange creature, and threw an [Identify] over.

【Name: Stone Ape

【Level: 1

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 260

【Features: Likes to act alone, has a hard shell, sharp claws with toxins, and is slow to move.

【Skills: None

【[Explosion rate]: 0.1%

After reading the data, Ye Chuyun nodded secretly, which was about the same as what he expected.

Although they are both at the same level, the Stone Ape Beast is much more powerful than the Green Claw Beast.

However, although the Green Claw Beast is weaker than the Stone Ape Beast, it is a fierce beast that likes to act in groups.

Ye Chuyun often sees Green Claw Beasts walking in groups of three or five.

The Stone Ape Beast doesn't like people in its territory, even if they are of the same kind, so most of them act alone.

However, it is precisely because of this characteristic of the Stone Ape Beast that Ye Chuyun has a chance.

Otherwise, if he encounters a group of Green Claw Beasts, then his process of obtaining the bronze treasure chest will be much more bumpy.

At this moment, the Stone Ape Beast is lying lazily next to the treasure chest, and he didn't notice Ye Chuyun hiding in the bushes one meter away.

Ye Chuyun didn't rush to take action, but looked around to make sure that the sound of his fight with the Stone Ape Beast would not attract other fierce beasts.

He used stealth to get behind the Stone Ape Beast, raised the Green Claw machete, and chopped it down on its neck.

The neck is the weak spot of the stone ape beast!!

With the bonus of 22 points of strength, the green claw machete seemed to cut through the air, and it chopped on the neck of the stone ape beast with a click.

Before Ye Chuyun made a move, he was still in stealth mode, and the stone ape beast didn't notice it at all.

When Ye Chuyun made a move, the hidden figure was also exposed. The stone ape beast couldn't react at all, and the neck was hit directly by the machete!


The black scales on the neck of the stone ape beast couldn't stop the attack of the machete at all, and they broke into pieces.

Then came the sound of cutting meat.


After the stone ape beast reacted, it instantly fluttered up, turned its head and slapped Ye Chuyun's head.

But at this time, Ye Chuyun had already pulled out the machete before the stone ape beast took action, and turned on [Vision Enhancement].

The stone ape beast's every move became slow in front of him.

Ye Chuyun dodged, relying on 14 points of agility, he quickly avoided the attack of the stone ape beast, and then chopped the wound on the neck of the stone ape beast with a knife.

The Stone Ape Beast screamed again and began to attack randomly.

Ye Chuyun was not in a hurry to continue attacking. He kept observing the Stone Ape Beast's attack trajectory with his calm eyes, and took the opportunity to attack the Stone Ape Beast while dodging.

About half a minute later, [Vision Enhancement] entered the cooling down period, and the Stone Ape Beast also lost too much blood, and its pupils were dilated, and finally fell in front of Ye Chuyun.

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