Hearing that this group of people were going to massacre the Dragon people, Ye Chuyun was also very angry.

This No. 55 Sharma Rafi was a little smart.

Because what he said was right, as long as you take the train, it is really possible to come to the trial place where other areas are located.

The poisonous fog swamp where they are currently located is just a trial place given to them by the Heavenly Dao, and it is not really entering the world of gods and demons.

It can be said that this is the periphery of the periphery of the world of gods and demons. The next place of the train is considered to be truly entering the world of gods and demons.

The Heavenly Dao has divided an area there specifically for their Blue Star.

In the previous life, everyone including Ye Chuyun called it the Blue Star Region!

They will establish their own forces there and eventually form a divine domain.

Resist the attacks from other worlds and races in the world of gods and demons.

Survival of the fittest is the core rule of the world of gods and demons.

At that time, people from all regions of Blue Star may meet each other.

It is absolutely normal for regions of different countries to fight each other.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Chuyun is angry and angry.

In the ten years in the world of gods and demons in his previous life, he saw too many fellow Dragons killed by other countries.

The ugly faces of those people still flash in his mind.

He has been hunted down by them many times and escaped death many times.

Especially Eagle Country, Cherry Country, Kimchi Country, these countries are particularly targeting Dragon Country.

Looking at the [Faction Challenge Order] in the storage space, Ye Chuyun's eyes gradually became cold.

Ha, let them see what the consequences will be if they continue to provoke Dragon Country.

The regional channel has exploded at this time.

No. 118 Wang Gang:"What are you talking about? You still want to deal with our Dragon Country, do you want to make me laugh? Do you want to deal with it in your dreams?" No. 388 Shi Feng:

"I'm urinating yellow, I'll wake him up."

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Humph, you guys are just being stubborn, don't kneel down and cry for mercy when we find you."

As soon as these words came out, the people of Dragon Country were shocked.

If it is true as they said, they can take the train to their area.

Facing the joint efforts of multiple countries, they really can't say that they can beat the other side.

The people of Dragon Country suddenly became nervous.

This is not good news for them.

However, at this moment, Ye Chuyun spoke.

Ye Chuyun:"Stop talking nonsense. You can take the train to our place, so we can also take the train to your place. Who will slaughter whom is still unknown, haha."

Ye Chuyun:"Besides, I won't give you this opportunity."

Just as Ye Chuyun finished speaking, the notice appeared again.

【Announcement: Ye Chuyun has activated the faction challenge order, and the faction war begins!】

【Faction War: The winning party will have all resources in the Trial Land doubled, and all attributes increased by 100 points; the losing party will have all resources in the Trial Land reduced by 90%, and all attributes reduced by 100 points】

【Tip: This camp battle is a points battle. The side that gets 2000 points first will win.】

【Tip: You can only get points by killing beasts above level 5. A level 5 beast gets 1 point, a level 6 beast gets 2 points, and so on.】

【Tip: The more points you have, the more extra rewards you can get.】

【Tip: As the initiator of the faction battle, Ye Chuyun can designate the players to participate in the faction battle.】

【Tip: Area 118 is defaulted to the Red Camp, and its enemy is the Blue Camp】

【Tip: The speaking restrictions in regional chat channels have been temporarily lifted】

The series of announcements caught everyone off guard.

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Can we designate the players for the faction battle?"

"Oh my god, no no no, I'm wrong, don't choose me!!"

【Tip: Ye Chuyun designated Area 55 to join the Blue Camp! 】

No. 346 Kitahara Sosuke:"Chuyun-san, I was wrong, please, let me go, I will never dare to go against you again."

【Tip: Ye Chuyun designated District 346 to join the Blue Camp! 】

No. 44 Sam:"Oh, NO!NO!Oh God, I was too arrogant just now, I'm sorry, please let me go"

【Tip: Ye Chuyun designated Area 44 to join the blue camp!】

"Damn, you guys are going to die."

"OMG, I just cursed, don't choose me"

"Yamete butterfly!!"

【Tip: Ye Chuyun designated Area 28 to join the Blue Camp!】

【Tip: Ye Chuyun designated Area 125 to join the blue camp!】

【Tip: Ye Chuyun designated Area 752 to join the blue camp!】

【Tip: Ye Chuyun designated area 336 to join the blue camp! 】

Ye Chuyun kept designating those areas that had cursed their Dragon Country and attempted to deal with their Dragon Country people.

Everyone in the designated area was terrified and wailing everywhere.

Of course, they knew how powerful Ye Chuyun was.

But before that, it was all talk, equivalent to keyboard warriors.

Anyway, they couldn't attack them through the network cable.

And now that this camp challenge order has appeared.

It really means that Ye Chuyun is going to solve them through the network cable.

This group of people suddenly felt that the end of the world was coming.

"Grandpa, can I call you grandpa? Don't choose me."

"Ancestor, Longguo, you are my ancestor, please let me go"

"Now you Dragon Nation is the strongest, please don't single us out, if we keep losing, we'll be dead."

No. 118 Cai Kun:"Hahaha, you guys are really funny, weren't you so loud before, why are you so cowardly when it comes to a real fight?"

No. 118 Wang Gang:"Fuck, are you guys going to lose face just to save your lives?"

No. 388 Shi Feng:"Humph, it's impossible to let you go, Brother Ye, take me with you in the faction battle."

No. 25 Xu Meng:"Haha, Brother Ye, take us with you too."

No. 366 Feng Tao:"Boss, don't forget us."

North Bear Nation:"We North Bear Nation also want to join the Red Team, we've long disliked this group of people."

Yue Nan Nation:"Add us, we also want to contribute to Dragon Nation."

No. 137 Liu Can:"Boss, we are also Dragon Nation people, take us with you,"

No. 225 Li Zhenhua:"Boss, take us with you, although we are new members, we also want to contribute."

Ye Chuyun:"Hahaha, good! Everyone, those who have grudges can take revenge, those who have grievances can complain, come together!""

【Tip: Districts 338, 25, 366, 137, 225, 563, and 911 are designated to join the Red Team. 】

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