In the cave, rays of colorful light continued to fall on Ye Chuyun, making his aura stronger and stronger.

All attributes increased by 60 points!

Free attributes increased by 40 points!

2 black iron treasure chests!

10 points of reputation!

The continuous rewards made Ye Chuyun a little overwhelmed.

A white light flashed, and 2 black iron treasure chests fell into his hands.

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up.

He still had 2 black iron treasure chests in his storage space.

4 black iron treasure chests can be combined into a silver treasure chest.

With the 2 he has now, it is just enough.

【Tip: Check if you have 4 Dark Iron Treasure Chests. Do you want to synthesize them? You can get 1 Silver Treasure Chest after synthesis.】


Ye Chuyun quickly took out four black iron treasure chests and synthesized them.

A white light flashed, and the four black iron treasure chests disappeared, followed by a silver treasure chest.

【Silver treasure chest: After opening, there is a 100% chance of receiving God and Demon Coins, a 40% chance of receiving Tier 3 equipment, a 20% chance of receiving Tier 4 equipment, a 30% chance of receiving a skill book, and a special item reward. 】

Ye Chuyun swallowed his saliva and slowly opened it.


The silver treasure chest lit up with several dazzling colorful lights.

【[God and Demon Coin]*2000

【Healing Ring: Constitution +50, Spirit +50, can slowly restore spirit after wearing, comes with healing light skill, can heal injuries, skill cooldown time is ten minutes, fourth-tier equipment, wearing requirements, level 9, spirit, constitution 200 and above】

【Clone Technique: A second-level skill. It consumes a certain amount of energy to condense an avatar. The avatar has half the strength of the original body. After the avatar is cloned, it will enter a cooling-down period of ten minutes. The learning conditions require Strength, Agility, Constitution, and Spirit to reach 300 or above before learning.】

【Second-tier spell scroll: Meteor shower】

【Magic crystal: a stone with magical power, which can be used for construction, forging, and alchemy】*10

Ye Chuyun looked at the rewards with shining eyes.

It was indeed a silver treasure chest.

There were a lot of good things.

Then, he put on the [Healing Ring].

Anyway, he had ten fingers, so it was no problem to put a ring on each finger.

Now he only had three rings on his hand, including the [Healing Ring], and he could wear seven more!

A strong spiritual energy came from the ring, slowly restoring his mental strength.

He had just released the skill Sea King's Wrath, which consumed almost two-thirds of his mental strength.

With this [Healing Ring], it is estimated that the mental strength he consumed can be fully restored in about ten minutes.

This is really a good thing!

At the same time, he learned the [Clone Technique], and there was another skill in the skill column!

His strength has skyrocketed a lot, which is really cool.

The next second, the latest panel appeared in Ye Chuyun's mind.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 9 (10030/100000)

Reputation: 60

Title: The Person Favored by Heaven

Strength: 504

Agility: 378

Constitution: 587 (E-level super constitution, +117)

Spirit: 604

Free attribute points: 45

Combat power: 4381 (4146+235)

Ye Chuyun was pleasantly surprised.

Not bad, not bad, his combat power actually broke through the 4000 mark.

The problem is that he is less than level 10, but he has the combat power that ordinary people can only have at least level 15.

This does not include the bonus of his various talents and skills, which are not included in the panel combat power.

If all are added, he is confident that he can fight against a beast with a combat power of 6000!

"Now my spirit has finally broken through 500. I wonder what job I can change to when I reach level 10."

Ye Chuyun muttered to himself.

There were still 45 free attribute points that had not been used, so he added them all to spirit.

Now his spirit has directly reached the 649 mark, and his combat power has soared!

Ye Chuyun felt the majestic power constantly wandering in his brain, and his eyes were brighter than ever.

He clearly felt that his mental power seemed to have broken through another limit and became a little more.

If he used the wrath of the sea king again, he might only need to consume a quarter of his mental power.

After sorting out all the spoils, Ye Chuyun continued to walk towards the fork in the cave entrance.

He took out the [treasure chest detector] and began to look for treasure chests.

Now that almost all the fire lizards in the fork passages have been cleared out by himself, he can finally explore it properly.

Half an hour later, Ye Chuyun had explored all the forks in the passage.

During this time, he harvested 8 treasure chests.

4 gray treasure chests and 4 bronze treasure chests.

Ye Chuyun put them all into the storage space.

He planned to save more treasure chests, and when the number is large, he would synthesize them all.

The reward of the silver treasure chest still made him linger.

According to the map, Ye Chuyun came to the deepest part of the cave.

Here, he saw another huge cave.

There are caves inside caves!

Ye Chuyun stood at the entrance of the cave, looking at the huge dark cave in front of him.

The huge stone wall at the entrance of the cave was covered with cracks and burn marks, which was obviously the result of the activities of fire lizards here.

From the roars coming from the cave, it is not difficult to guess that there are still fire lizards or other ferocious beasts that have not been cleaned up yet.

"It seems that the fire lizard leader and the fire lizard king are hiding in here."

After standing still for a while, Ye Chuyun stepped into the cave decisively.

After entering the cave, rolling heat waves came to his face, and the temperature gradually rose.

If you put a thermometer here, you will find that the temperature in the cave is as high as 50 degrees.

Ordinary people who have no fire resistance or fire talent may be killed by the heat if they enter here.

Fortunately, Ye Chuyun has fire talent and fire resistance equipment, and now the temperature in the cave is only 30 degrees for him at most. After walking about a few hundred meters, there were bursts of crawling sounds coming from the corner in front.

Ye Chuyun's face condensed, and he quickly flashed to the wall and slowly turned his head to look over.

I saw that the passage behind the corner was almost full of fire lizards, and they were so dense that they almost filled the entire passage.

At the end of the passage, there was a stone door with slightly rough workmanship.

Seeing this group of fire lizards, Ye Chuyun seemed to see a large number of energy points waving at him.

And Ye Chuyun believed that the fire lizard leader and the fire lizard king must be behind the stone door!

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun laughed and acted decisively!

""Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

As soon as Ye Chuyun appeared, the group of fire lizards also discovered him.

Then, their eyes turned red and they rushed over in groups.

Ye Chuyun smiled and went to fight!

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