He originally tried to strengthen himself with the mentality of failing for the second time, but he didn't expect to succeed.

【Water Control: Can slightly control water elements. 】

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up, and he suddenly focused his attention on the rivers around him, trying to control them.

Then the rivers around him suddenly surged, forming several small whirlpools around him.

At the same time, Ye Chuyun also felt that his mental power was rapidly draining away, so he quickly stopped.

"Fortunately, my spirit points are high, otherwise I really can't handle it."

Ye Chuyun shook his head and continued to take out the remaining two talent engravings, both of which are F-level talents, physical enhancement

【Tip: It is detected that you already have F-level talent and physical enhancement. Do you want to fuse and evolve?】


【Tip: The fusion is successful, and the F-level physique is enhanced and evolved into the E-level physique!】

【Super strong constitution: permanent increase of 20 constitution%】

"Oh my god, this time it worked in one try?"

Ye Chuyun secretly smacked his lips.

The spoils of the four leaders were digested, and finally only the spoils of the Iron Turtle King were left.

【Iron Turtle Helmet: Defense +35, Constitution +20, Spirit +10, Fire Resistance +50% after wearing, second-level top-grade equipment, wearing requirements, level 8, Constitution and Spirit above 100】

【Iron Turtle Boots: Defense +20, Agility +20, Movement Speed Increases 30% after wearing, Second-level top-grade equipment, Wearing requirements, Level 8, Agility above 100】

【Talent Imprint: After using, you can obtain E-level talent, water control】

【Talent imprint, after use you can get E-level talent, super strong physique】

【Sea King's Wrath: A second-level exclusive talent skill that can generate several water tornadoes to attack the enemy. Learning conditions require mastering the E-level talent, water control. The higher the spirit, the greater the power. 】The

Iron Turtle King is indeed a king-level beast, and the spoils are simply explosive!

If it were someone else, they might only drop one or two.

I have a 100% drop rate, so I have to give him as many as I can!

Ye Chuyun was very happy.

It just so happened that he now has water control and super physique.

Now he has two E-level talent imprints, which can be fused and evolved again.

Ye Chuyun made a decision immediately.

Take a gamble, and the bicycle will become a motorcycle!!!

【Tip: It is detected that you already have E-level talent, Water Control, do you want to fuse and evolve it?】


【Tip: The fusion is successful, E-level water manipulation evolves into D-level water fusion!】

【Water Fusion: Can merge with water and breathe freely in water】

""Good, good, good!"

Ye Chuyun was overjoyed.

He just needed this talent.

With this talent, he would be more confident of getting [that thing] later!

【Tip: It is detected that you already have E-level talent and super strong physique. Do you want to fuse and evolve?】


After two consecutive successes, Ye Chuyun felt that he was a little bit overwhelmed.

【Tip: Fusion failed】



He has succeeded twice, so it is normal to fail once.

Now he has a total of three talents.

They are SSS-level talent with 100% explosion rate, D-level talent of water fusion, and E-level talent of super physique.

I am afraid that from the perspective of the entire Blue Star, there are probably no more than a handful of people who have several talents.

In the future, he will be able to hunt more beasts and obtain more talent imprints.

By then, let alone three talents, as long as he continues to fuse.

Having multiple S-level talents is not a problem!

Ye Chuyun was looking forward to it more and more.

Then he took out the skill book, Sea King's Wrath.

To learn this skill, you must have an E-level talent, Water Control.

Now that he has a D-level talent, Water Fusion, he naturally meets the conditions for learning.

He finally has his first second-level skill.

Try to use it once.

Ye Chuyun's body began to emit a faint The water vapor gradually condensed into vortex-shaped water energy.

The water energy surrounded him and formed several rotating water tornadoes.

The scale of these water tornadoes was no less than the water tornadoes summoned by the Iron Turtle King.

These water tornadoes are composed of powerful water currents, spinning and dancing like giant dragons, creating strong vortices and cyclones.

They were like roaring water monsters, circling Ye Chuyun and quickly attacking the corpse of the Iron Turtle Beast on the river.

When the water tornadoes came into contact with the corpse of the Iron Turtle Beast, they brought terrible tearing force and pressure, making the corpse unable to resist.

The river water rolled, and streams of water violently hit the corpse, completely sucking it into the water.

In the violent water flow, the corpse of the Iron Turtle Beast began to break, and the fragments were constantly shredded in the rotation of the water tornado, making a shrill sound.

In the end, the corpse completely dissipated, turned into a little splash of water, and sank into the abyss at the bottom of the river.

"It is indeed a second-level skill, and its power is really strong!"

Seeing the tragic scene caused by the water tornado around him, Ye Chuyun couldn't help but marvel.

However, this skill consumes too much energy.

With his current energy, he can only use it three times at most.

However, when his energy is getting higher and higher, it will be easier to use this skill.

Finally, he put the [Iron Turtle Helmet】,【Iron Turtle Boots] Equip them together

【Tip: It is detected that you have three pieces of Iron Turtle equipment, which triggers the set attributes, defense +100, fire resistance +100. 】


The set attributes are actually triggered!!

The defense is actually directly increased by 100!

This is too cool.

A lot of skill stones and enhancement stones are also obtained.

Ye Chuyun simply enhanced the Storm Blade and Iron Turtle Armor in his hand to the limit in one breath, and finally consumed all the enhancement stones.

The skills also enhanced all the first-level skills to the limit.

Suddenly, Ye Chuyun was almost fully armed from head to toe.

The strength has increased greatly.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun's latest data emerged in his mind.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 8 (5130/50000)

Reputation: 50

Title: The Person Favored by Heaven

Strength: 384

Agility: 308

Constitution: 417 (E-level super constitution, +83)

Spirit: 464

Combat Power: 3381 (3146+235)

Equipment: Storm Blade +5 (Attack Power +100, Strength +50, can cause 150% defense damage when attacking, second-level equipment) Iron Turtle Armor +5 (Defense +80, Constitution +50, Fire Resistance +200%, second-level equipment) Iron Turtle Helmet (Defense +35, Constitution +20, Spirit +10, Fire Resistance +50%, second- level equipment)

Level 1 top-quality equipment)

Iron Turtle Boots (Defense +20, Agility +20, Movement Speed Increased by 30%, Level 2 top-quality equipment)

Agility Ring (Agility +8, Level 1 equipment)

Purple Poison Ring (Agility +15, Level 2 equipment)

Sage's Chain (Spirit +30, can shorten the skill cooldown time after wearing, Level 3 equipment)

Purple Jade Mirror (Spirit +10, Constitution +15 after wearing, comes with the defensive skill Purple Jade Cover, can form a defensive cover with 1000 energy, Level 2 equipment)

God and Demon Coins: 8853

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