Ye Chuyun laughed loudly and decisively activated the skill of the Purple Jade Mirror.

A purple protective shield protected him.

Facing the rain of water arrows, he did not hesitate and went straight to fight.

Ding Ding Ding!

The rain of water arrows hit the purple protective shield, forming a sound of metal clashing.

The energy bar of the protective shield was also decreasing little by little.

Fortunately, the energy bar of the protective shield had 1,000 points. It just resisted a wave of water arrows, but it only consumed less than 300 energy points.

The four leaders also rushed over and arrived in front of Ye Chuyun in just a moment, with amazing momentum.

Ye Chuyun did not want to confront them for the time being, and jumped to avoid their impact.

Under the huge inertia, the four leaders could not stop in time.

And Ye Chuyun jumped like this and rushed directly to the group of iron turtle beasts.

His plan was to deal with these thirty iron turtle beasts first and cut off the wings of the iron turtle king.


Under the rain of water arrows, he rushed directly into the group of iron turtle beasts, waving his long sword repeatedly, with a flash of sword light.

His fighting power was exerted to the extreme at this moment!

Swish! Dangdangdang!

There were waves of sounds like the sound of metal clashing, mixed with the sound of flesh being cut.

The iron turtle beasts that Ye Chuyun chopped roared in pain.

However, their shells were not cut off by him, and they were only slightly injured.

Ye Chuyun was surprised to find that the defense of this group of iron turtle beasts seemed to have increased by more than 50%.

After a closer look, he found that the shells of this group of iron turtle beasts were emitting a faint blue light.

Ye Chuyun looked at the Iron Turtle King who was also emitting blue light, and suddenly realized it.

It turned out that the Iron Turtle King activated the skill, Guard.

This skill is a defensive skill that can increase the defense of the target group within a certain range.

It is an extremely useful auxiliary skill.

Seeing that his brothers were actually injured, the Iron Turtle King roared again.

This time, a green light fell from the sky and landed on the injured Iron Turtle Beast, and it healed automatically!

Wow, this Iron Turtle King activated a skill again, healing.

Ye Chuyun suddenly had a headache.

This Iron Turtle King is much smarter than the Storm Bear Leader he killed before.

He can both assist and heal.

However, as long as he can break through the defense of this group of Iron Turtle Beasts, it will not be a problem.

The rain of water arrows continued to fall, but they were all blocked by the protective shield.

In a critical moment, Ye Chuyun quickly took out the bottle of toxin.

This is his latest developed toxin, which is twice as powerful as the one he used before.

He poured it all out decisively and smeared it all on the Storm Blade.


At this time, the four leaders also turned around and attacked Ye Chuyun.

Ye Chuyun could only avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

He activated [Speed Amplification] to speed up his speed and wandered between the leaders and the group of iron turtles.

In this way, the two sides fought each other.

Ye Chuyun was experienced in combat, coupled with his extremely fast speed, which made the four leaders unable to do anything to him.

Of course, Ye Chuyun could not do anything to the four leaders for the time being.

Whenever he attacked the four leaders.

They activated the guarding skill to protect each other.

As the leaders of the iron turtles, their defense is much higher than that of ordinary iron turtles.

In addition, the guarding skill increases the defense.

Ye Chuyun could only It caused a slight wound on their bodies, which would heal automatically afterwards.

However, the other thirty Iron Turtle beasts were in a miserable state.

During the battle, Ye Chuyun kept leaving wounds on them.

Even if the Iron Turtle King had healing skills, it couldn't cure the toxins in their bodies!

The Iron Turtle King didn't realize anything strange.

It didn't even notice that there were fewer and fewer water arrows in the sky.

It thought its younger brothers were being lazy, and urged them angrily.

The Iron Turtle King looked at this little human who kept dodging attacks with pride.

He couldn't even beat his younger brothers, and he still wanted to defeat him.


However, at this moment, something strange happened!


One of the turtles howled, and a lot of black blood flowed from the wounds on its body.

The other turtles also howled as if in a chain reaction.

Before Ye Chuyun could make a move, they vomited blood and died.

The Iron Turtle King and the four leaders were dumbfounded.

Why did the brothers suddenly vomit blood and die?

【Kill a Level 5 mutant iron turtle beast and gain double energy points +700】

【Kill a level 5 Iron Turtle Beast and gain double energy points +500】

【Kill a Level 5 mutant iron turtle beast and gain double energy points +700】

【Kill a level 5 Iron Turtle Beast and gain double energy points +500】

The prompts to kill kept ringing.

Ye Chuyun's eyes showed great joy.

It seemed that the toxin hidden in these iron turtle beasts had taken effect.

In just a moment, nearly half of the iron turtle beasts died.

The four leaders suddenly felt bad.

Because they found that their bodies were beginning to become dull.

Although Ye Chuyun only injured their epidermis, the toxins still spread in their bodies.

It was just that the speed was much slower than that of the iron turtle beasts.

Ye Chuyun immediately took action and attacked the remaining iron turtle beasts.


This time it was particularly easy for him to kill, almost one by one.

There were constant wails and screams from the iron turtle beasts.

The Iron Turtle King, who was more than a thousand meters away, was even more shocked and angry when he saw this.

It was wrong, it underestimated the cunningness of this human.

Despicable human, actually poisoned!

Watching the younger brothers continue to die in front of him.

The Iron Turtle King roared, swung his limbs continuously, and ran over quickly!

The four leaders finally got scared and turned to run towards the Iron Turtle King, intending to join him.

After all, they understood one truth: the more turtles, the stronger the power!


Ye Chuyun's face changed.

He naturally didn't���It was enough for the four leaders to reunite with the Iron Turtle King.

Once they reunite, it would be much more difficult to kill the Iron Turtle King or the four leaders.

However, the defense of the four leaders was too strong, and he could not kill them instantly.

"It seems that I can only use the spell scroll."

Ye Chuyun gritted his teeth and took out the first-level spell scroll, Sea of Fire.

He originally wanted to use these scrolls as a trump card.

But if he doesn't use them now, once the four leaders meet up with the Iron Turtle King, his chances of survival will be greatly reduced!

At that moment, his figure flashed, and he swung his legs wildly to catch up with the four leaders.

At this time, the distance between the four leaders and the Iron Turtle King was only 200 meters.

The four leaders heard the movement behind them and continued to run wildly.

They thought that this human could not break their defense at all.

The most important thing now is to meet up with the boss quickly.

As long as he reaches the boss, this human will be dead!

But in the next second!

A sea of fire fell from the sky and wrapped the four leaders in it!

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