[Kill level 1 green claw beast, gain energy points +5】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it】

【Kill level 1 green claw beast, gain energy points +6】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it】

Ye Chuyun mixed in the crowd, specifically looking for the lone and besieged green claw beast.

When he found the right opportunity, he chopped off its head with one knife.

In the end, he stole five green claw beast heads.

After a hard fight, all the green claw beasts in the square were cleared.

Ye Chuyun obtained a total of 28 energy points, and there were still 72 energy points short of upgrading.

The most eye-catching performances were naturally Wang Gang and Zhuang Liang. In addition, there was a girl named Liu Qian who drew a bow and arrow.

The three of them teamed up together, Zhuang Liang carried a shield to block the attack of the green claw beast, and Wang Gang and Liu Qian were responsible for attacking the green claw beast.

It was quite well-organized, like a complete team.

Ye Chuyun looked at the regional chat channel, and there was a string of numbers in the upper right corner: 952/1000.

That is to say, in the process of fighting against the green claw beast just now, 48 people died.

Ye Chuyun was not surprised.

Because these level 1 green claw beasts alone have a combat power of 200, and level 2 has a combat power of 400, and so on.

Besides, these are just ordinary-level beasts, equivalent to small monsters.

Not to mention the elite monsters and leader-level beasts.

Everyone looked at the bodies of the Green Claw Beast and its companions, with fear, anger, confusion, sadness and other emotions on their faces.

Ye Chuyun just stood aside with his arms folded, silent.

In his previous life, he had been one of them. Because he saw other people being brutally killed by the Green Claw Beast in front of him, he felt despair for a while, and his life had no hope.

This time is different, he must become stronger, explore the true secrets of this world of gods and demons, and gain eternal life!

After a panic, Wang Gang, Zhuang Liang and Liu Qian stood up and comforted everyone.

"Everyone, please calm down. There are so many of us, there is nothing to be afraid of. Since we have come to this world, we must find a way to live well."

"There is strength in numbers. As long as we cooperate well, formulate tactics, and upgrade steadily, these monsters are nothing to worry about."

"There is no point staying here. Have you forgotten that we must reach level 10 in a month? Otherwise, we will be wiped out. This is definitely not a lie."

"In this case, we must act quickly."

The words of several people quickly calmed everyone down, and some of them immediately stood up and decided to continue fighting with Wang Gang and the other two.

But there were still some people who were like Ye Chuyun in his previous life, who temporarily lost the faith to fight. Those who were willing to fight quickly formed a team.

Wang Gang and the other two were naturally popular targets, and other strong young people were also sought after.

During this period, Ye Chuyun naturally received many invitations, but he shook his head and refused them all.

If he formed a team, he would inevitably reveal many things, and he was destined to go alone all the way.

In the end, everyone formed a dozen teams and left the square in a mighty manner.

And Ye Chuyun also took this opportunity to come to a He found a corner where no one noticed, and quickly opened the storage space to check his spoils.

The storage space is similar to the backpack in the online game, with an initial capacity of one hundred grids. To upgrade, you have to spend God and Demon Coins.

And God and Demon Coins can be obtained by killing ferocious beasts.

As soon as the storage space was opened, Ye Chuyun's eyes widened immediately.

He robbed the heads of five green-clawed beasts, and the spoils that exploded occupied eleven grids of the storage space!

This is thanks to the SSS-level talent and 100% explosion rate.

According to the normal explosion rate, killing one hundred green-clawed beasts may result in only one or two of them exploding something.

Now, he exploded with one head, and five heads directly exploded eleven items. It was simply too cool.

"Let me see what's exploded." Ye Chuyun began to count the spoils with great anticipation.

【[God and Demon Coins] *20

First, the God and Demon Coins, the five green claw beasts exploded 20 coins in total, occupying one grid.

The role of God and Demon Coins is equivalent to game coins. In the God and Demon World, you can't live without God and Demon Coins.

Moreover, in the early stage, the explosion rate of God and Demon Coins is also very small. It may take three green claw beasts to explode one God and Demon Coin.

The second item is five identical green beads, occupying a total of five grids.

【Green Claw Beast's Essence: Strength +2 after taking】

"It turned out to be the spirit of a beast!!!"Ye Chuyun was overjoyed.

The spirit is the essence of a beast. No matter it is an ordinary beast, an elite beast, or a leader beast, there is a certain probability that it will explode after being killed.

After taking the spirit, one can improve the four dimensions, which was something that was hard to come by in the early days of the previous life.

Ordinary beasts may not explode even if hundreds of them are killed. The explosion rate of elites and leaders is a little higher.

Even if it explodes, people usually choose to take it themselves.

If it is sold, even the spirit of a level 1 beast can be sold at a sky-high price of several hundred God and Demon coins in the later stage.

Now Ye Chuyun's sword hits critically, and a green claw beast spirit explodes at a time.

Without hesitation, Ye Chuyun chose to swallow the five green claw beast spirits directly.

【Take the essence of the green claw beast and gain 2 points of strength attribute】

【Take the essence of the green claw beast and gain 2 points of strength attribute】

【Tip: The upper limit of the essence of the Green Claw Beast that can be consumed (5/10)】

A warm energy traveled through his body, and Ye Chuyun felt that his strength had become much stronger.

This is the secret of immortality. As long as they keep upgrading, their bodies can continue to evolve.

Ye Chuyun opened the panel, and now his strength has increased by 10 points, and his strength has become 16. His combat power has also increased by 20 points, becoming 70, but this kind of combat power is still not enough to fight a level 1 Green Claw Beast alone.

Then the third item turned out to be a skill book!

【Appraisal: No rank, can peek into the essence of things, the higher the rank, the more you can peek into, learning requirements, no】

"This is a skill book?"

Ye Chuyun was a little suspicious of his own eyes.

In his previous life, skill books were very precious, but now they appeared after he killed a few green claw beasts.

First of all, in the world of gods and demons, there is no upper limit to the skills that everyone possesses.

At first glance, this is simply a bug-like setting.

However, Ye Chuyun had been in the world of gods and demons for ten years in his previous life, and found that this setting was basically useless.

It was because of the extremely low explosion rate.

If the spirit of a fierce beast can only be exploded after killing hundreds of beasts, then a skill book may not be exploded even after killing thousands or tens of thousands of beasts. Even if a skill book is exploded, there may be learning restrictions. Some skill books have so many restrictions that it is simply outrageous.

Most people may only learn a few job skills when they change their jobs. To learn skills outside of their job, they either spend gods and demons coins to buy them or go to kill monsters.

Although identification skills are common in the later period of the world of gods and demons, not everyone has one.

In the early stage, it is simply a magical skill.

Not only can it detect the combat power attributes of monsters, but if the level is high, it can also identify useful information such as maps, monster distribution, equipment, etc.

【Do you want to learn the"Identification" skill?】

""Learn, learn, learn!" Ye Chuyun said impatiently.

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