This surprised Ye Chuyun.

When did they become so obedient in front of Bai Hang?

After a closer look, Ye Chuyun found that Bai Hang seemed to have been reborn.

Now standing in front of him, the whole person exudes a confident aura, no longer the timid boy before.

His level is actually already 12, and it is unknown what he has obtained or what hidden profession he has obtained.

Qian Duoduo did not report to him.

However, judging from the performance of Qiao Shanyun and the others, Bai Hang seems to be better than them?

As soon as Bai Hang finished speaking, the others stopped talking. This deterrent power really surprised Ye Chuyun.

"When did these golden fish appear in this river?" he asked

"It appeared just after I caught all those strange fish."

Bai Hang said.

At this point, Wang Gang immediately stood up.

"Leader Ye, you don't know how powerful Brother Bai is."

"As soon as he made a move, the strange fish in the river were frozen one after another and were easily caught."

"The reason why we were able to exchange so many primary whetstone blueprints so quickly is largely due to Brother Bai's contribution."

"No, no."

Bai Hang waved his hands repeatedly.

"It would be best if I could help Alliance Leader Ye."

"So that's it."

Ye Chuyun nodded.

He was not too surprised by Bai Hang's performance.

After all, he was a future Tianji strongman, and a little digging would be able to shine with unrivaled brilliance.

"In other words, you caught all the strange fish in the river, and then these golden fish appeared?"


Ye Chuyun exclaimed in his heart.

There are at least tens of thousands of strange fish in this river. They are as fast as lightning, and they are immune to some physical and spell attacks. They are very tenacious. It is very difficult to catch one.

Ye Chuyun thought that Wang Gang and others would take a week to complete the task.

Unexpectedly, they caught all the strange fish in the river directly. However,

Ye Chuyun still remembered that the number of strange fish in the river in his previous life was just enough to exchange for all the items of the fisherman.

He thought about it and continued to ask:

"So, apart from the primary whetstone blueprint, have you exchanged all other items?"

After saying that, Ye Chuyun quickly added:

"I'm just asking, I don't mean anything else. The other items are yours after they are exchanged. You can distribute them however you want. I won't interfere."

The others also smiled embarrassedly.

"Yes, we have exchanged them all."

Ye Chuyun nodded:

"Could it be that these golden fish appeared after you caught all the strange fish and then exchanged all the things in the fisherman's hands?"

"It seems to be true"

"After we exchanged all the things in the fisherman's hand, these golden fish appeared."

"Then the fisherman started fishing and ignored us."

"After a long time of hard work, the fisherman finally took out a seventh-level equipment and asked us to exchange it for a golden fish."

"Is that so?"

Ye Chuyun analyzed it after listening.

The current situation may have triggered a certain condition, which opened up the subsequent tasks.

There were indeed many such examples in the previous life.

The task fanatic Lone Walker he followed had once recorded such a task on the forum.

The content of the task was to kill a level 25 leader-level beast.

However, the specific location of the beast was not marked, and the Lone Walker had to find it himself.

The Lone Walker was lucky. He found the target of the task within an hour after receiving the task and killed it.

When he went back to hand in the task, he accidentally triggered the subsequent task.

The triggering condition, the Lone Walker guessed, was to kill the target of the task within an hour.

Not telling the specific location of the target of the task The reason why he has to find it himself is probably because of the existence of this condition.

The fisherman may have triggered some conditions, thus starting the subsequent tasks.

As for what conditions, Ye Chuyun had no idea.

It may be to catch all the strange fish within the specified time.

Or to exchange all the items in the fisherman's hand within the specified time.

Everything is possible.

Shaking his head, Ye Chuyun stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, this time he accidentally triggered the hidden condition, and there was even a seventh-level equipment exchange.

He had to study it carefully.

Ye Chuyun looked at the old man.

At this time, the old man was sitting by the river, squinting his eyes and fishing with a bamboo pole in a leisurely manner.

However, Ye Chuyun noticed that there was no bait on the hook of the bamboo pole in his hand.

【[Name]: Fisherman (Special)

【Level: 100

【Combat Capability Assessment】:???




【[Explosion rate]: ? ?

The moment Ye Chuyun saw the data, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Level 100, equivalent to a level 10 warrior.

Any finger of his could easily crush Wang Gang and the others.

Of course, this also includes himself.

""Master, you don't even have bait, so you're not afraid of being empty-handed."

Ye Chuyun came to his side cautiously and said jokingly.

But the fisherman didn't seem to hear him at all, still staring straight at the bamboo pole, fishing silently.

At this time, Cai Kun suddenly appeared and patted Ye Chuyun on the shoulder:

"Leader, look at me."

After saying that, he turned his head and glared:

"Hey, old man, I'm going to explode your gold coins"

"Take out the things quickly!"

"How can you be so rude, young man?"

""Okay, okay, what are you arguing about? You don't even have a golden fish, and you still want to exchange it from me?"

The fisherman suddenly opened his eyes and said angrily.

"Wait until you get the golden fish."

After teaching him a lesson, the fisherman continued fishing.

Cai Kun spread his hands helplessly:

"Alliance leader, you can see that without the golden fish, the fisherman ignored us."

"We were shown the exchange items before, which was the seventh-level equipment."

"Now they won't even show us the exchange items."

"Good fellow, Cai Kun has you."

Ye Chuyun admired him very much. He is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

This fisherman is level 100, and Cai Kun is so arrogant that he is not afraid of being slapped to death.

However, Ye Chuyun also figured out the situation.

It seems that he still needs to find a way to get this golden fish.

Everyone gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"You should have tried to catch the golden fish, right? How was it, was it successful?"

Ye Chuyun asked


Bai Hang shook his head.

"The scales on these golden fish are incredibly hard, and weapons can do no harm to them."

"Moreover, its magic defense is very high, basically reducing about 80% of the damage, and its wandering speed is also very fast."

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