[Dark Sealing Sword: A fourth-tier skill that consumes a large amount of spirit. After use, it can expand a domain within a certain range. All creatures outside the domain cannot enter. Enemies standing in the domain cannot leave the domain and cannot use any skills. All attributes are reduced by 20%. The duration is 50 seconds and the cooldown time is 24 hours. Learning conditions require 2000 spirit and above, 100 points of dark element, and mastery of E and the talent of dark control.】

【Dark Erosion: A third-tier skill that can reduce the enemy's attributes by 20%. The effect can be stacked with other skill effects and talents. It lasts for ten minutes and has a cooldown of three hours. The learning conditions require a spirit of 1500 or above, 100 points of dark element, and mastery of E and the talent of dark control. 】

Both skill books are what Ye Chuyun wanted.

But it was a pity that he only got these two skill books from the Ghost Knight.

Both skill books have a common requirement, which is to master the E-level dark talent, dark control, and the dark element needs to reach 100.

Ye Chuyun has currently met one requirement.

His dark element is already 200.

The higher the dark element, the more resistance there is when facing dark skills.

He does not have the E-level dark control talent.

However, the Ghost Knight was kind enough to explode two talent imprints, one of which was the E-level dark control.

【Dark Control: Can control darkness】

【[Super strong attack: can increase its own attack power by 20%]

Ye Chuyun learned all of them.

Now he has two more talents. He already has too many talents to count with one pair of hands.

Now the conditions for learning skills are also met, and he has two more powerful skills.

In addition, the Ghost Knight also dropped more than 20,000 God and Demon Coins, several Strengthening Stone Skill Stones, and some more special materials.

The reason why these materials are special is that they are all body parts of the Ghost Knight, that is, skull bones..

These bones are given to those who study potions to see if they can research out any special potions.

After sorting out the spoils, Ye Chuyun looked at the sky.

A lot of time was spent in the ghost town, and the sky gradually darkened.

Everything was done, and the base was successfully upgraded to level 2.

Ye Chuyun was still thinking about the auction that Mo Hu mentioned tomorrow, so he teleported back to the base.

The first thing he did when he returned to the base was to open the base management system and take a look at the newly added public buildings.

【Resident Management System】

【Location Name: Weiyang

【[Resident Level]: Level 2 (10325/500000)

【[Residential buildings]: 2-level houses*30, mansion, chamber of commerce, hotel, tavern

【Upper limit of resident personnel】: 1500/5000

【[Buildable buildings]: Shops, teleportation arrays, warehouses

Shops and teleportation arrays are public buildings that can be built at level 1, and Ye Chuyun has not yet asked Qian Duoduo to build them.

Now most people are setting up stalls and do not have their own shops.

Ye Chuyun is thinking about selling the shop and earning rent one day in the future when the flow of people in the station increases.

Tailors, blacksmiths, alchemists, etc., if they are interested, can open a shop.

Now it is so early to build a shop. These people don’t have so much money and nothing to sell. It’s a waste of space.

The teleportation array is specially built for conquering some areas in the future.

For example, the future Golden Flame Mountains.

There can produce a large number of magic crystals, and this secret has not been discovered by anyone until now.

Once discovered, there will definitely be countless forces who want to eat this piece of fat.

If he builds a teleportation array between the station and the Golden Flame Mountains, he will be able to take a huge advantage.

However, building a teleportation array requires an extremely rare material.

Space stone.

Ye Chuyun knows the channel to obtain space stone, but now he has no time to obtain it.

Then there is only one warehouse left among the three buildings.

This is also the public building that Ye Chuyun wants to build the most.

With a warehouse, he doesn't need to spend a lot of God and Demon coins to expand the storage space.

As long as the warehouse's permissions are changed so that only he can open it, then this warehouse will be a super large storage space that belongs to him alone.

Long before the station, Ye Chuyun asked Qian Duoduo to prepare all the materials for building the warehouse.

"You really are amazing when you do something."

Qian Duoduo brought the materials for building the warehouse.

"It was just a coincidence. I completed a task by accident and gained 50,000 reputation points."

Ye Chuyun said with a smile.

""Haha." Qian Duoduo rolled his eyes.

This old fox.

But he would not ask too much.

Everyone has some secrets.

He was not interested in Ye Chuyun's secrets.

Ye Chuyun took the materials, selected a location and started to build the warehouse.

The construction process would take 24 hours.

There was nothing else to do at the moment, so Ye Chuyun chatted with Qian Duoduo.

"Now that the number of members that can be recruited in the garrison has increased, should we continue to recruit people?"

Qian Duoduo asked.

Ye Chuyun thought about it and nodded:

"Well, there are still too few people doing the work now. Let's recruit them slowly. We only care about quality, not quantity."


"By the way, how are Wang Gang and the others doing? Have they got all the blueprints for the primary whetstones?"

"Don't worry, I've got them all. I'm working hard to make a primary whetstone now."

"Now there are more buyers than sellers, I just regret that there are not enough blacksmiths."

Ye Chuyun smiled:

"The fisherman had so many good things on him, but Wang Gang and his men took them all away."

"I was just about to tell you about this."

Qian Duoduo shook his head.

"I don't know if you know that the fisherman is not only a beginner���In addition to the knife stone blueprint, there are other items that can be exchanged"

"I know, but apart from the primary grindstone blueprint, other things are not very rare, at most there are some suits, spirits, special props and so on."

Qian Duoduo smiled when he heard this:

"It seems you don't know."

"In addition to the basic whetstone blueprint, the fisherman also had a seventh-level equipment."

"Seventh-level equipment?"

Ye Chuyun's expression suddenly changed.

"How could this happen?"

The fisherman in the previous life did not have the seventh-level equipment to exchange.

But Ye Chuyun thought about it.

The fisherman was not discovered until more than two months after he descended into the world of gods and demons.

Now it is not even the eighth day and he has been discovered and the mission has been triggered.

Maybe there will be some differences.

Now Ye Chuyun could no longer sit still and asked quickly:

"Are Wang Gang and the others still there?"

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