Congratulations, you have reached level 17】

【Tip: Due to the existence of Heaven's Blessing, your attributes will be greatly improved!】

【Your strength increases by 105 points!】

【Your agility increases by 105 points!】

【Your physical fitness increases by 105 points!】

【Your spirit increases by 105 points!】

【You have gained 55 free attribute points!】

The attributes gained from this upgrade are a little different from the previous ones.

Originally, all attributes were increased by 100 points plus 50 free attribute points.

But now, all of them have increased by 5 points.

Ye Chuyun naturally knew what caused this situation.

The reason was that his bloodline had been upgraded.

The improvement of bloodline means that his potential has also been improved.

The improvement of potential means that more attribute points will be obtained after the upgrade.

While dealing with the evil spirits, Ye Chuyun took the time to open the panel and look at his upgraded data.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 17 (52000/2000000)

Reputation: 700

Title: Person favored by Heaven, No. 250 of the God, Intermediate Forger

Strength: 11719 (B-level Strength True Meaning +17579)

Agility: 9256 (C-level Agility Realm, +7405)

Constitution: 10353 (C-level Physical Realm, +8282)

Spirit: 8521 (D-level Spiritual Enhancement, +3408)

Free attribute points: 55

Hearing: 100

Blood: 100

Dark Element: 100

Combat Power: 81968 (79698+2270) The combat power has increased by more than 800, which is very good.

There are still 55 free attribute points, and Ye Chuyun also took the time to add them all to spirit.

Who knew that the spirit, which had the highest value before, has now become his lowest attribute.

After all 55 free attribute points were added to the spirit, the combat power just broke through to 82,000.

Although a lot of evil ghosts were killed, for the entire ghost town, the number of kills was just a drop in the bucket.

Ye Chuyun has been busy with other things these days, and his upgrade has slowed down a lot.

This also led to the fact that other people on the world ranking list saw that the level of the first place had not moved in the past few days, and everyone was like a chicken blood, thinking that there was a chance to surpass.

But in just these few days, the second place was only level 12 at most.

There is still a huge gap with Ye Chuyun, who has already reached level 16.

Now Ye Chuyun has upgraded another level, which is probably a great blow to others.

If someone can see the growth rate of Ye Chuyun's energy bar now, their eyes will probably pop out.

They worked hard all day to increase a small part of the energy bar, but Ye Chuyun could actually increase it to the top in less than ten minutes.

Ye Chuyun didn't expect the evil ghosts to be so powerful.

He stood there motionless, and the ferocious evil ghost saw that his companions were gradually decreasing and continued to go to other places to call new evil ghosts for him to kill.

The more he killed, the more he summoned.

Although the number of evil spirits was decreasing, new evil spirits were still increasing.

These evil spirits really made him cry.

【Congratulations, you have reached level 18】

【Tip: Due to the existence of Heaven's Blessing, your attributes will be greatly improved!】

【Your strength increases by 105 points!】

【Your agility increases by 105 points!】

【Your physical fitness increases by 105 points!】

【Your spirit increases by 105 points!】

【You have gained 55 free attributes! 】

Half an hour later, Ye Chuyun's momentum rose, and he actually rose to another level!

At this time, the world channel was also in an uproar.

Some people like to open the world ranking list to check the latest situation.

If there is any major event, these people will post it in the world channel as soon as possible to attract a group of spectators.

Now there is an extremely strange thing spreading in the world channel.

No. 881 Xu Tian:"Fuck, what happened? I saw Ye Shen reached level 17 half an hour ago. How come he reached another level in just half an hour?"

No. 688 Jin Zai Tian:"Shit, this is impossible. He reached a level in half an hour. Is he cheating?"

No. 666 Martin:"Oh my god, he must be the reincarnation of God, Amen."

No. 1888 Wang Gang:"Fuck, Ye Shen, how come you took off without us?"

No. 366 Sada Mura:"I thought Nakamura-san, who was ranked second, could catch up with Ye Sang, but it seems there is no hope. We, the Great Sakura Empire, are completely impressed by the strength of Dragon Country."

Ye Chuyun himself did not expect that the sudden change in his level would cause so much discussion.

After reaching level 17, Ye Chuyun once again added all 55 points of free attributes to the spirit.

After the upgrade, Ye Chuyun's combat power increased a lot, soaring 1,000 combat power, reaching 83,000 combat power.

After reaching level 20, the Heavenly Dao Temple will summon him again to start the second-level Heavenly Dao evaluation.

Judging from his current combat power of 83,000.

At that time, it is estimated that the lowest will be an A-level evaluation.

The second-level Heavenly Dao evaluation is not like the first-level.

When he was at the first level, he had not yet obtained any profession.

Therefore, the first-level Heavenly Dao evaluation is to evaluate one's own abilities and various attributes, and then give a suitable profession.

After obtaining a profession, the second-level Heavenly Dao evaluation is a normal assessment.

Successful assessment will give talents and opportunities related to the profession.

Depending on the difficulty of the assessment, talents and opportunities are strong or weak.

Therefore, the Heavenly Dao evaluation at each stage cannot be perfunctory.

After all, this is a major opportunity to pay attention to one's future.

After that, Ye Chuyun continued to slaughter the evil spirits for more than ten minutes, and the energy bar rose by about 30% again.

As long as it continued for another half an hour, it would definitely be able to upgrade again.

It was just a pity that almost 70% of all the evil spirits in the ghost town had been killed by Ye Chuyun.

These evil spirits were also afraid, knowing that the human in front of them was not easy to deal with, and began to flee in all directions.


Suddenly, five or six huge evil spirits with a height of five meters landed from all directions.

As soon as they appeared, they launched a fierce attack on Ye Chuyun.

【[Name]: Butcher Demon (Boss Level)

【Level: 20

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 35000

【Features: Ghostly speed, tenacious vitality, immune to physical attacks, super high intelligence

【Skills: Spell reduction LV5, explosion LV5, dynamic lock LV5

【Talent: Super strong defense E level

【[Explosion rate]: 10%

Ye Chuyun teleported and dodged the attack of the five butcher evil ghosts.


As soon as Ye Chuyun left, the five butcher evil ghosts immediately locked their eyes on a certain corner.

In the corner, Ye Chuyun's figure just appeared.

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