In the previous life, there was a man named Zhuang Ziqing, who was known as one of the top 100 god-level masters in the Blue Star Domain in the world of gods and demons.

But before becoming one of the top 100 god-level masters, Zhuang Ziqing was just an unknown lone ranger.

One time, for some unknown reason, Zhuang Ziqing was hunted down by a first-class force [Jia Lan].

The boss of that first-class force sent tens of thousands of masters with a level of no less than 80 to hunt him down.

And Zhuang Ziqing himself was only level 90.

Everyone was guessing what kind of person Zhuang Ziqing was, and how he could provoke such a behemoth.

However, the final result was shocking.

Tens of thousands of masters were actually solved by Zhuang Ziqing in one move!

That first-class force was uprooted by Zhuang Ziqing overnight!

Later, someone found out Zhuang Ziqing's identity.

It turned out to be a hidden profession, a Qi Refiner!

Various forces looked for Zhuang Ziqing, either threatening, or giving him heavy gifts, or wooing him, trying to find out information about the hidden profession.

Zhuang Ziqing did not hide anything and directly told everyone.

If you want to become a Qi Refiner, you must reach 300 spirits before level 10.

After passing the test of the Heavenly Dao, you may be able to obtain this hidden profession.

However, to reach the requirement of 300 spirits before level 10 is tantamount to ascending to heaven!

But for Ye Chuyun, this goal may not be impossible to achieve!

Ye Chuyun's gaze shifted from the golden spirit fruit to the three giant beasts.

The first giant beast was a purple giant frog.

Compared to the ordinary blue poison frog, its body was three times larger, and its eyes were more"intelligent"."

【Name: Purple Poison Frog (leader)

【Level: Level 3

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 660

【Features: Cunning, timid, fast-moving, with deadly toxins in its skin and saliva

【Skills]: Speed Boost LV2

【[Explosion Rate]: 5%

The second beast is a giant eyeless snake

【Name: Eyeless Snake (leader)

【Level: Level 3

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 700

【Features: Earth escape, no vision, bloodthirsty

【Skills]: Strength Amplification LV2

【[Explosion Rate]: 5%

The last one is a giant black bear, at least five meters tall, full of violent aura!

【[Name]: Storm Bear (leader)

【Level: 4

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 900

【Features: Fierce, brutal, bloodthirsty

【Talent: Physical Enhancement F Level

【Skills: Frenzy LV1, Strength Amplification LV3

【[Explosion rate]: 6%

Oh my goodness, three leader-level beasts!

And one of them has a combat power of 900!

Ye Chuyun suddenly felt a little scalp tingling.

But he also has a combat power of thousands.

Plus the help of various skills.

What's more, there are two first-level spell scrolls in his storage space, which may not be impossible to kill these three leader beasts.

What's more, this is a leader beast, and I don't know what good things will explode.

Rather than being afraid, Ye Chuyun is more looking forward to it!

At this time, the distribution positions of the three beasts are the eyeless snake on the left, the purple poison frog on the right, and the storm bear in the middle!

The distance between the three is at least eight meters.

The leaders will have a sense of territory.

In addition, Ye Chuyun noticed that the three beasts seemed to be guarding the golden dragon fruit, but in fact they were all wary of each other.

This undoubtedly gave Ye Chuyun the opportunity to defeat them one by one!

Thinking of this, his eyes slowly moved to the leftmost, the eyeless snake leader.

Although the combat power of the eyeless snake leader is not the lowest among the three, it can escape underground.

This is undoubtedly a hidden danger for Ye Chuyun, and it must be eradicated first!

Taking a deep breath, before taking action, Ye Chuyun took out a bottle of black liquid and smeared it on the green claw machete!

After doing this, Ye Chuyun used stealth and sneaked around behind the eyeless snake leader.

He planned to repeat the trick and cut off the tail of the eyeless snake leader to make it lose its ability to move first!

But before he made a move, Ye Chuyun saw the metal-like scales covering the tail.

It seems that this eyeless snake leader has something. He knows that his weakness is his tail, and he deliberately protects it with scales.

Ye Chuyun smiled and turned on the power increase without any hesitation!

Increase strength by 20 points!

The green claw machete, with a full 172 points of power, directly chopped the tail with scales!

Click! Click!

The huge force caused the scales covering the outside of the tail to shatter.

But with the protection of the scales, Ye Chuyun was unable to cut off the tail of the eyeless snake leader in the first place.

The black liquid on the Green Claw machete flowed down the blade into the wound on the tail.


The eyeless snake leader screamed in pain after being suddenly attacked, which immediately attracted the attention of the other two leaders.

The purple poison frog and the storm bear turned their heads to look at Ye Chuyun.

After discovering that Ye Chuyun was just a small level 4 human, the purple poison frog and the storm bear showed contempt in their eyes, and more of gloating.

The three leaders were originally in a competitive relationship.

They even wanted the eyeless snake to die. Moreover, the opponent was just a level 4 human, and they didn't think they would be killed by the opponent.

So this resulted in the situation where the eyeless snake screamed on the side and the other two leaders and beasts watched the show on the side.

Ye Chuyun really didn't expect the other two leaders to be so confident. But it's better this way, he still hopes that the other two leaders will not come to interfere.


The eyeless snake kept rolling and screaming, and the next second it wanted to perform earth escape and burrow into the ground to escape!

But at this moment, a wisp of black gas suddenly came out of its tail.

The eyeless snake felt that its body was suddenly paralyzed, and its body, which had originally drilled into the ground, froze only halfway!

Ye Chuyun seemed to know something, sneered and continued to chop its tail with a knife!


This time without the protection of scales, the eyeless snake leader's tail was easily cut off by him!

Although the tail was chopped off, the eyeless snake leader was still frozen there, motionless.

Ye Chuyun grabbed its broken tail, and with a huge force, he pulled its entire body out of the ground.

Finally, he chopped off its head with another knife!

The eyeless snake leader was dead!

A dazzling white light flew up from the snake corpse and poured into Ye Chuyun's body.

【Kill the level 3 eyeless snake leader and gain +200 energy points】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it. 】

Ye Chuyun was secretly happy.

The Purple Poison Frog leader also realized that something was wrong.

Especially it noticed that the level 4 human had set his sights on itself after killing the Eyeless Snake leader. Its timid nature made it turn around and run away immediately!

The Storm Bear still looked at Ye Chuyun lazily.

It was very confident.

Even if this little human could kill the Eyeless Snake leader and the Purple Poison Frog leader, he would definitely not be able to beat itself!

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