After the people in the station gradually understood the effect of this buff, they were all excited and couldn't control themselves. They cheered in the street one by one, and they were happier than winning the lottery.

Now everyone is a big spender, and they wish they could split an hour into two hours. Now with this buff, they don't have to go to the hotel to spend time to recover their physical strength and spirit.

Although the recovery time in the hotel is accelerated, basically two or three hours can be restored to the peak state.

But if these two or three hours are used to do tasks, or hunt beasts, it may be possible to improve their own combat power or experience.

Where can you find such a good thing.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun nodded with satisfaction.

This concentration buff is just one of the functions of the Element Tower, and it is also one of the least mentioned functions.

In the previous life, this function was still very popular, because you don't need to go to the hotel to spend time, you just need to be buffed by the Element Tower.

But in this case, the hotel's business will be much less.

And there will be many outsiders who come to the station to get this buff for free.

So the station with the Element Tower has come up with another way to make money.

That is to charge admission fees.

Because this buff will only be added after entering the garrison.

So if you want to get this buff, you must pay the ticket fee.

But this fee is lower than that of a hotel.

In order not to waste time, some people decisively paid this money. This also made the garrison make a lot of money.

Others took the buff and left without consuming any cost at all.

This is simply a business with no capital.

Until later, someone invented the sleepless pill, and this business gradually went bankrupt.

However, the sleepless pill has not yet been released, and Ye Chuyun also wants to make such a fortune with this function of the Element Tower.

However, if you want to make money, you still need to spread the reputation of the Element Tower.

This depends on a lot of money for publicity.

In addition to the function of concentrating, the Element Tower has two other functions.

The second function is the reconnaissance function.

It can view targets within a range of 100,000 meters around the garrison.

If other forces want to ambush and sneak attack, they will definitely not escape the reconnaissance of the Element Tower.

Even if there is stealth, they cannot escape the reconnaissance of the Element Tower.

In addition, the commander can also use this to grasp the actions of everyone and make precise commands.

The third function is the means of attack.

The Tower of Elements contains a magic circle that can attack any target that is hostile to the station.

It can also form a magic shield to protect everyone in the station from being attacked.

The power of attack and defense depends on the level of magic power.

This requires the consumption of magic crystals.

The more magic crystals there are, the stronger the attack and defense power.

Basically, strategic-level weapons like the Tower of Elements require magic crystals.

This is also why the price of magic crystals was so high in the previous life.

Just one attack of the Tower of Elements requires hundreds of magic crystals.

If you want to resist the beast tide, I'm afraid it will consume more.

After activating the Tower of Elements, Ye Chuyun flew down and returned to Qian Duoduo's side.

""Leader, this Elemental Tower is too powerful."

Qian Duoduo said with a smile

"With this buff, I think a little publicity can bring considerable benefits."

"Haha, you understand me."

"However, this can only earn ticket money at most, which won't last long. But let's make money as long as we can, now is the time when we need money."

Qian Duoduo nodded:

"Wang Gang and his team also exchanged many primary whetstone blueprints from the fisherman. It just so happened that we had trained several primary forgers, so we could increase the production of primary whetstones."

"very good"

"It just so happens that they all have the concentration buff now, which is also of great help to them and greatly helps in improving their forging proficiency."

Speaking of this, Ye Chuyun suddenly remembered.

With the Tower of Elements, there is a building that can be built.

It is the arena.

A place where you can PK freely and will not die.

When the station level reaches level 3, you can build an arena.

As the name suggests, the arena is a place for all kinds of people to PK and compete.

This is very helpful to improve personal strength.

After all, in the world of gods and demons, it is not only beasts that will take your life, but also humans.

It may be to rob opportunities, or it may be just for a piece of equipment, and you may kill each other. It is still very necessary to improve personal strength.

With the same combat power of 10,000, the party with more combat experience must have a higher winning rate.

Ye Chuyun once saw a powerful man with 50,000 combat power challenging a man with 100,000 combat power and still won.

The opponent did not rely on combat power, but also extremely rich combat experience, and cleverly resolved the opponent's attack with various skills and positioning.

If he can build an arena in the station, and then with the help of the Tower of Elements, the God and Demon Coins he earns at that time will far exceed the income brought by the primary grindstone.

""Leader Ye, do you think I should publicize this matter now?"

Qian Duoduo asked.

Ye Chuyun thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with promoting it now.

It would be better to do it as soon as possible.

Today is the seventh day, and tomorrow is the eighth day, the day of the auction he and Mo Hu agreed on.

He needs to collect as many God and Demon coins as possible.

Maybe he can buy some good things at the auction then.

"Okay, you should find a way to promote it now, the sooner the better, and keep the funds for the station for now, I will need them tomorrow."

"OK, I'll listen to you."

At the same time, the changes in Ye Chuyun's station gradually spread in the world channel.

The"savages" who originally wanted to go to other places were tempted.

Anyway, it doesn't matter where you go, it's not bad to go and get a buff.

Within an hour or two, many people appeared on the outskirts of the station.

Before they entered, they were all shocked by the scenery inside the station.

Just like Liu Zhiqiang at the beginning, they couldn't believe what they saw.

The determination to join the station became stronger.

Qian Duoduo had already sent people to block the entrance of the station to maintain order.

The station was particularly lively today.

All patrolmen were guarding the gate to prevent outsiders from entering.

Those who wanted to come in had to pay the ticket fee.

In order to promote, Qian Duoduo temporarily set the ticket fee at 3 God and Demon Coins.

This price is still very humane.

The first thing these people did after paying the money to come in was to click on the panel to check their own panel.

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