Ye Chuyun didn't expect that Rosen actually had magic gold in his hand.

This thing was a very precious thing in the previous life.

Basically, a piece of it would be sold out in seconds in the trading house.

And it would never be sold in large quantities. It was usually stored by some major forces as strategic materials.

It can be said that it is priceless.

Generally, it is not used easily.

After all, this thing can ignore the level of equipment and directly increase the success rate by 10%, and it can also improve the quality of equipment.

In other words, even if he forges the top-level equipment of the tenth level, the magic gold can increase the success rate by 10%.

And if he is lucky, the magic gold can also make the quality of this tenth-level equipment rise to another level.

What would that be like? ?

Maybe Rosen hasn't discovered the heaven-defying nature of this magic gold yet.

Otherwise, he wouldn't take it out to exchange for the sacred plate armor with him.

If it were Ye Chuyun himself, he would not take out this magic gold no matter how much money he was given.

I just don't know how many pieces of this magic gold Rosen has.

In his previous life, he had never heard of the rumor that Rosen had magic gold.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun continued to ask

"Which region is Rosen in?"

Qian Duoduo:"He? He is in region 326, what's wrong?"

Region 326?

Ye Chuyun thought about it.

Could it be that Rosen found the magic crystal in this region?

As far as he knew, there was a small copy of level 5-15 in region 326, which would produce some gems and skill books.

Could this be the reason why Rosen wanted to buy a large number of sacred plate armors?

Was it just to conquer this small copy?

However, the sacred plate armor is indeed a small artifact, with additional healing skills, and can also remove all negative states on the body.

Sometimes this skill can even save lives if used well.

Since Rosen wants to use magic gold to exchange for the sacred plate armor with him, then he will see how much he can squeeze out of the other party.

Ye Chuyun:"Did the other party say how much magic gold he would use to exchange for a sacred plate armor?" Qian Duoduo:

"Does the leader want to exchange? The other party did mention that he planned to exchange a piece of sacred plate armor with one hundred pieces of magic gold."

Qian Duoduo:"And the other party also said that he wants all the sacred plate armors, no matter how many pieces there are."

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun's eyes widened.

Good man, one hundred pieces of magic gold can only be exchanged for one piece of sacred plate armor.

It's not that he thinks it's too little, but too much.

He thought Rosen was going to exchange one piece of magic gold for the sacred plate armor.

Unexpectedly, he asked for one hundred pieces directly?

You know, in the previous life, magic gold was once speculated to a sky-high price of 500,000 God and Demon Coins.

Even so, no one was willing to buy it.

When did his sacred plate armor become so valuable that it could be exchanged for one hundred pieces of magic gold.

Ye Chuyun couldn't even think about it.

But on second thought, how much magic gold did Rosen have in his hands?

Could it be that he discovered a vein of magic gold?

Rosen may not have discovered the effectiveness of magic gold at all, so he would use such a cheap price to exchange for the sacred plate armor with him.

Hahaha, such a good opportunity, how could Ye Chuyun let it go.

He curved the corners of his mouth and sent a message directly to Qian Duoduo.

Ye Chuyun:"Two hundred pieces of magic gold can be exchanged for a piece of sacred plate armor. You should try your best to fight for it. The lowest cannot exceed one hundred and fifty."

Qian Duoduo:"Oh? Since you said so, then I will do my best to help you get it. In this case, this magic gold must be very valuable?""

Ye Chuyun:"Hehe, I just think this magic gold has great potential.""Qian Duoduo

:"Okay, I'll go over and talk to that Rosen now."

After saying that, he hung up the private chat.

Ye Chuyun had almost rested, and continued to take out materials to forge the sacred plate armor.

Half an hour later, Qian Duoduo's private chat came again.

Qian Duoduo:"It's done! Two hundred and fifty pieces of magic gold are exchanged for the sacred plate armor, and the other party agreed."

Ye Chuyun was shocked.

Well, he still underestimated Qian Duoduo's ability.

Originally, he did not expect that the other party would agree to the exchange price of two hundred pieces of magic gold, but just asked Qian Duoduo to try his best. Unexpectedly,

Qian Duoduo was so powerful. Not only did he negotiate the price down, but he also raised it to two hundred and fifty pieces.

Although Ye Chuyun was a little resistant to this number.

But when he thought that this was two hundred and fifty pieces of magic gold, he immediately smiled again.

Ye Chuyun:"Okay, Deputy Alliance Leader Qian, you have made a great contribution. At the end of the year, I will increase your dividends. If you want any other rewards, just say it."

Qian Duoduo:"Hehe, since you said so, then I'll speak up. Can I give the Ash Double Axe to Xiong Yuntao?"

Ye Chuyun thought about it.

As one of the top 100 god-level masters, Xiong Yuntao seemed to be used to using double axes in his previous life.

No wonder Qian Duoduo would fight for it from him.

The properties of the Ash Double Axe are so good that anyone who sees it will be tempted.

Ye Chuyun:"The Ash Double Axe can be given to Xiong Yuntao, but we can't let other people down."

Ye Chuyun:"How about this, first give Xiong Yuntao 200,000 contribution points, let him exchange them himself, and then let him slowly pay them back by completing tasks." Qian Duoduo

:"Hehe, I thought so too, don't worry, I will handle this matter."

Ye Chuyun:"By the way, did that Rosen say how many sacred plate armors he needed?" Qian Duoduo:

"Yes, he said that he would need a maximum of 200 pieces of sacred plate armor."

Ye Chuyun:"Really, okay." Qian

Duoduo:"Hahaha, why do you sound so sorry, Alliance Leader?"

Ye Chuyun sighed secretly.

Isn't it a pity?

Only 200 pieces of holy plate armor.

That means he can only exchange for 50,000 pieces of magic gold.

Only 50,000 pieces of magic gold, not enough at all.

Originally, Ye Chuyun thought that the other party would take as many holy plate armors as he wanted, and thought he could get a lot of wool.

However, Rosen can offer 50,000 pieces of magic gold, which means that the other party must have mastered a vein of magic gold.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun smiled.

He still can't let go of this opportunity to get wool.

When the time comes to deliver the goods, I will meet Rosen to see if we can discuss other cooperation.

After talking with Qian Duoduo, Ye Chuyun continued to forge.

Now the task is tight, and 200 pieces of holy plate armor can just allow him to be promoted to an intermediate blacksmith.

Now it is the evening of the fifth day.

More than 50 pieces in eight hours, 150 pieces left, and this goal should be completed within 24 hours.

He must strive to complete these two hundred pieces of holy plate armor before the seventh day.

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