He now has a C-level talent, the realm of strength.

If he wants to upgrade again, he must fuse another talent imprint that is also a C-level realm of strength.

First, take out 22 E-level super-strong talent imprints, and Ye Chuyun begins to fuse them frantically!

【Ding, fusion failed!]

Very good, the two talent engravings are gone just like that

【Ding, fusion failed! 】

Two more pieces

【Ding, fusion successful, obtained D-level power enhancement talent imprint!】

【Ding, fusion is successful, and a D-level power enhancement talent imprint is obtained! 】

Hey, I didn't expect it to succeed twice in a row!

Judging from his rich fusion experience, if he fuses again, it will definitely fail.

Then he fused two E-level talent imprints

【Ding, fusion failed! 】


Ye Chuyun couldn't help but curl his lips, knowing that it would not be so smooth.

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion failed!】

Four consecutive failures directly brought Ye Chuyun's luck to the bottom.

However, nothing is absolute, and it will rebound after hitting the bottom.

At this time, Ye Chuyun took out two D-level strength talent engravings and merged them decisively!

【Ding, fusion successful, obtained C-level power realm talent imprint! 】

See, see, it's all a routine!

Without the routine, his 22 power talent imprints may not be able to be fused.

Now only 16 of the 22 power talent imprints have been used, and 6 are left unused.

However, according to this probability, it is unlikely that these 6 E-level talent imprints will be able to fuse into a C-level talent imprint again. It is better to maximize the benefits of these 6 E-level talent imprints.

Ye Chuyun plans to put them all into the exchange reward pool.

Whether you can get it depends on your ability.

Next, Ye Chuyun took the C-level power realm talent imprint and fused it with his own talent.

It succeeded very smoothly.

【Tip: Use the C-level power realm talent imprint, and your talent will be successfully integrated and evolved into the B-level power realm!】

【The true meaning of strength: With this talent, your strength will be increased by 1.5 times!】

"1.5 times, oh my god, this is so awesome!"

Ye Chuyun felt an extremely powerful force flowing through his body.

It seemed that as long as he punched, the previous Gnoll King would be knocked down by him immediately!

Now his strength seemed to have reached an inhuman realm.

Although this talent seems to be useless, although it can add 1.5 times the strength.

But this bonus depends entirely on one's own basic attributes.

If one's own strength attribute is only 100 points, then even if it is added 1.5 times, it is only 150 points.

But this talent depends entirely on the later stage.

For example, Ye Chuyun's current strength attribute has 8514 points.

If it is added 1.5 times, it will be 12771 points!

Wow, this wave of bonus is higher than his original strength attribute.

It is completely a late-stage talent.

The higher the basic attribute value, the more abnormal this talent appears.

The fusion of 22 strength talent imprints was completed, and finally 6 pieces were left, which were put into the exchange reward pool as a reward.

Next came 20 E-level agility talent imprints.

At present, his agility talent is still D-level agility enhancement.

20 agility talent imprints should be enough for him to upgrade to C-level

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion successful, obtained D-level agility enhancement talent imprint!】

【Ding, fusion failed!】

【Ding, fusion failed!】

A series of failed fusions stunned Ye Chuyun.

Good man, in the face of absolute bad luck, routines may not work. He merged ten times in total, and used up all 20 agility talent engravings before he succeeded once.

The D-level agility enhancement talent finally evolved into the C-level agility state of mind, adding 80% of the talent attribute.

Now agility is not his shortcoming.

Even the top assassins may not be as fast as him.

With the addition of agility talent, Ye Chuyun's movement speed is even faster than teleportation!

In the end, there are 10 physical talent engravings left.

After all of them were merged, he only got a D-level physical enhancement engraving.

After the fusion evolution, Ye Chuyun also has the C-level talent of physical state of mind, with a physical bonus of 80%.

Although the evolved talent cannot be reflected in combat power, Ye Chuyun really feels that his strength has been greatly improved.

Unfortunately, Ye Chuyun's spiritual talent is still D-level. In addition, his other three attribute talents are at least C-level.

If I were to challenge the Kobold King again now,

Ye Chuyun might not be afraid even if the double axes were still in his hands.

His current strength was so strong that even if the opponent used all his strength, he could easily kill him.

Next, Ye Chuyun consumed all the essences of the Kobold Warrior, the Mutated Kobold, and the Kobold King to the upper limit. He also used the 50 free attribute points obtained from the upgrade and the 200 free attribute points rewarded by the Heavenly Dao on his spirit. His combat power ushered in another surge!

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 16 (236000/1600000)

Reputation: 700

Title: Person favored by Heaven, Heavenly God No. 250

Strength: 11614 (B-level true meaning of strength +17421)

Agility: 8151 (C-level state of mind of agility, +7321)

Constitution: 10248 (C-level state of mind of body, +8198)

Spirit: 8416 (D-level spirit enhancement, +3366)

Hearing: 100

Qi and blood: 100

Dark element: 100

Combat power: 81128 (78858+2270)

"Wow, it's already 81,000 combat power?"

Ye Chuyun was stunned.

Before entering the Red Moon Church, his combat power was less than 70,000.

After leaving the Red Moon Church, his combat power soared to 81,000.

Strength and physique both broke through the 10,000 mark.

Agility was originally the most lagging of the four attributes.

Ye Chuyun planned to develop his spirit with all his strength. Now his spirit has become the lowest.

The most unbearable episode has appeared.

The combat power is 81,000 before the talent bonus is counted.

If the talent bonus is counted, Ye Chuyun's real combat power is definitely more than 100,000!

He hasn't even reached level 20, but his combat power has exceeded 100,000.

Ye Chuyun himself didn't expect it.

All the spoils obtained in the Red Moon Church have been counted.

The first time Ye Chuyun passed the Hell-level Red Moon Church, he did not get the Resurrection Crystal, but a mysterious treasure chest.

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