"Join your base?"

Ye Wen looked at Ye Chuyun in surprise.

In fact, when Ye Chuyun asked, he had guessed what conditions the other party might put forward.

However, he did not expect that the condition Ye Chuyun put forward was only to let him join the base.

"Well, you don't want to?"

Seeing Ye Wen's surprised expression, Ye Chuyun thought that the other party was not willing, and continued:

"Are you worried about the poor welfare of the residents?"

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as you join the base, I believe you will be satisfied with the benefits I offer."

Ye Wen quickly waved his hand:

"That’s not the case. I’m just surprised. Is this the only condition you have?"

"As long as I can join your base, you can give me 500 magic crystals?"

No matter how I think about it, he is taking advantage.

Ye Chuyun smiled and said,"That's right, but don't think that you don't have to do anything after joining the base. I am very optimistic about your ability and plan to let you serve as the chief commander of our base."

"It's impossible to relax."

"But the more you do, I will definitely not treat you unfairly, you can rest assured about this."


To be honest, after listening to Ye Chuyun's words, Ye Wen was quite tempted.

He was a wild man, so naturally he wanted to have an organization.

And Ye Wen was also very confident in his abilities.

Joining Ye Chuyun's base was undoubtedly the best choice for the time being.

Ye Wen had thought about this before, but he was not sure whether Ye Chuyun's base would want him.

Now the opportunity suddenly lay in front of him.

It was indeed very attractive.

But Ye Wen looked at the brothers behind him and hesitated.

In order to get the team together, he had taken great pains and put in a lot of effort.

And these people were willing to follow him because they believed in him.

After this experience in the Red Moon Church, everyone's tacit understanding was also cultivated.

If he joins the base now, what should his brothers do?

Ye Chuyun also noticed Ye Wen's eyes, as if he understood something, and smiled:

"I think the other brothers are pretty good too. Do you want to join me?"

"However, before joining the garrison, they must sign a heavenly contract, promising never to betray the garrison."

"How is it?"

In addition to Ye Wen, he actually observed other people.

He found that these people did not have any major problems except that their equipment and combat power were poor. The fact that they could stay with Ye Wen and never leave him was enough to show their character.

In addition, these people followed Ye Wen to challenge the Red Moon Church, and stayed in it longer than Zhou Yuanqing and Chu Yunxin.

That means that first, Ye Wen's command ability is very strong.

Second, these people obey orders, and their combat ability is not weak at the same time.

If these two points were not met, they would have been wiped out long ago.

So it is not a loss for Ye Chuyun to bring these people into the base.

As soon as Ye Chuyun spoke, Ye Wen and others were shocked.

Ye Wen was very grateful, thinking that Ye Chuyun took all his brothers in because he was concerned about his thoughts.

Therefore, he was very grateful to him. Ye Chuyun's favorability increased a lot.

The others were also very surprised. They didn't expect that they would be able to join the Great God's residence all of a sudden.

However, although they were tempted, almost none of these people agreed. Instead, they all focused their attention on Ye Wen.

This performance immediately aroused Ye Chuyun's admiration.

This shows that he has a good eye for people.

Ye Wen hesitated for a while, but finally nodded in agreement.

Judging from the fact that Ye Chuyun was able to pass the Hell-level Red Moon Church alone, joining his residence is definitely a very correct decision.

And he also has to think about the other brothers.

They rarely have such an opportunity. It would be a pity if they gave up just because they didn't want to join.

Besides, it's not that he was unwilling to join the residence.

"My brothers and I are willing to join"

"In that case, welcome everyone to join our big family."

Ye Chuyun nodded with satisfaction and sent an application to Ye Wen and others.

At the same time, a Heavenly Dao Contract was also attached.

The content inside was very simple, without any traps.

It was nothing more than that you must be tied to the [Weiyang] garrison for the rest of your life, and you cannot do anything to betray him, nor can you cause trouble in the garrison and destroy the harmony of the garrison.

After all, the garrison has such good benefits, you can come and go as you like, where in the world is there such a good thing.

Apart from that, he did not have any requirements.

After reading it, Ye Wen and others, although a little hesitant, still signed this Heavenly Dao Contract.

Anyway, everyone is working wherever they go, so why not choose to work for the best"company"?

【Tip: Ye Wen has joined your settlement, current settlement population: 988/1500!】

【Tip: Xu Fei joins your settlement, current settlement population: 989/1500!】

【Tip: Black Rock joins your settlement, current settlement population: 990/1500!】

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for breaking through 1000 population in the settlement and receiving 200 free attribute rewards! 】

With the addition of more than 50 people, the total population of Weiyang settlement has exceeded 1000.

With the upcoming arrival of Shi Feng, Xu Meng and others, the settlement's population is about to reach the upper limit of 1500.

Qian Duoduo's private chat soon came, asking about the sudden increase in the settlement's population.

Ye Chuyun quickly explained and dismissed him.

"Well, welcome everyone to become a member of the resident."

Ye Chuyun looked at Ye Wen and others and said with a smile

"I would like to take this opportunity to give you a very simple task. If you complete it, I will give you a corresponding reward."

Plans cannot keep up with changes. Ye Chuyun did not expect that recruiting Ye Wen would be so smooth this time.

Originally, he wanted Qian Duoduo to send people to collect ore.

But now that so many people have been recruited, it is no longer necessary.

After all, Qian Duoduo is also in need of people, so he would not trouble him if he could avoid trouble.

""Leader Ye, we are all part of the garrison now, just tell me what you want to do."

Ye Wen had an organization and a position, so he quickly got into the state and acted like a business person.

"It's very simple. Now that I have obtained the right to collect ore, I want you to help me collect as many magic crystals as possible. I will be very useful."

"And Ye Wen, you can take your 500 magic crystals first, and hand over the rest to me."

"Don't worry about handing in magic crystals in vain, we will reward you with contribution points."

"Contribution points are a unique reward mechanism in our base, and can be exchanged for these things."

After saying that, Ye Chuyun gave a copy of the exchange list to Ye Wen and others.

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