The clone was now several meters away from the Kobold King.

The clone teleported again and distanced himself from the Kobold King. He swung the pitch-black sword in his hand repeatedly, and dozens of golden lights flew out and smashed over.

Just as he was about to hit the opponent, the Kobold King suddenly opened his mouth and sneered ferociously.

The two axes blocked in front of him, blocking all the golden light.


Then the Kobold King took a big step and appeared in front of the clone in the blink of an eye. The two axes glowed coldly and continued to fall!

The clone shouted and gave up using the shield to block. He grabbed the two axes with both hands accurately.

A closer look shows that the clone's hands are covered with a layer of golden light, which makes these hands like gold and iron, able to resist the attack of the two axes and control them without any harm.

It is almost like snatching a white blade with bare hands.


The huge force made the Kobold King unable to pull out his double axes for a while.

""Good, good, good!"

Ye Chuyun's real body also appeared behind the Dog-Headed King at this time.

As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Ye Chuyun naturally let his clone do this on purpose.

If he doesn't take action now, when will he take action?

Ye Chuyun chopped the Dog-Headed King's neck with a sword.

At this time, [Heavenly Power] was triggered, reducing the opponent's combat power by 30%.

Whether it is attack power, defense power or attribute values, they all fell sharply!

As long as this sword hits, it can at least seriously injure the opponent!

It's just a pity that it didn't succeed.

The Dog-Headed King felt the threat of death, and his hands actually loosened the double axes and punched Ye Chuyun.

"The reaction is really fast!"

Ye Chuyun sighed, and the Abyss Sword chopped on the fist of the Kobold King, and the sound of metal and iron rang out.

Ye Chuyun was shocked back two steps, and the Kobold King also leaned back and almost lost his balance.

At this time, the clone standing behind him saw this and immediately took action.

The Abyss Sword turned into a flaming sword and chopped on its armor, barely destroying the surface of the armor a little, without causing too much damage.

"My goodness, this armor is as hard as a turtle shell."

Ye Chuyun was secretly distressed.

Seeing that the attack failed, the clone quickly picked up the double axes and teleported away again.

Now without a weapon, the attack power of the Kobold King must be much less.

Then the Kobold King stood firm.

Seeing that his weapon was taken away by others, he was dumbfounded.

You are cheating, you can't play like this?

He roared angrily and wanted to chase after him.

But Ye Chuyun blocked it in front of him and continued to swing the Abyss Greatsword to attack.

At the same time, another clone appeared.

This clone had no other task, just to launch spells to attack the Kobold King.

As the original body, Ye Chuyun was Stop the Kobold King from dealing with his clone.

I have to say that this skill is really cheating.

With the clone technique, it is equivalent to one person being equal to a team.

And it is a super team with perfect cooperation.

Meteors and fire showers fell from the sky, water tornadoes continued to sweep in, and so on.

The Kobold King just felt extremely aggrieved.

Without his weapons, he could not exert his full strength. He also had to dodge attacks constantly and was always in a passive state.

After the attack lasted for more than ten minutes, the Kobold King finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Ye Chuyun noticed that his eyes were bloodshot, his blood was surging all over his body, his physique began to whip, and his muscles began to swell.

【The [Heavenly Power] talent actually failed on it, and its originally reduced combat power immediately recovered!

【[Name]: King of the Kobolds (Overlord Level)

【Level: 20

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 70000

"Oh my god, Tianwei is ineffective. 70,000 combat power is higher than mine."

"A bloody sacrifice?"

"Once this skill is activated, the combat power can instantly increase by 40%."

"The original Kobold King has a combat power of 50,000, 40% is 20,000. Wow, this skill is even more powerful than my berserk."

"It seems that we can't fight head-on."

Seeing the Kobold King start to go berserk, Ye Chuyun immediately chose to stay away.

The overlord-level beast's rage is very serious, and it is very likely to die if you are not careful.

Now whether he can kill the Kobold King depends on whether he can survive the rage.


The Kobold King roared angrily, and the powerful momentum formed waves that spread around.

Ye Chuyun and the other two clones were shocked by the pressure and kept retreating, and were pushed against the wall.

"Damn humans, you actually played tricks on me like this. If it weren’t for the Heavenly Dao controlling me, I would kill all of you humans sooner or later!"

"Accept the punishment!!"

The Kobold King, who was a circle larger than before, stomped his feet suddenly, and the floor tiles at least 5 meters around were overturned and turned into powder.

"What a terrifying power"

Ye Chuyun was shocked.

After the rage, the minimum power of the Kobold King was estimated to be 10,000. With the bonus of strength talent, it was almost the same as him.

Before, he could suppress the opponent with strength.

Now it is really hard to say.

But before Ye Chuyun could think about it carefully, the Kobold King moved.

Its first target was the first clone who took away its double axes!

With a teleportation, it appeared next to the first clone, with the purpose of snatching the double axes from the clone's hands.

This is its weapon!

If it can get it back, its combat power will increase again.

In a flash, it came to the side of the first clone and punched it.

As its fist fell, the huge force tried to compress the surrounding air continuously, making a series of explosion sounds.

A gust of wind swept the entire hall!


Ye Chuyun's face condensed.

If this punch really landed on the clone, it would have been dead.

And the double axes in the clone's hands must not fall into the hands of the Kobold King.

This double axe is not just a weapon.

It also has a shocking power and a very heaven-defying skill.

If it is snatched back by the Kobold King, the consequences will be disastrous!

Ye Chuyun immediately chose to use the teleportation!

The next second, the clone disappeared, and Ye Chuyun's figure appeared!

He held the Earth Mother Shield in front of him to block the Kobold King's fist that was about to fall.


The huge force caused the floor tiles under the feet of the two to explode repeatedly, and dust flew.

Fortunately, Ye Chuyun used the skill of the Earth Mother Giant Shield to block a damage from the front, and he was unscathed!

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