"Okay, the reconnaissance team will go explore the way first, and we will wait for intelligence here."

Zhou Yuanqing was very satisfied with the current team allocation, so he arranged for five reconnaissance personnel to explore first.

Now there are three roads in front of Zhou Yuanqing.

If you want to pass the level as soon as possible, you must plan the shortest route in a short time.

Avoid battles that can be avoided as much as possible.

The five reconnaissance personnel nodded and began to act separately, carefully walking towards the three roads respectively.

In less than five minutes, two of them ran back from the leftmost road one after the other.

"How is it?"

Zhou Yuanqing asked

"There are traps on that road. There are more than 30 ghost warriors in total, and each has a minimum combat power of about 7000."


Zhou Yuanqing's eyes widened when he heard that.

My goodness, his combat power is also more than 6000, and this ordinary beast has a combat power of 7000?

Fortunately, there are special investigators who found this trap.

Otherwise, they would be wiped out as soon as they came in.

Then the investigators of the other two roads also completed the exploration.

There are three roads in total, two of which have traps, and one has no danger.

Zhou Yuanqing immediately led the team to the safe road in the middle.

A treasure chest appeared on that safe road.

Zhou Yuanqing opened it and found that it was a box of steel stone and about 5000 God and Demon coins.

"It is indeed a large-scale team instance. It has only been a few minutes and we have received such a rich reward."

Zhou Yuanqing smiled and put away the steel stone, and continued to move forward.

Then four more forks appeared in front of Zhou Yuanqing.

This time Zhou Yuanqing still asked five scouts to continue exploring the way.

"At this pace, I will be able to pass the level soon."

"When we get to the boss, with so many of us working together, are we still afraid that we won't be able to defeat him?"

Zhou Yuanqing thought victory was in sight, and felt relieved.

But before he could feel proud for long, he heard several screams in the distance.

【Tip: Cai Xiang died!】

【Hint: Wang Le died!】

【Tip: Huang Jiang died!】

A series of death reminders appeared, and Zhou Yuanqing's face turned pale.

""Scout team, what happened?"

Zhou Yuanqing asked hurriedly.

But no one answered this question.

Although the simple level copy can be resurrected.

But unless the whole team is wiped out, there is nothing you can do after dying in the copy. It is no different from real death.

Only when the whole team is wiped out or the level is cleared, can you be resurrected and teleported out.

But the more humane thing is that even if you die, you can get the clearance reward.

So in the past life, there were often people who specially found someone to lead the copy, and they just had to lie dead.

The strange death of the reconnaissance team immediately made everyone nervous, and they looked around vigilantly.

"Everyone, pay attention to the surroundings, the healing and auxiliary teams are in the middle, the tank output should pay attention to protection, and activate life-saving skills at any time."

Although Zhou Yuanqing was a little frightened, he quickly recovered and began to command.

He admitted that he was indeed a little arrogant just now.

When people are most proud, there will always be problems.

This sentence is still correct.

He observed every move around him, and his previous experience told him not to act rashly.

The sudden death of the five investigators was definitely not accidental.

Suddenly, a mist floated in the distance, Zhou Yuanqing's ears moved, and he suddenly spoke:

"Something is coming, tanks, be careful!"

As soon as this was said, everyone immediately became nervous.

Those who had shields picked up their shields to block in front of them, and those who didn't had to hide behind the shields.

"What the hell is that?"

A man standing in the front holding a huge shield found a black shadow in the mist slowly approaching them.

The shadow was hidden in the mist and its specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

Moreover, its speed was too slow, and it was like a snail crawling step by step.

However, everyone did not relax their vigilance.

As the shadow approached, screams appeared and disappeared, and the people who heard it felt creepy.

""Tanks, be careful to use your life-saving skills at any time!"

Zhou Yuanqing shouted.

Everyone listened to his words and immediately prepared to use their life-saving skills.

As soon as the black shadow walked out of the fog, it turned into a black light and came to the front row of tanks in the blink of an eye.

""Quick, use the life-saving skills!" Zhou Yuanqing shouted with his eyes wide open.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late.

The targeted tank did not have time to use the life-saving skills.

The main reason was that the shadow was as fast as a bullet, and he had no time to use it.

The tank was directly penetrated by the shadow, and the huge shield did not play any defensive role at all. He was killed instantly!

The tank stared with his eyes wide open, and the pain in his chest kept reminding him that he was about to die.

However, although the tank was afraid, he breathed a sigh of relief when he thought that he could be resurrected, and died peacefully.

Perhaps the death of the tank bought time for other tanks.

Other tanks used life-saving skills one after another.

The shadow continued to attack the next person, but was blocked by the shield.

The others also recovered and avoided the shadow's attack.

The output hid behind the tank and launched at the shadow. Counterattack.

At the same time, Zhou Yuanqing led the treatment and support to retreat in an orderly manner.

It must be said that he is quite capable and can build a team professionally. He does not perform like a rookie at all.

The treatments treated the tanks’ injuries, and the support used enhancement skills to strengthen them.

The front row was finally stabilized.

At the same time, Zhou Yuanqing also noticed that there were black shadows approaching in the fog.

Good man, it was already extremely difficult for them to deal with such a black shadow.

If there were a few more, wouldn’t the whole team be wiped out in minutes?

As everyone retreated, the red moonlight shone down, and the true face of the black shadow was finally revealed.

Pitch-black fur, scarlet eyes, ferocious dog head, and a huge body more than four meters tall.

In his hands were a pair of pitch-black iron claws, and it was these iron claws that took the life of a tank in an instant.

"Xu Qing, use the identification skill quickly to see how powerful this monster is."

Zhou Yuanqing said with a frown.

He didn't know what skill the black shadow used just now, and he couldn't identify anything.

Now that his true face has finally been revealed, he should be able to use the identification skill.

A young man with a red headscarf standing behind him nodded immediately after hearing this.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes as he looked at the black shadow.

Then, Xu Qing's face suddenly changed.

"Damn, this is a mutant dog-headed man, with a combat power of up to 12,000!"

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