Thinking of this, Zhou Yuanqing suppressed his inner anger and looked at Ye Chuyun:

"This mineral resource was discovered by Chu Yunxin and I. We just accepted that Ye Wen suddenly joined us."

"You are not from Area 655 at all. What right do you have to compete with us for this piece of mineral resources?"

Chu Yunxin also had a gloomy face:

"Yes, I admit that you are very powerful, the first in level and combat power"

"But as the saying goes, two fists cannot beat four hands. This matter is not something that can be decided by your words alone."

It seems that Zhou Yuanqing and Chu Yunxin are very determined to reject Ye Chuyun's desire to join.

And because of Ye Chuyun's sudden words, many other people cast contemptuous eyes.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun sighed, shook his head helplessly, and smiled:

"Don't be too nervous, I haven't finished what I'm saying yet."

"Why don't you listen to my suggestion before making a decision?"

"Haha, it's like this, you still haven't given up? You are really interesting."

Zhou Yuanqing looked at Ye Chuyun, his mouth corners slightly raised, with a hint of mockery in his tone.

Ye Wen also glanced at Ye Chuyun.

He found that Ye Chuyun's expression was very steady and confident, and he was not angry because of the rejection of Zhou Yuanqing, Chu Yunxin and others.

Every move has a sense of confidence.

But he doesn't understand where Ye Chuyun's confidence comes from.

The team led by Zhou Yuanqing and Chu Yunxin are all elites, and the average combat power of each person is at least 3,000.

And Ye Chuyun has only one person.

Although he has established a base and recruited batches of talents.

But the strong dragon Without suppressing the local tyrants, even if Ye Chuyun wanted to call for help, it would be impossible for those people to rush from Area 1888 to Area 655 in an instant.

If Zhou Yuanqing and Chu Yunxin were determined not to let Ye Chuyun join. Could

Ye Chuyun beat so many people alone?

Even if he was the first in level and combat power, so what.

He thought that Ye Chuyun's combat power was no more than 20,000.

And this combat power was beyond his imagination.

Ye Wen didn't dare to think about a higher combat power.

Because he knew how difficult it was to improve combat power.

First of all, equipment.

Although the data The lowest drop rate of fierce beasts is 1%.

But in fact, the drop rate of equipment is much lower than 1%.

Basically, if you kill a thousand fierce beasts, only a few of them may drop equipment.

The drop rate of mutant, leader, and king-level fierce beasts may be higher, but it does not mean that equipment will be dropped 100%.

Not to mention spirits, special props, etc.

Even the set of second-level equipment on Zhou Yuanqing was bought from different people at a high price.

If you rely on yourself to get it, it will take who knows how long it will take.

But that was also given by someone. You can only buy it if you don’t have it. If not, you can only rely on yourself.

So Ye Wen didn’t think that Ye Chuyun’s equipment would be that powerful. It was only level three at most.

Coupled with other adventures and financial support, the maximum combat power would be 20,000.

But deep down in his heart, Ye Wen still had some doubts.

Maybe Ye Chuyun’s combat power is more than 20,000, maybe 30,000 or 40,000.

After all, Ye Chuyun was too calm.

Either it was the confidence brought by his own strength, or it was the confidence from other aspects.

For Ye Wen, the former is more likely.

"Maybe I'm overthinking. It shouldn't be that outrageous."

Ye Wen shook his head and put all his speculations behind him.

"In that case, then tell me your proposal."

Chu Yunxin was still a little afraid of Ye Chuyun, so he let him continue.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun smiled and continued:

"Anyway, the three of you have already agreed that whoever clears the Red Moon Church first will get the right to collect minerals, right?"

"That's right."

Zhou Yuanqing nodded, and he felt very depressed when he thought of this.

It was his little brother who found the place first, but Chu Yunxin knew about it, and then Ye Wen got involved.

This proposal was also made by Ye Wen.

Zhou Yuanqing didn't want to make a big fuss, so he could only accept it.

"So, you also want to join us and clear the Red Moon Church?"

Chu Yunxin frowned, feeling extremely unhappy.

Not to mention Ye Chuyun's own combat power, the people in his base were probably not easy to deal with.

There were several level 10 masters alone, and there were many people in his base in the top 100 of the combat power list.

After all, Ye Chuyun was the first person to establish a base, and with his fame and financial resources, he must have recruited a group of very high-quality combat talents.

If they really joined, then she, Zhou Yuanqing, and Ye Wen might have wasted their efforts and made wedding clothes for Ye Chuyun.

So when Chu Yunxin saw Ye Chuyun nod, she immediately wanted to refuse.

But Ye Chuyun did not give her a chance to refuse, and immediately said:

"I know what you are worried about, but don't worry, I am the only one challenging the Red Moon Church this time."

"I will challenge the Red Moon Church alone. As long as I pass the level, the right to collect this mineral will belong to me. How about that?"

"What, you are alone?!"

Zhou Yuanqing and the other two, as well as everyone present, were shocked.

"Oh my god, what did he just say? Is he going to the Red Moon Church alone?"

"Good man, this is a little too confident. You made me think that it would be easy to pass the Red Moon Church."

"If I hadn't seen that the Red Moon Church recommended a minimum of 20 people to enter, I might have believed it."

"Can one person clear the Red Moon Church? I don't believe it."

"Hehe, who can say for sure? Ye Chuyun is number one on the battle power list, with at least 20,000 battle power. If it is a simple level Red Moon Church, maybe he can pass it."

"It's possible that you said that, but I don't know if the boss and the others agree or not."

Everyone was talking about it, Zhou Yuanqing and the other two looked at Ye Chuyun with a complicated expression, looking at him in disbelief.

"Are you going to challenge the Red Moon Church alone?"

Zhou Yuanqing still didn't quite believe what Ye Chuyun said.

Chu Yunxin even frowned:

"Although the three of us said before that no matter what level you are, as long as you pass the Red Moon Church,"

"But your combat power is much higher than ours. If it is a simple level Red Moon Church, it is still unfair to us."

Ye Wen did not comment.

With a combat power of 20,000, it might be possible to clear the simple level Red Moon Church alone.

But then Ye Chuyun smiled:

"Who said I was going to challenge the simple level Red Moon Church?"

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