Fortunately, among the talents recruited by Qian Duoduo this time, there are many architectural designers, construction engineers and so on.

As long as the materials are complete, it is not difficult to build a building independently.

Since Anor can only make primary enchanted armor and gem holes at present.

Ye Chuyun asked him to make six primary enchanted armor and gem holes and equip himself first.

First of all, the primary enchanted armor can produce effects as long as it is bound to the equipment.

The six primary enchanted armors directly increased Ye Chuyun's combat power by 640 points.

Now his combat power exceeded 64,000 and reached 64028 points.

After binding 6 pieces of primary enchanted armor, Ye Chuyun put all the gem holes on his equipment.

Abyss Greatsword, Mother Earth Giant Shield, Bloody Six-piece Set.

There are a total of 8 gem holes, which can hold 6 gems.

First is the fifth-level gem

【Level 5 Agility Gem: Can be inlaid on leg equipment, Agility +300. 】

There is only one level 5 gem, no matter what the attribute, Ye Chuyun has to equip it.

Without any hesitation, Ye Chuyun inlaid this level 5 Agility Gem on the Bloody Boots.

Even if he changes to new equipment in the future, he can still pick the gem off and put it on the new equipment.

In addition, there are ten level 4 gems.

2 strength gems, 3 spirit gems, 2 agility gems, 2 physical gems, and 1 defense gem.

Like strength gems, spirit gems, etc., the added attributes are slightly weaker than the level 5 gems.

Only 200 points are added.

Different types of gems have requirements for the inlay position.

For example, agility gems can only be inlaid on leg equipment.

And strength gems can only be equipped on weapons and gauntlets.

Physical gems can only be equipped on breastplates, shoulder pads, and belts.

And spirit gems can only be equipped on helmets.

Among them, the more special defense gems can only be inlaid on shields, which can increase 400 points of defense.

However, this request was really great for Ye Chuyun, who had difficulty making choices.

His Earth Mother Shield could be equipped with this only fourth-level defense gem.

The Abyss Great Sword and Blood Wristband were equipped with fourth-level strength gems.

The Blood Helmet was equipped with fourth-level spirit gems.

All other parts were equipped with physical gems.

Now that all eight pieces of equipment were inlaid, the combat power once again surged.

Ye Chuyun immediately opened the panel to check.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 15 (262000/800000)

Reputation: 600

Title: Person favored by Heaven, Heavenly God No. 250

Strength: 8414 (C-level, strength realm +6731)

Agility: 6451 (D-level agility enhancement, +2580)

Constitution: 9748 (D-level constitution enhancement, +3899)

Spirit: 7966 (D-level spirit enhancement, +3186)

Hearing: 100

Combat Power: 67428 (65158+2270)

""My combat power increased by more than 3,000 in a flash!"

The increase in combat power made Ye Chuyun very happy.

If this trend continues, he might be able to break through 100,000 combat power before reaching level 20.

The combat power of level 20 has exceeded 100,000. This was basically impossible in the previous life.

Perhaps only the super geniuses in the high-level world can achieve it.

As a low-level human, Ye Chuyun can reach this level. No one would believe it if he told others.

At this moment, he sat cross-legged and took out the alchemy furnace and a bunch of spiritual herbs and fruits from the storage space.

Since Wang Gang and others are about to go to the Temple of Destiny, he, as the boss of the resident, has to help in any way.

Like the Power Pill, the Five Spirit Pill, the Body Tempering Pill, etc.

He can provide them to Wang Gang and others indefinitely, allowing them to take them to the upper limit.

This can also greatly improve the combat power.

It just so happens that he can also improve his alchemy proficiency as soon as possible.

The refining conditions of Yanyang Pill and Diyuan Pill both require an intermediate alchemist.

At present, the pill formula has been learned by Ye Chuyun.

Only he can refine it and cannot rely on others.

It’s a good opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to improve proficiency to help Wang Gang and others get more inventory.

It’s a pity that the master craftsman The book can only guarantee that he will gain 100% proficiency in forging.

It cannot guarantee that he will gain 100% proficiency in alchemy.

If Ye Chuyun wants to be promoted to an intermediate alchemist, he can only rely on countless resources.

It was already the early morning, and it was the fifth day.

Some people in the station were already very tired and went to bed early.

But this was not a problem for Ye Chuyun.

In his previous life, he almost evolved sleep and became the King of Scrolls.

It's not enough, there is not enough time.

Sleeping is simply impossible.

Others think so.

But people always get tired and want to sleep.

Not sleeping all the time is undoubtedly overdrawing life.

In the previous life, there was an alchemy master named Jin Heng. In order to solve the problem of sleep, he created a pill called the Sleepless Pill.

Taking it once every seven days can solve the hidden danger of sleep.

Once it came out, it was snatched.

It can be seen how much effort the Kings of Scrolls have put in to solve the problem of sleep.

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, but proficiency did not increase!】

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, proficiency +1 point!】

【Successfully refined the Body Tempering Pill, proficiency +1 point!】

【Successfully refined the Five Spirit Pill, proficiency +2 points!】

【Successfully refined the Five Spirit Pill, but proficiency did not increase!】

Refining from night to day.

Ye Chuyun himself didn't know how many Tempering Pills, Strength Pills and Five Spirit Pills he had refined.

As long as the materials were used up, he asked Qian Duoduo to replenish them.

Qian Duoduo also knew that Ye Chuyun was refining pills, and took the initiative to bring a large number of first-level and second-level spiritual herbs and fruits for him to use.

But what surprised Ye Chuyun was that Qian Duoduo said that these first-level and second-level spiritual herbs did not cost any God and Demon coins.

They were all contributed by the resources of those collectors.

Ye Chuyun was very curious, so he asked Qian Duoduo to find out.

Then he realized that since Qian Duoduo included all the good things such as sacred plate armor, gems, spirits, blood suits, and primary enchanted armor into the exchange list of contribution points, and then announced it.

These people exploded.

Because they didn't have contribution points in their hands, they could only look at so many top-quality equipment and stare blankly.

Among them, they also ranked these exchange items.

The first place was the third-level top-quality suit and the blood suit, followed by the sacred plate armor, primary enchanted armor, gems, spirits, etc.

The bloody suit has undoubtedly become the item that these people most want to exchange.

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