And Ye Chuyun has a 100% explosion rate, so there are even more spoils.

There are so many things that Ye Chuyun's storage space can't hold them all.

Originally, his storage space had more than 200 grids.

Before entering, his storage space had been occupied by more than 100 grids.

Most of them are rare ores, spiritual herbs, spiritual fruits, etc.

They are all materials that Ye Chuyun is going to use to forge equipment and refine pills.

They can't be used for the time being, so they can only be stored in the storage space.

In addition, there are special props such as pill recipes, teleportation stones, heavenly luck coins, golden divine stones, divine craftsman books, spell scrolls, revival crystals, etc.

Can't move, can't move at all.

This time, he got a lot of things in the cemetery of the Swamp King, which directly burst the storage space again.

But now if he wants to continue to expand the storage space, each grid will cost him thousands of God and Demon coins.

Even if it is only to expand ten grids, it may cost 100,000 God and Demon coins.

It will only get more and more expensive.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun remembered that a station warehouse can be built when the station reaches level 2.

The warehouse can only be opened by the highest authority in the station, that is, Ye Chuyun himself.

A level 1 warehouse has tens of thousands of grids.

He can open the station warehouse at any time to store and retrieve items.

If there is a warehouse, even if his storage space is full, he can open the warehouse and put the things in the storage space.

In this way, he does not have to spend a lot of God and Demon Coins to expand the storage space.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, building a warehouse is the most cost-effective.

Unfortunately, the prerequisite for building a warehouse is that the station must be upgraded to level 2.

If you want to upgrade the station, you must increase the reputation of the station.

Ye Chuyun opened the [Station Management System] and took a look.

【Resident Management System】

【Location Name: Weiyang

【[Resident Level]: Level 1 (31560/100000)

【Resident buildings]: mansion, hotel, chamber of commerce, private houses

【Upper limit of resident personnel】: 906/1500

"Do you still need so much reputation points to upgrade?"

A trace of helplessness flashed in Ye Chuyun's eyes.

There are several ways to increase reputation points.

One is to build public buildings, such as mansions, hotels, chambers of commerce, etc.

Private houses cannot increase reputation.

Therefore, the mansion, hotel, and chamber of commerce each increased the reputation points of the garrison by 10,000, totaling 30,000.

The remaining reputation points are all given by the garrison members completing the mansion tasks.

The more tasks completed, the higher the reputation points.

In addition, every once in a while, Tiandao will announce the garrison tasks.

This is a task for all personnel in the garrison, and it is a mandatory task that must be completed.

For example, Ye Chuyun knows that after building ten garrisons, there will be a task to resist the beast tide.

This It is a mandatory task that all personnel in the garrison must complete.

Once completed, a large amount of reputation points can be obtained, as well as other very rich rewards. If you want to increase your reputation points at present, you can either continue to build public buildings, or rely on members to continuously complete the mansion tasks.

Currently, the only public building that can be built in the garrison is the tavern.

The tavern can also increase the reputation points by 10,000.

However, in addition to this, Ye Chuyun also knows a way to increase the reputation points of the garrison.

Even in his previous life, this method might not be known by many people.

Now Ye Chuyun is the only one who knows this method.

However, this requires him to bring Arnold back to the garrison first, and then slowly plan.

After leaving the Swamp King Cemetery, Ye Chuyun came to the Fire Copper Mountains.

As soon as he arrived here, Ye Chuyun found that the originally hot Fire Copper Mountains had changed a lot.

The scorching heat of the entire mountain range no longer existed.

There were potholes everywhere caused by excavation.

Ye Chuyun saw Arnold not far away still driving a robot to dig


Ye Chuyun called out.

Upon hearing his voice, Arnold immediately stopped what he was doing and drove the robot over.

"grown ups"

"How much fire copper has been mined? Has all the mountains been mined?"

""We have basically dug up most of it. A total of more than 100,000 kilograms of fire copper have been placed in the cave."

As Arnold said this, he took Ye Chuyun to the cave where the fire lizards had lived before.

At this time, there was no fire lizard in the cave.

Instead, there were piles and piles of fire copper ore that almost formed a small mountain.

More than 100,000 kilograms almost filled the entire cave, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

"More than 100,000 kilograms"

Ye Chuyun was secretly surprised.

As a relatively rare mineral resource, a pound of fire copper must be sold at a price of about 80 to 100 God and

Demon coins. More than 100,000 kilograms is worth at least 8 million or even tens of millions of God and Demon coins.

It is simply the level of getting rich overnight!

However, Ye Chuyun has no idea of getting rich by selling fire copper.

Fire copper is a consumable resource with various uses.

For Ye Chuyun, these more than 100,000 kilograms of fire copper may not even be enough in the future.

How can it be sold?

Ye Chuyun immediately changed his mind.

This Arnold is really fast.

It has only been a day, and the fire copper in the entire mountain has been almost dug up.

Ye Chuyun looked at the robot under Arnold.

Presumably, the reason why Arnold was able to dig more than 100,000 kilograms of fire copper so quickly must be that this robot must have contributed most of the effort.

Seeing this robot, Ye Chuyun couldn't help but think of the puppets in the mechanical fortress before.

There are some similarities between the two.

Maybe Arnold will know something.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun took out the magic cube, took out a guard puppet at random, and placed it in front of Arnold.

"Arnold, do you know this?"

Ye Chuyun asked

"What is this?!!"

When Arnor saw the guard puppet, his eyes immediately lit up with excitement.

He immediately jumped off the robot, came to the guard puppet, and studied it carefully.

"What an exquisite magic device!"

"The magic wire circuit inside is much more complicated than the puppet robot I am making now."

Arnor first checked the body structure of the guard puppet and kept praising it.

Then he opened the guard puppet's head, exclaimed in surprise, and carefully took out a crystal the size of a grain of rice.

"Sir, it seems that this little crystal is controlling this puppet."


Ye Chuyun was also confused.

Although he had never been exposed to engineering, he understood what Arnold meant.

The rice-sized crystal in its hand was like a chip.

A program was implanted in the crystal.

With this program, the guardian puppet could operate automatically.

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