In the previous life, many people who couldn't afford equipment wanted to improve their reputation and buy first- and second-level equipment here in addition to doing tasks here.

You only need to brush your reputation to about 200 to enjoy a 20% discount.

In the previous life, after Ye Chuyun knew about this, he also rushed to the Golden Bunker, frantically doing tasks, saving money to change into a set of level 10 second-level equipment.

Although he was already level 30 at that time, level 10 second-level equipment was also high-level equipment for him.

Not to mention now, at least more than 90% of people don't necessarily have a set of level 10 second-level equipment.

These equipment are a bit tasteless for Ye Chuyun.

But for others, it is simply a top-quality existence.

And he can buy it at a 40% discount.

Ye Chuyun came to a well-decorated equipment store casually.

The owner is a middle-aged dwarf with a sturdy figure.

There are at least dozens of first- and second-level equipment in the store.

He picked a second-level greatsword at random. The equipment attributes are similar to the rune greatsword he had equipped before, and it can also release a wind attack, which is very good.

Ask about the price

"Shopkeeper, how much is this piece of equipment?"

The middle-aged dwarf bowed respectfully and replied:

"Dear guest, this equipment was originally priced at 10,000 God and Demon Coins, but because you are a great benefactor of our Golden Bunker, we will give you a 50% discount, and it only costs 5,000 God and Demon Coins."

Ye Chuyun understood and nodded, and continued to choose a piece of equipment to ask the price.

The middle-aged dwarf answered very patiently, and there was no impatience on his face.

This made Ye Chuyun feel very strange.

After all, he had seen other dwarves come to ask about the price of equipment before.

The middle-aged dwarf rolled his eyes and looked indifferent.

When it came to Ye Chuyun, his face changed.

Good guy, the reputation value has reached"worship", is it such a cool thing?

Ye Chuyun couldn't help thinking.

After asking around, Ye Chuyun also roughly understood the price.

If he were to buy it, the first-level equipment would cost 1,000 to 3,000 yuan depending on the quality of the attributes. The first-level equipment ranges from 000 to 5000 God and Demon coins, and the second-level equipment ranges from 3000 to 5000 God and Demon coins.

This is basically impossible to buy outside.

But if Ye Chuyun comes to buy it, it is so cheap.

Ye Chuyun immediately had an idea.

With such a good opportunity, he wants to purchase a large number of these first-level and second-level equipment as a benefit for their stationed personnel.

This will not only increase the combat effectiveness of the stationed personnel, but also make them more loyal to the station.

Anyway, the cost is not much, just God and Demon coins.

What you spend now is small money, and what you earn in the future is big money.

Ye Chuyun still knows how to make choices.

However, Ye Chuyun still has a question and urgently needs the other party to answer, so he asked:

"Shopkeeper, if I want to buy equipment at a 50% discount, is there a quantity limit?"

The middle-aged dwarf laughed loudly upon hearing this:

"You are our great benefactor of the Golden Bunker, so you can buy as much as you want."

"Don't worry, sir. We have plenty of equipment in stock. Feel free to buy any of it!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Chuyun was completely relieved and immediately contacted Qian Duoduo.

Ye Chuyun:"Call Vice Alliance Leader Qian."

Qian Duoduo:"Alliance Leader Ye, what are you looking for me for?"

Ye Chuyun:"Of course it's a great thing. 50% off for first- and second-stage equipment. You can buy as much as you want. Are you interested?"

Qian Duoduo:"Fuck, 50% off? ? Is this true?"

Upon seeing this, Ye Chuyun told Qian Duoduo about the golden bunker.

Qian Duoduo was shocked.

Qian Duoduo:"Fuck, what did you say? First-stage equipment only costs a maximum of 3,000 God and Demon coins? Second-stage equipment costs a maximum of 5,000? ?"

Ye Chuyun:"Yes, I have special channels here and can get a large number of first- and second-stage equipment. How about it, how much money do you have now?"

Qian Duoduo:"Well, let me do the math. I have sold more than 20 pieces of your sacred plate armor and earned about 600,000 God and Demon coins. How about I give them all to you first, and you buy a batch of equipment first. It just so happens that I have recruited a lot of people here, including many with special talents. I will give them as welfare first to stabilize people's hearts."

Ye Chuyun was very surprised. Qian Duoduo was really capable.

He was able to sell more than 20 pieces of sacred plate armor for more than 600,000 God and Demon coins. He is worthy of being a businessman who can maximize profits. If it were him, he would probably only be able to buy 400,000 God and Demon coins at most.

But if he gave it to Qian Duoduo, he could squeeze out an extra 200,000 God and Demon coins.

After receiving 600,000 God and Demon coins from Qian Duoduo, Ye Chuyun began to make large purchases.

First, he bought 100 pieces of first-level equipment, weapons and armor, which were enough to arm more than a dozen people. There were more than 80 pieces of second-level equipment.

The 600,000 God and Demon coins were spent cleanly, and Ye Chuyun himself also paid tens of thousands. God and Demon Coins.

These equipments were regarded as the welfare of their base and were given to Qian Duoduo for him to use.

Then Ye Chuyun bought a teleportation stone for the Golden Bunker.

As long as it is crushed, no matter where you are, you can be instantly teleported to the Golden Bunker.

However, this teleportation stone can only be purchased when the reputation value reaches"worship" or above.

Ye Chuyun plans to come back here when he needs to purchase equipment in the future.

After buying the equipment, Ye Chuyun also delivered the other two tasks.

This time he did not get a lot of rewards, but only some rare materials as rewards.

But this is exactly Ye Chuyun's purpose.

After getting these rare With the materials, he was one step closer to forging the Heavenly Sin Set.

Then he left the Golden Bunker, took out the treasure chest detector, and went back to his old business.

In addition to the only mission here, there are many treasure chests hidden in it.

Moreover, the treasure chests in the Golden Ruins are somewhat different from those in other areas.

As long as you see a treasure chest, most of them are likely to contain gems.

Gems are also very valuable in the world of gods and demons, because gems can be inlaid on equipment, and according to different colors, they can give equipment various abilities or improve attributes.

Red is strength, yellow is agility, blue is physique, and green is spirit.

The first-level gem can increase Increase the attribute by 20 points.

Although the increase is small, one piece of equipment can be inlaid with a gem.

This is a lot of improvement.

Just like enchanted armor, if so many equipment on the body can be inlaid with gems, the increased attributes can be huge.

Therefore, the demand for gems in the previous life was also very large, and the price was even higher.

The treasure chest in the Golden Ruins has become a hot treasure.

Because it has a certain probability of opening gems.

In addition to treasure chests, the Golden Ruins also have various resources, such as ores, spiritual herbs, rare spiritual fruits, etc.

It is naturally not cost-effective to leave like this.

These treasure chests must be taken away anyway.

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