After reaching level 3, Ye Chuyun's body evolved again, his entire appearance became more perfect, and even his height increased by one centimeter!

【Attribute points added, your spirit increased by 5 points! 】

After allocating the 5 free attribute points, Ye Chuyun opened his attribute panel again.

After upgrading and solving the eyeless snakes in six areas, his combat power surged again.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 3 (300/600)

Strength: 59

Agility: 74

Constitution: 61

Spirit: 44

Combat Power: 522 (472+50)

Skills: Identification LV3, Stealth LV1, Vision Enhancement LV1, Strength Amplification LV1, Speed Amplification LV1.

God and Demon Coins: 1088

Equipment: Green Claw Machete +5 (Attack Power +25, Strength +10, 1st-level equipment)

Wind Boots (Agility +10, 1st-level equipment)

Agility Ring (Agility +8, 1st-level equipment)

Spirit Necklace (Spirit +8, 1st- level equipment)

Stone Ape Scale (Constitution +5, 1st-level equipment)

Eyeless Leather Armor +5 (Defense Power +25, Constitution +10)

Combat Power Directly Breaks Through the 500 Mark!

Now even the ordinary level 2 beasts are no longer Ye Chuyun's opponents.

This feeling of sudden increase in strength is really too wonderful.

In addition to the sudden increase in combat power, Ye Chuyun also obtained a large number of eyeless snake spirits and eyeless leather armor.

Ye Chuyun put all these extra spirits and eyeless snake leather armor, together with the green claw beast machete, on the trading house.

After seeing so many spirits and equipment, the chat channel exploded again.

Wu Yifan:"Oh my god, after the green claw machete was taken off the shelf, I thought there was no equipment to sell. Who knew that there were suddenly so many green claw machetes, and they were all sold by Boss Ye. I was shocked." Cai Kun:

"I peed directly. Green claw machete, eyeless leather armor, and so many spirits. Looking at the single-digit God and Demon coins in my pocket, I shed tears of poverty."

Huang Li:"Boss, my ass has been washed clean, I just want to change the green claw machete, please."

Ye Chuyun:"If you don't have God and Demon coins, you can also exchange with me for production materials and special props. You can chat with me privately, and I can also You can buy it with God and Demon Coins."

Wang Gang:"Fuck, Brother Ye, no no no, Boss Ye, where did you get all these equipment and spirits?"

Ye Chuyun:"Just a little bit of luck, they are all dropped by those beasts."

Liu Daqiang:"I see, just a little bit of luck, Boss Ye is undoubtedly the emperor of Europe."

Zhuang Liang:"Boss, I kneel to you, Boss, please team up with us, we don't need you to kill monsters, we just need you to give the last blow when the monster is about to die, our luck is really bad."

Cai Kun:"Fuck, can you still play like this? ? From now on, Boss Ye will just lie down and kill monsters."

Ye Chuyun:""

After closing the chat channel, Ye Chuyun shook his head helplessly.

Just after he put an advertisement in the chat channel, he had dozens of private chats.

Some of the useless content was directly ignored by Ye Chuyun.

The rest was some information about selling spiritual herbs.

No one was selling special props.

After negotiating the price, Ye Chuyun asked them to list them on the trading house, and spent more than 100 Shenmo coins to buy them all. He spent more than

10 Shenmo coins to buy more than 1,000 [Solid Stones] in the trading house.

Then he found that the trading house sold 2 green claw machetes and a fierce beast spirit, and obtained 150 Shenmo coins.

This positive and negative, his Shenmo coins did not decrease but increased.

Until there was no movement in the private chat, Ye Chuyun set his sights on the spiritual herbs outside the wooden house.

Looking around, there were about fifty spiritual herbs outside the wooden house.

At this time, all the eyeless snakes in the bamboo forest were eliminated, and Ye Chuyun walked over with confidence.

When he came to the first spiritual herb, he used identification!

Name: Sunflower

Grade: First-class spiritual herb

Effect: Direct consumption will damage the meridians, but can be used as medicine for alchemy.

Ye Chuyun smiled slightly and collected them and put them into the storage space.

It took more than ten minutes for Ye Chuyun to collect all the more than fifty spiritual herbs.

Then Ye Chuyun couldn't wait to come to the wooden house.

The wooden house was very simple.

There was a two-meter-high bronze alchemy furnace, a wooden bed, and a shabby table.

There was a corpse that had long turned into dry bones on the wooden bed.

And a bronze treasure chest was quietly placed next to the alchemy furnace.

【Tip: When you arrive at the mission location, do you want to start the mission?】

【Tip: The treasure chest can only be opened if the task is successfully completed.】

"It really is an alchemy furnace!!"Ye Chuyun was overjoyed.


【Tip: The mission is started, please complete the last wish of Taoist Qingxu and refine a powerful pill!】

【Tip: The recipe for the Vigor Pill has been placed in the storage space. You can collect the spiritual herbs outside the wooden house for refining.】

【Tip: There are five ingredients for the Vigor Pill. If you cannot refine it after using them all, the mission will fail! 】

After the voice finished speaking, the furnace in front of Ye Chuyun automatically emitted flames, as if asking him to hurry up and refine it.

Ye Chuyun was not in a hurry, but just looked at the furnace in front of him.

Name: Ordinary furnace

Grade: First grade

Function: Can refine pills, and has no additional effect on alchemy.

Ye Chuyun nodded silently.

In his previous life, as an intermediate alchemist, he only used this ordinary furnace.

With the rich experience in alchemy, Ye Chuyun thought he was sure to succeed.

He took out the recipe from the storage space and looked at it, and a meaningful smile appeared on Ye Chuyun's face.

It turned out to be the recipe for the Vigor Pill!

I didn't expect that in addition to the furnace, this mission could also get a recipe for free!

In his previous life, Wang Yun became an alchemist because of the Vigor Pill, and became the object of competition among various forces.

After that, Wang Yun sold a large number of Vigor Pills and made a lot of money.

I didn't expect that this recipe actually came from this mission!

This is the guarantee for Wang Yun to rise to prominence!

Unfortunately, now this recipe has fallen into his hands!

After making preparations, Ye Chuyun took out the spiritual herbs and began to prepare the powerful pill.

He was very careful in every step, and finally closed the furnace and began to refine.

Ten minutes later, the furnace was opened, and a powerful pill lay quietly in the furnace.

"It actually worked in one try!!"Ye Chuyun was overjoyed

【Power Pill: After taking it, your strength will increase by 10.

He took out the Power Pill and took it on the spot.

【Congratulations, you have successfully completed the task and received the reward, the Five-Colored Elixir!】

【Announcement: Ye Chuyun is the first to complete the task, and will be awarded 10 reputation points. 】

As soon as the announcement came out, the chat channel was boiling again.

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