Another attempt failed.

At this time, the three guard puppets were approaching.

They jumped high at the same time, and their six big feet stomped down.

Ye Chuyun dodged their attacks with a teleport.

After two rounds of testing, Ye Chuyun probably figured out the routines of these three guard puppets.

The guard puppet with blue eyes on the far right can invalidate attacks with water skills.

The guard puppet with red eyes in the middle can invalidate attacks with fire skills.

The guard puppet with green eyes on the far right has extremely powerful healing skills that can instantly heal all injuries.

This is a bit difficult.

Even if he doesn't use water or fire skills, but uses earth, wood, and thunder to attack.

Those injuries will soon be healed by the guard puppet with green eyes.

It seems that he can't fight a protracted war with them.

He must kill the guard puppet that can use healing skills at once.

As long as this guard puppet is gone, the other two puppets will be particularly easy to deal with.

It's a pity that this group of guard puppets have no independent consciousness.

Otherwise, Ye Chuyun wanted to use mental control to control them.

This was the easiest solution.

The most uncomfortable thing was that the other party was a puppet and had no life characteristics.

【Heaven's Might has no effect on them at all.

Seeing that the three guard puppets were about to surround him again, Ye Chuyun quickly summoned countless wooden vines to entangle them.

The three guard puppets were entangled by the wooden vines and temporarily lost their ability to move.

It was a pity that he did not formally learn wood skills, otherwise the power would be even stronger.

Now he purely relied on his wood talent to control the wooden vines, and could only temporarily trap the three guard puppets for a few seconds.

Soon they would break free.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun quickly summoned the ice and fire rings.

Focus on attacking the puppet with green eyes.



""Return to the origin of Qi!"

Taking advantage of the attack of the ice and fire double rings, Ye Chuyun used all his strength and slashed the neck of the green-eyed guard puppet.


His invincible attack was blocked by a layer of brilliant white light, and did not hurt the guard puppet at all.

Only then did Ye Chuyun notice that in addition to the three guard puppets, there was actually a very small puppet hidden behind the green-eyed guard puppet.

At first, Ye Chuyun thought it was a talisman, but he didn't expect it to be a puppet.

It is difficult to see with the naked eye.

Only when any of the three guard puppets is threatened with death will it appear.

""Fuck, there are still masters? ? ?"

Ye Chuyun was very surprised.

It seems that this puppet has some skills that can block his identification skills.

Otherwise, why didn't he find its existence before?

This small puppet looks like a piece of talisman paper, attached to the body of the green-eyed guardian puppet.

Although it looks very weak, a little dog.

But the defense is amazing.

Even if Ye Chuyun activated the strengthening and frenzy skills and raised himself to 60,000, he still couldn't break the opponent's defense.

It can be said that there is always someone stronger than the strong, and there are people beyond people.

However, the opponent's weakness is also obvious.

That is, it has no ability to move, and can only rely on other guardian puppets as a pendant.

The attack methods of these guardian puppets are actually not strong, and they don't have any powerful skills.

But their defense methods are very powerful.

Even as strong as Ye Chuyun, they are very troublesome.

If it were someone else, they would have died in the hands of these guardian puppets.

Only Ye Chuyun can deal with them for a while

""Okay, okay, you guys are going to play like this, right?"

Ye Chuyun sneered and took out a golden scroll from the storage space.

"Tsk, it seems that this is the only one I can use."

Ye Chuyun looked at the golden scroll in his hand with great pain.

This was his only third-level spell scroll.

Void Devouring!

It can devour everything and turn it into nothingness. It is a top-level skill.

Now he can't care so much.

He has many skills, but none of them work on these puppets.

It seems that after this battle, he will have to find a way to strengthen his skills.

Before, he complained that he had too many skills, but now he thinks he was too naive.

How can he complain that he has too many skills?

He now thinks it's too little.

From the moment Ye Chuyun took out the third-level spell scroll, the whole process took less than a second.

At this time, the three guardian puppets also broke free from their restraints,

"Humph, you are so anxious to die, then I will send you on your way!"

Ye Chuyun snorted coldly.

Although he was reluctant, he was afraid that something else would happen if he delayed it any longer, so he had to use it with pain.

Just after he tore open this third-level spell scroll, a huge magic circle suddenly appeared on the console.

The entire formation exuded hot energy, and the criss-crossing runes flashed with strange light.

At the same time, the five elements of the entire console and even the entire canyon surged like a tide and were gathered in the center of the magic circle.

As the magic circle operated, it made a crackling sound, and the rhythm of frying beans made people palpitate.

The energy in the array became more and more condensed, forming a huge black hole.

The black hole was extremely huge, swallowing everything around it, and emitting suffocating dark energy.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun immediately performed teleportation without hesitation and quickly escaped into the distance.

He knew that once he was swallowed by the black hole, the consequences would be disastrous.

The black hole has no ability to choose. No matter the enemy or us, as long as it exists within its range, it will be cruelly swallowed.

These guardian puppets had no power to resist at all Yes, he could only watch himself being swallowed by the black hole and turned into nothingness.

The black hole lasted for a long ten seconds, and then gradually became smaller.

The energy gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared completely.

Everything swallowed by the black hole could no longer be found, leaving only an empty and terrifying scene.

Ye Chuyun waited quietly for a while, and only breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that no new guardian puppets appeared around.

But he still did not act rashly. He continued to summon the clone tool man, came to the light column that sealed the Steel Heart Jade, broke the light column, and took out the Steel Heart Jade from it.

Now that the Steel Heart Jade was in hand, Ye Chuyun was about to leave, but his face suddenly changed.

He suddenly found a scroll in a corner of the console.

That was exactly the range of the black hole swallowing.

This scroll may have been secretly hidden in this corner of the console at first.

Because of the black hole swallowing, it was exposed by chance.

Driven by curiosity, he picked up the scroll.

This was incredible, and Ye Chuyun's eyes widened immediately

"This is??"

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