But this storage cube is different from his storage space.

The storage space has a limit on what it can store.

Mechanical puppets like this cannot be put into the storage space.

But the storage cube is not picky and can hold anything.

Moreover, this cube has thousands of square meters of space, which is enough to store these mechanical puppets.

After cleaning up the entire battlefield, Ye Chuyun put away the cube and walked towards the gate.

When he arrived at the gate.

The steel gate was closed, and Ye Chuyun tried to push it.

Even if he used all his strength, it did not move at all.

"Forget it, let's open it according to the guide."

Ye Chuyun shrugged, gave up trying, and looked to the right side of the steel door.

There was a keyhole covered with moss.

Luke just gave him a black key.

Ye Chuyun inserted it into the keyhole perfectly and waited for a moment.

Click, click, click!

The steel door suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, and then slowly opened, revealing a gap that could accommodate one person in and out.

Ye Chuyun immediately pulled out the key and used stealth to enter the door.

After entering the gate, Ye Chuyun walked forward carefully.

Now he is in a wide passage.

Perhaps because of its age, this passage is full of rust.

If you accidentally scratch it, you might get tetanus.

Occasionally, you can hear the sound of dripping water and the roar of the machine.

This means that there must be something inside and it is not safe.

There was no abnormality in the entire passage, and Ye Chuyun passed safely.

After walking through the passage, Ye Chuyun came to a huge hall.

There is a door around the hall, which is also rusty and covered with moss.

There is a lamp embedded around the wall.

However, Ye Chuyun did not choose any of the doors to open.

He came to the lower left corner of the hall, and a lamp on the wall was on.

If you look closely, you will find that the brightness of this lamp is much brighter than the lights on other walls.

Ye Chuyun did not hesitate and twisted the lamp directly.


A door suddenly appeared behind Ye Chuyun, and it turned out to be a hidden passage!

"Sure enough!"

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up and he walked in immediately.

This hidden passage was naturally discovered by the lone ranger in his previous life.

There are many hidden passages in it, each with various rewards.

But even though the lone ranger was very powerful, he did not find all the hidden passages here in the end.

This hidden passage is not long. At the end is a large golden box covered with talismans, which is very unusual.

This kind of big box is not a treasure chest that can be synthesized, so Ye Chuyun can only open it.

However, Ye Chuyun did not walk over to open the box immediately, but summoned a clone to walk over and open the box on his behalf.

The clone came to the big box unimpeded and opened the box.

However, the next second, the talisman attached to the box emitted a black light and hit the clone directly.

The clone's body immediately emitted black smoke and then disappeared.

It's okay to die directly

"Oh my god, this is really hard to guard against."

Ye Chuyun was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he did not rush to open the treasure chest, but adhered to the principle of caution and let his clone open it.

The lone ranger in the previous life did not describe the process of opening the treasure chest in detail.

So Ye Chuyun was not aware of the abnormality of the treasure chest.

However, after his clone died, the talisman on the box also disappeared.

It seems that this talisman is a disposable item.

Ye Chuyun summoned another clone to open the treasure chest.

This time there was no danger, and the clone opened the treasure chest very safely.

Ye Chuyun took a closer look from a distance.

The box was actually full of magic crystals!

Ye Chuyun was immediately delighted when he saw this.

Magic crystals are good, he will never have too much.

Ye Chuyun asked the clone to bring the box over, and he took the magic crystals inside. All the stones were put into the storage cube.

After getting the things in the box, Ye Chuyun did the same thing and continued to look for other hidden passages.

The lone ranger in the previous life found a total of five hidden passages.

Ye Chuyun has found one so far.

The other four are hidden in other places.

Ye Chuyun took a look and decided to complete the task first.

After all, even if you know the strategy, who knows what unknown changes will happen in the meantime.

According to the strategy, Ye Chuyun looked at the leftmost passage in the hall and walked in.

The leftmost passage is not long and soon reached the end.

At the end is a huge pool.

According to normal thinking.

After seeing this pool, a normal person will subconsciously think that he has taken the wrong road and immediately turn back. Go.

However, Ye Chuyun didn't even think about it, he jumped directly into the pool and swam deeper and deeper.

There is a passage in the depths of this pool.

If you want to get the"Steel Heart Jade", you have to reach the core area of this place.

But to reach the core area, if you follow the normal way, there will be many obstacles, traps, etc. on the road.

Only after overcoming these can you finally reach the core area and get the Steel Heart Jade.

But the lone ranger in the previous life did not take the usual path, and he discovered such a"shortcut" that can reach the end directly.

After swimming for nearly twenty minutes.

Ye Chuyun finally saw a dark passage.

Hurry up and swim to the entrance of the passage.

Following the passage, Ye Chuyun finally fell into a large pool again.

Ye Chuyun moved his body , looked up.

This place seems to be a bit similar to the place in Jiulong Lake.

There is a spiral staircase.

As long as you go up this staircase, you can reach the core control area on the top floor.

Ye Chuyun climbed up the stairs carefully.

This spiral staircase has at least hundreds of floors.

Ye Chuyun didn't know how long he had been walking, and finally he came to the top.

There is a corridor on the top of the spiral staircase that leads directly to the core area.

The walls on both sides of the passage are engraved with spells that he can't understand.

It's just that this place has been eroded for who knows how many years, and there are rust everywhere.

Ye Chuyun took a deep breath and ran in the passage without any hesitation.

Just as he stepped into the passage, a shrill alarm sounded.

"Warning, warning, intruders have invaded the S-level core area"

"Warning, warning, intruders have invaded the S-level core area"

"Warning, warning, intruders have invaded the S-level core area"

"Activate the defense mechanism and expel the intruders!"

The entire passageway was shaking.

It seemed as if something extremely horrible was about to happen.

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