"We are trapped in the golden bunker and cannot leave here."

"But our clan's treasure, the Iron Heart Jade, was lost somewhere. I wonder if you can help us find it."

【Tip: Do you want to accept the only mission"Heart of Steel""?】

Is there any need to ask this?

Ye Chuyun decisively accepted the

"Lord, I am naturally happy to help you"

"Don't worry, I will definitely find the Iron Heart Jade back."

Seeing this, Luke nodded with satisfaction:"Then please"

【Tip: You have accepted the only mission"Heart of Steel"】

【Mission content: Please go to the Lost Canyon, find the treasure lost by Luke's family, and return it to him. Luke will give you a very generous reward.

After accepting the only mission, Ye Chuyun achieved his goal and left.

After leaving the room, Ye Chuyun walked to the east of the bunker.

There was a shop there.

A female dwarf was sitting there bored.

When she saw Ye Chuyun coming over, she quickly cheered up and looked at him respectfully:

""Dear guest, do you need to buy anything?"

Ye Chuyun looked at the counter.

There were various forging blueprints inside.

If the reputation value was not up to standard, it would be impossible to buy them.

Now that his reputation value in the Golden Bunker has reached the top, he can naturally buy them all.

Ye Chuyun took a rough look.

Among these ten forging blueprints, five were ordinary first-level equipment blueprints, three were second-level equipment blueprints, and two were second-level top-grade equipment blueprints.

Moreover, these equipments were not low-level, but could only be equipped at levels 8-10.

"I want all these forging designs. How many God and Demon coins are they?" Ye Chuyun asked hurriedly.

The female dwarf did not dare to neglect it. She quickly calculated and said:

"Dear guest, ten forging designs require a total of 220,000 God and Demon coins."

"Good fellow."

Ye Chuyun felt bitter in his heart.

Money, money, money, how can you have so little.

Of course, he couldn't have so much on him now.

He could only call Qian Duoduo quickly.

Ye Chuyun:"Do you have 220,000 God and Demon Coins? Help me."

Qian Duoduo:"Wait."

Qian Duoduo said nothing and directly traded him 220,000.

Ye Chuyun quickly bought the ten forging design drawings.

As soon as he got the design drawings, Ye Chuyun quickly traded them to Qian Duoduo.

This shocked Qian Duoduo.

Before, he was still worried about where to get the design drawings to cultivate his living profession.

Good fellow, Ye Chuyun turned around and gave him ten forging design drawings.

Qian Duoduo immediately understood what the 220,000 was used for.

Qian Duoduo:"Leader Ye, did you use the 220,000 to buy these forging design drawings?"

Ye Chuyun:"How is it, can you make a profit?"

Qian Duoduo:"Don't talk about making a profit. With these ten forging design drawings, you can make a lot of money, right?"

Ye Chuyun:"Then I'm relieved."

Qian Duoduo:"It just so happens that I have received a good seedling, who actually has a talent for forging. It seems that I can start to train him."

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun also became interested.

Ye Chuyun:"Oh? What's that person's name?"

Qian Duoduo:"Let me think, there are too many people recruited, I need to recall."

Qian Duoduo:"Oh, yes, his name is Niu Dali."

Ye Chuyun:"Fuck, Niu Dali? ?"

Ye Chuyun was shocked.

If the person Qian Duoduo mentioned was really called Niu Dali, then he was really awesome.

In his previous life, this Niu Dali was a forging master.

That's because he had a talent that could add 20% to the forging success rate.

And this person not only has a talent for forging, he was originally a blacksmith on Blue Star and had rich experience in blacksmithing.

He created many equipments by himself, and was eventually recruited by a super power and worshipped like an ancestor.

Unexpectedly, he was also from District 118?

Good man, how many talents have been missed?

After thinking about it, Ye Chuyun still felt that he needed to remind Qian Duoduo.

But this forging genius must not be let go. If he let him go and went to other forces, it would be a big loss.

Ye Chuyun:"Since he has a talent for forging, then you should focus on training him. It would be best to sign a Heavenly Dao Contract with him to tie him to the base."

Qian Duoduo:"Don't worry, I will definitely not let such a good talent go."

Ye Chuyun was relieved.

Looking at the time, Ye Chuyun was not in a hurry to leave the Golden Bunker.

He accepted two more tasks here.

Both of these tasks require a certain level of reputation to be accepted.

Both tasks involve hunting a ferocious beast called the Golden Hamster and obtaining its fangs and fur respectively.

After completing the tasks, you can get rare ores and forging materials.

Some of these materials can be used to make the Tianzui Set.

It is difficult to get them normally.

Ye Chuyun flew all the way and soon found a nest of golden hamsters.

These golden hamsters look extremely cute and well-behaved, and their appearance is a bit like the blue star's chinchillas.

But the cute appearance is just its protective color.

Once you get close, the golden hamster will definitely offer its fangs and gnaw you to the bone.

【Name: Golden Hamster

【Level: 15

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 18000

【Features: Super strong defense, underground escape, deadly fangs, bloodthirsty

【Skills: Charge LV5, Steel Strengthening LV5, Earth Escape LV5

【Talent: None

【[Explosion rate]: 8%

There are about fifty golden hamsters in the nest that Ye Chuyun discovered, which is enough for him to complete the task.

""Hehehe, prepare to die, rats!"

Ye Chuyun smiled cruelly and rushed forward.

The rune sword in his hand was thrown out by him, leaving an afterimage.

Countless golden true energy surged out, beating the golden hamsters to pieces.

The golden hamsters didn't even have time to react and died.

Rat, I'm done for today.

【Kill a level 15 golden hamster and gain double energy points +12,000!】

【Kill a level 15 golden hamster and gain double energy points +12,000!】

【Kill a level 15 golden hamster and gain double energy points +12,000!】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it】

【Congratulations, you have reached level 14】

【Tip: Due to the existence of Heaven's Blessing, your attributes will be greatly improved!】

【Your strength increases by 100 points!】

【Your agility increases by 100 points!】

【Your physical fitness increases by 100 points!】

【Your spirit increases by 100 points!】

【You get 50 free attributes!】

More than 50 golden hamsters died in Ye Chuyun's hands in an instant, and countless spoils of war were revealed.

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