Bai Hang smiled awkwardly and said,"I'm only level 5, my combat power is not even 1000, and I don't know what went wrong with my brain, I put all my attribute points into spirit, no one wants to team up with me."

"I can only sell shaved ice."

Looking at Bai Hang's nervous look, Ye Chuyun smiled.

No one would have thought that the"Doomsday Disaster" Bai Hang, who everyone feared, would live so miserably now.

In his previous life, Bai Hang was one of the top 100 god-level masters and possessed heaven-level strength.

Levels 10 to 100 correspond to the first to tenth levels respectively.

After the tenth level, it is divided into earth level and heaven level.

Among the top 100 god-level masters, according to the ranking, the top 50 have heaven-level strength, and the bottom 50 have earth-level strength.

Bai Hang ranked 21st, but he is a genuine Tianji master.

Ten years later in the world of gods and demons, only a few dozen people can reach Bai Hang's level.

It can be said that Bai Hang's thought can decide the life and death of millions or even tens of millions of people. It is not an exaggeration.

As a Tianji master, it is really a waste of talent to sell shaved ice here now.

It is really hard to imagine that the future Doomsday Disaster will be such a clumsy boy.

But what Ye Chuyun didn't expect was that Bai Hang was actually from their District 118 at the beginning?

How come he had no previous life at all ? Have you noticed?

He remembered that Bai Hang was not very famous in the first three years in the world of gods and demons.

It seemed that he had heard rumors that he had always been a nobody in a second-rate force.

Because of a very famous"certain incident", Bai Hang became the scapegoat and was kicked out of this second-rate force.

Bai Hang immediately vowed never to join any force and never to trust anyone.

Even until he became a fourth-level master, there were still some forces that offered very attractive benefits to recruit him.

Bai Hang did not agree and did not even look at them.

This angered these forces, and they sent masters in their bases to assassinate Bai Hang.

However, this not only did not destroy Bai Hang, but instead killed these forces. He became stronger with each battle, and soon he was directly promoted to the earth level. Master, go and settle accounts with these forces one by one.

These forces had to pay a painful price to calm the matter down.

Until Bai Hang was promoted to the Heavenly Level, these forces did not dare to appear in front of him.

And the second-rate force that kicked Bai Hang out was full of regret.

This gossip has also been frequently discussed in the world channel.

That second-rate force has also been ridiculed by many other forces.

An opportunity to be promoted from a second-rate force to a super force just slipped away from his hands.

Ye Chuyun also guessed that the reason why Bai Hang appeared here was probably related to himself.

In the previous life, District 118 went their separate ways after leaving the poisonous fog swamp.

Because at that time, there was no one like himself who brought all the people in District 118 together.

Before Everyone in the world developed on their own and gradually disappeared.

Only Wang Gang's team made a little splash and joined a second-rate force and became famous.

Others, including Ye Chuyun, basically have no sense of existence.

Now he has established his own base and gathered all the people in District 118 in advance.

He didn't realize that there were actually hidden dragons and crouching tigers in their District 118, and there was a future heaven-level master.

The others were all deceived by Ye Chuyun from other places.

Bai Hang was a native of District 118 and must not be let go!

He guessed that the reason why Bai Hang could grow so fast must be related to his talent.

Even if he recruited Bai Hang in advance, as long as he trained him well, he would definitely become a heaven-level master again in the future.

Bai Hang looked at Ye Chuyun nervously.

At this time, Ye Chuyun was staring at him closely, as if he was some kind of treasure.

This made Bai Hang get goose bumps all over his body, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Um, Master Ye, you're almost done with your shaved ice."

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Ye Chuyun looked at Bai Hang's vigilant eyes and actions, and knew that he must have thought wrongly. He immediately smiled and said,"Don't think too much."

"I'm just very interested in your technique of instantly condensing broken ice."


Hearing this, Bai Hang became more alert.

Ye Chuyun quickly continued:

"Don't worry, interest is interest, I won't ask more, I just want to ask, do you want to join us and become a staff here?"

He pointed behind him.

Qian Duoduo was still recruiting people there.

"Me, join you?"

Bai Hang looked incredulous.

"Can I? ?"

Ye Chuyun nodded:"Of course"

"I think you have the potential to become a master, and I want to invest resources in you and train you."

Then he changed the subject.

"But correspondingly, you must sign a Heavenly Dao Contract with us and absolutely cannot betray us."

"Is it just that simple?"

"Okay, I agree."

Ye Chuyun thought Bai Hang would hesitate after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, he agreed immediately.

"Uh, you agreed without even thinking about it?"

Bai Hang smiled and shook his head:

"What is there to consider?"

"One reason is that I believe in your character. No one else wants to buy my shaved ice, but you bought ten shaved ices from me at once. I think you must be a good person."

""Um, thank you for the compliment." Ye Chuyun smiled shyly.

He didn't know Bai Hang's identity at first, and he bought the shaved ice with the mentality of helping him.

"And the second reason is that even though I have no skills at all, you are still willing to invest in me, Master Ye. I can't think of any reason to betray you."

"Besides, I, Bai Hang, am not the kind of person who would betray my own people."

Ye Chuyun smiled happily when he heard this.

"So, you agree?"

Bai Hang nodded.

"I agree to join, but I have one condition"

"Oh? Tell me about it."

Bai Hang gritted his teeth and said with courage:

"If I join and enjoy your resources but can't help you, please let me go."


Ye Chuyun looked at him in surprise.

He thought Bai Hang would propose some conditions, but he didn't expect it to be this?

This child is really good and sensible.

Ye Chuyun felt very relieved.

The second-rate power in the previous life must have been really blind to drive such a good child away.

"Okay, I agree to your terms. You don't have to tell me that I won't keep a useless person who can only enjoy the resources for nothing."

"Then come with me and register with Vice Alliance Leader Qian first."

Ye Chuyun nodded, looking calm and composed.

In fact, he was already smiling in his heart.

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