After the materials for building the Chamber of Commerce were gathered.

Qian Duoduo took the glimmering plate armor forged by Ye Chuyun and left the room without stopping.

He still had a lot of things to do.

The base had just been built, and Ye Chuyun shared most of the authority with Qian Duoduo, intending to let him do it.

Being able to develop the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce alone, Ye Chuyun absolutely believed in Qian Duoduo's ability to manage the base.

That would definitely be able to beat him, a half-baked one, and Ye Chuyun only needed to be a hands-off boss and be responsible for the main decision-making.

This made Ye Chuyun sigh.

This is really cool.

According to Qian Duoduo's plan, he still needs to forge the sacred plate armor first.

Publicize it first, and then fool the forging diagram out.

Ye Chuyun was also happy with this.

Anyway, no matter what, he has proficiency and energy points to gain, so why not do it.

Time passed little by little.

The sky outside had already turned from night to day.

The fourth day arrived.

Ye Chuyun was immersed in the joy of forging equipment.

【Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully forged the Holy Plate Armor, proficiency +3, energy points +1000】

【Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully forged the Holy Plate Armor, proficiency +3, energy points +1000】

【Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully forged the Holy Plate Armor, proficiency +3, energy points +1000】

【Congratulations, you have reached level 13】

【Tip: Due to the existence of Heaven's Blessing, your attributes will be greatly improved!】

【Your strength increases by 100 points!】

【Your agility increases by 100 points!】

【Your physical fitness increases by 100 points!】

【Your spirit increases by 100 points!】

【You get 50 free attributes! 】

Every time he made a piece of sacred plate armor, Ye Chuyun would silently say in his heart.

20,000... 20,000... 20,000...

These are all money!!

Pieces of sacred plate armor also filled the entire room.

In the end, it was even upgraded.

""Huh, let's leave it at that for now."

Ye Chuyun stopped and looked at the equipment in the room.

He realized that he had forged so many sacred plates.

With a light click, there were more than 80 pieces.

All the materials on his body were used up.

The attributes of these sacred plates basically reached the basic level, and there were many fine products that exceeded the basic attributes.

At the same time, his proficiency has also been greatly improved, reaching more than 400 points. He is only halfway to becoming an intermediate blacksmith.

Ye Chuyun clicked on his panel again.

He just reached level 13, and he didn't know how much his combat power had increased.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 13 (11000/600000)

Reputation: 600

Title: The Person Favored by Heaven, God No. 250

Strength: 6694 (C-level, strength +5355)

Agility: 4561 (D-level agility enhancement, +1824)

Constitution: 7668 (D-level constitution enhancement, +3067)

Spirit: 6026 (D-level spirit enhancement, +2410)

Hearing: 100

Combat power: 51098 (49898+1200)

Free attribute points: 200

The combat power finally broke through 50,000 and reached 51,000.

Ye Chuyun took a look and found that he had a total of 200 free attribute points.

150 of them were rewards for the increase in the resident population.

The other 50 points were 50 points given by the upgrade.

He added them all to spirit.

Now the spirit reached 6226 points.

The combat power also climbed to 51498.

After putting away all the sacred plate armor, Ye Chuyun left the room, intending to hand it over to Qian Duoduo.

When he walked out of the room, he felt that the outside seemed to have changed.

"The felling team is hiring. We are in need of a strength player."

"Is there anyone willing to team up to complete the third-level mission?"

"Selling clothes, this designer once had an independent brand on Blue Star, with annual sales of tens of millions, various styles for you to choose from, only ten God and Demon coins per piece!!"

"We are selling barbecue, come and buy some if you haven't eaten yet!!"

"Does anyone need a massage? We can provide door-to-door service.~~~"

At this time, the station was very lively, and many people were setting up stalls outside.

Before, it was very desolate here, and no one could be seen.

Now it is full of fireworks.

At the same time, Ye Chuyun also saw that many people were still gathered in one place, queuing up in a long queue.

Looking along the queue, Ye Chuyun saw Qian Duoduo and a few others.

It turned out that they were recruiting people on behalf of the station.

"Weiyang resident is recruiting staff. Anyone who has worked in finance, personnel, logistics and other related professions in Blue Star can apply."

"Or a combat talent with a combat power of more than 3000 and a level of 8 or above"

"People who are engaged in medicine, machinery, forging and other related professions are also welcome"

"As long as you join us and follow our instructions, you will receive a fixed salary every month and various benefits."

"There are currently limited positions, first come first served!!"

Beside Qian Duoduo, Xiong Yuntao was constantly shouting.

When they heard that they could receive a fixed salary every month and various benefits, many people came over like cats smelling blood.

Ye Chuyun also came to the side quietly to see how Qian Duoduo was recruiting people.

Qian Duoduo and his friends were sitting on a rectangular table about 4 meters long.

The people who came to register lined up consciously and asked one by one.

In front of Qian Duoduo, there was a middle-aged man wearing glasses who looked quite shrewd.

Qian Duoduo asked:

"Bro, what position are you applying for?"

"I am applying for a financial position?"

"Oh? Have you ever worked in a related profession in Blue Star?"

"Of course I did. I used to be the financial director of a large group, managing hundreds of people."

"I am not interested in your management ability. What we want to know is your financial ability, whether you can calculate profits and costs accurately, and whether you can strictly control costs?"

"Well, let me tell you, I have been in jail for our boss."

"??? Okay, it's you. The garrison has just been developed, and the monthly salary is temporarily set at 3,000 God and Demon Coins, but don't worry, this salary will definitely increase in the future, and your equipment, skill books and other benefits will all be provided by the garrison, is that okay?"

"Good good good!!"

"Then make a heavenly contract"


"I don’t have any special skills, I just know how to cook. Can I apply for the job?"

"Yes, you can be a chef, the monthly salary is 2000 Shenmo coins, do you want to do it?"

"Go, go, go!"

"I used to work in a pharmacy, can I apply for the job?"

"Come and be a herb collector, with a guaranteed monthly salary of 500 Shenmo coins. We will provide the collection location, and you will be responsible for collecting the herbs. You will hand in the collected herbs and it will be counted as your commission."

"Good, good, good!"

"I don't know anything, but I used to be a car show model, so what job do you think I can apply for?"

"How about coming to our chamber of commerce and being a receptionist? The benefits are very good."

""Good, good, good!"

Ye Chuyun's eyes widened.

Wow, this efficiency is too strong.

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