It was already afternoon, and the entire poisonous swamp had become much darker.

The location of the mission was about two kilometers north of the square.

According to the map, that place was in the middle of the poisonous fog swamp, and no longer belonged to the periphery.

The beasts there were more than level 1, and there were probably level 2 and 3 beasts.

After the upgrade, Ye Chuyun's physical strength and speed were much faster.

It took about a quarter of an hour to reach the end.

In the end, Ye Chuyun stopped outside a cave slightly covered by vines.

During this time, he did not stop using the treasure chest detector to find the treasure chest.

Good news came as promised.

Just when Ye Chuyun came outside the cave.

The treasure chest detector also responded. There was a treasure chest in this cave!

Ye Chuyun looked at the map and found that the map did not show the existence of this cave.

Combined with the experience of his previous life, he immediately knew that this cave was an alien space.

Alien space is similar to a small copy. The beasts inside are generally stronger than those outside, but the rewards are also very generous.

Spiritual herbs plus treasure chests, plus the temptation of the alchemy furnace.

Ye Chuyun hesitated for a few seconds and decided to go into the cave first.

Anyway, he could leave this space at any time. If he couldn't win, he could just use stealth to escape.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun held his breath and walked into the cave quietly.

As soon as he entered the cave, a damp and musty smell hit him.

The cave was extremely dark.

Fortunately, Ye Chuyun turned on the enhanced vision and could barely see the things around him within 20 meters.

The strange thing was that there were no beasts in the cave.

There was only an elliptical illusory light curtain at the end that was emitting a faint light.

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up.

He knew that the light curtain was the door to the other world, and he hurried over.

After passing through the light curtain, Ye Chuyun's eyes suddenly lit up, and a bamboo forest appeared in front of him.

【Hint: You have entered a different dimension.

As Ye Chuyun expected, there is a different dimension in this cave.

In the bamboo forest, all you can see is green bamboo.

At the end of the bamboo forest is a wooden house.

The piles of spiritual herbs of various shapes outside the wooden house immediately attracted Ye Chuyun's attention.

"Silver ice grass, golden velvet, Impatiens, sunflower"

Ye Chuyun was overjoyed.

It was indeed as Wang Gang said, there were a large number of spiritual herbs in this alien space. There were so many spiritual herbs outside the wooden house, so the treasure chest and the mission target must be inside the wooden house.

But Ye Chuyun did not forget that Wang Gang said there were a large number of pythons here, which must be the ferocious beasts in this alien space.

Since entering this alien space, he stood motionless in the same place, just turning his head slightly to observe the surroundings.

Soon he noticed a female body lying more than 30 meters away from the wooden house, which must be the dead teammate mentioned by Wang Gang.

Ye Chuyun noticed that the female body had a yellowish face and was covered with black spots.

The name of a ferocious beast immediately came to his mind.

"It's actually an eyeless snake!!"Ye Chuyun's face changed slightly.

He looked around and didn't find the python Wang Gang mentioned.

But Wang Gang said there was one.

In order to verify his guess, Ye Chuyun bought a piece of green claw beast barbecue at the trading house and threw it out without hesitation.


As soon as the green claw beast barbecue landed, it caused a huge noise.


At the moment when the green claw beast barbecue landed, four or five khaki giant snakes came out from the ground.

In an instant, they ate up the green claw beast barbecue.

These pythons are khaki all over, and their bodies are covered with black spots the size of an adult's palm.

The waist is two meters long, and the body is more than six meters.

The point is that these pythons have no eyes, which just happens to verify Ye Chuyun's guess.

【Name: Eyeless snake

【Level: 1

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 300

【Features: blind, burrows underground, extremely fast and powerful, locates by sound, teeth contain toxins

【Skills: None

【[Explosion Rate]: 0.1%

"It really is an eyeless snake."Ye Chuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

After the four or five eyeless snakes shared the green claw beast's barbecue, they went back underground.

Now Ye Chuyun had an idea.

Although the eyeless snake can identify the direction based on the sound, it can only hear the sound within a radius of 20 meters.

Usually it hides underground, and it will not come out if no one steps into this 20-meter radius.

The entire bamboo forest can be divided into six areas at a distance of 20 meters. In these six areas, there are eyeless snakes hiding underground waiting for an opportunity to move.

So Ye Chuyun quickly made a plan.

He wanted to kill all the eyeless snakes in the bamboo forest!

One bite Qi bought six pieces of green claw beast barbecue from the trading house and threw the first piece to the first area.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

As soon as the barbecue landed, four or five eyeless snakes appeared again and shared the barbecue.

At this time, Ye Chuyun seized the opportunity and rushed towards one of the eyeless snakes with the green claw machete in hand.

The eyeless snake is flexible and powerful.

If hit by its tail, those with low physical points or no defense measures may be smashed into mud on the spot.

With a sharp move, Ye Chuyun chopped off its tail directly, which was its weakness. With its tail chopped off, the eyeless snake was like losing its legs.

It let out a shrill roar and then fell to the ground motionless.

The other eyeless snakes... The eyeless snakes also reacted and started to attack.

Ye Chuyun activated his enhanced vision, captured their movements, dodged quickly, and flexibly shuttled between the bamboo forests within twenty meters.

An eyeless snake bit hard, exerted force with its tail, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Ye Chuyun.

And Ye Chuyun also reacted instantly.

The moment the eyeless snake touched him, he cleverly turned to the side and cut off its tail again with the machete in his hand.

The eyeless snake made a sound of intense pain and tried to attack Ye Chuyun again.

But without a tail, it was like losing its legs, and could only fall to the ground and wail.

The other two eyeless snakes also arrived soon after. , opened its bloody mouth and revealed its fangs.

Ye Chuyun retreated quickly.

The bamboo forest provided him with defensive cover at this time, but it also restricted his movement.

Suddenly, Ye Chuyun felt a dangerous breath behind him and turned around decisively.

Sure enough, behind him, there was another blind snake flapping its body and trying to attack.

Speed boost, power boost turned on!

Ye Chuyun first blocked the attack behind him, and then used his extreme speed to cut off its tail.

In the end, there were only two blind snakes left. Ye Chuyun turned around and counterattacked, and his long knife flashed!

With two swishes, the tails of the two blind snakes were finally chopped off, and they fell to the ground wailing.

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