The fact was just as he expected.

When Qian Duoduo and others knew his true fighting power, they became more determined to follow his ideas.

With Ye Chuyun's operation, the others walked more vigorously.

After walking for more than an hour, everyone finally arrived in front of the station.

"thisIs this the base?"

Everyone stared at the empty space with only a few buildings in front of them.

Although Ye Chuyun had given them a heads-up before coming, they were still a little dumbfounded after seeing the real thing.

Ye Chuyun also coughed a little embarrassedly:

"Well, after all, it's just a level 1 base, so everything needs to start from scratch."

"Okay, I'll take you to check in to the house first."

"After registration, you will be able to activate the teleportation function and can teleport to the station at any time."

"Then I'll trouble Ye Shen."

Finally, they have a place to stay, and everyone is very happy.

Ye Chuyun used his authority to register everyone's names on the houses.

However, he had only built ten houses before, which could only accommodate 500 people at most.

Now, if the people who followed him plus Qian Duoduo and a few others come here, there are 753 people in total.

There are still vacancies for 253 people here.

Thinking of this,

Ye Chuyun simply used the money he earned from selling the glimmering plate armor before to build another 20 houses in one go.

He bought wood and stones, and paid 100,000 God and Demon coins for the construction fee.

It was back to the time before liberation.

This made Ye Chuyun feel a toothache.

Money, money, it's really not enough.

At this time, many people have already moved into the houses, and there are still more than 200 people who have not registered for the houses, looking at him eagerly.

Ye Chuyun said quickly:

"Everyone, it takes an hour to build a private house. If you haven't registered yet, you might as well chat with them first or go to the mansion to have a look."

"You can accept tasks at the mansion. You can check now to see if there are any suitable tasks to accept."

"The rewards for the mission are very generous."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up and they hurried to the mansion without stopping.

They were afraid that if they were a step late, the mission would be snatched away by others.

Ye Chuyun also came to the mansion.

The interior of the mansion is not large, about 300 square meters. It is not empty inside, but occupied by rows of mission boards.

These mission boards are arranged in order of difficulty from level one to level ten.

There are many tasks posted on the mission boards, waiting for everyone to claim them.

Ye Chuyun took a look.

Although the mansion has just been established, there are many tasks, at least hundreds of tasks waiting to be claimed.

And after these tasks are accepted, they will be refreshed again after waiting for 6 hours.

As the number of tasks is completed, the number of tasks refreshed each time will gradually increase.

At the same time, the number of tasks is also related to the location of the station.

The location he chose is the yellow area in area 1888. Golden position.

In the previous life, this position was occupied by a super power called [Fantasy World Thousand Destruction].

At first, this force was unknown, and it developed step by step relying on the golden position. It even recruited eight of the top 100 god-level masters to take charge, becoming the dominant force in Region 1888.

This position has always been a hot commodity in the eyes of other forces.

In order to seize this base, countless wars of all sizes have occurred.

It can be said that there are gunfire every day.

But making money is really making money.

With the support of a lot of funds, [Fantasy World Thousand Destruction] is not afraid of challenges from other forces at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun also smiled bitterly.

There will definitely be unrest here in the future.

He will definitely encounter the scene of gunfire every day like [Fantasy World Thousand Destruction] in his previous life.

But before that, he must make full preparations.

At this time, many people gathered in front of the task board.

"Kill 10 minotaurs, difficulty level 1. This beast can be killed in Niutou Mountain. After completion, you will be rewarded with 10,000 energy points, 500 God and Demon coins, a first-level equipment, and 5 contribution points."

"Oh my god, this quest is pretty good. Niutou Mountain is a level 10 area. This quest also specifically states that the Tauren's combat power is only 6000, and this quest can be completed in a team."

"Look at me, I am gathering 100 Starlight Grasses, difficulty level 2, this spiritual grass can be gathered in the Cloudy Mountains, upon completion I will be rewarded with 20,000 energy points, 1,000 God and Demon Coins, a gray treasure chest, and 10 contribution points."

"Hey, I happen to have a few Starlight Grass on me, but I collected them in the Poison Mist Swamp. If I accept this quest, can they be counted?"

"It might work"

"Wow, what kind of a mission is this? It rewards energy points and coins. If it were just that, it would be fine, but the mission actually rewards a treasure chest."

"It's true, I cried."

"Look at this, everyone. Kill the lion warrior at the third level of difficulty. After completing it, you will be rewarded with 50,000 energy points, a second-level top-quality equipment, and 20 contribution points!"

"There are too many tasks. I can’t finish them all. I can’t finish them all!"

"But what is this contribution point?"

Many people noticed the existence of this contribution point.

Ye Chuyun had not mentioned this before, so they were a little curious.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun quickly explained:

"Contribution points can be exchanged for various resources in the mansion"

"However, if you want to exchange resources, you must complete 1,000 tasks in the mansion before you can activate them."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized

"I see, these contribution points can be exchanged for resources, so these contribution points are quite important."

"What resources can these contribution points be exchanged for?"

Ye Chuyun smiled slightly and revealed a little information.

"Resources are mostly living resources."

"Such as cloth, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, pots and pans, cigarettes���Wine or something"


Ye Chuyun's words made everyone excited.

"Oh my god, cigarettes and liquor?? Is this true?"

"Hiss, no, I have to go on a mission, and I can actually exchange it for cigarettes. Isn’t this going to make me so greedy?"

"Oil, salt, sauce and vinegar. I'm fed up with eating tasteless barbecue every day. I want to eat something with flavor."

"Don’t fight with me for this second-level mission, I’ve decided to do it!"

"My combat power is too low. I saw that there are mining or gathering tasks among these tasks. I feel that they are quite suitable for me. Why don’t I just be a logistics staff in the future?"

"Yes, the logistics personnel can still live, anyway, we have a base to protect us now"

"Hahaha, that's fine. I'll just be a quarry worker and contribute materials to the station."

"How about I become a lumberjack?"

"So can I go back to my original job as a butcher? Selling beast meat or something?"

"Can I be a tailor? I am a famous designer. I can make any beautiful clothes."

"Then I can be a chef and open a restaurant in the base."

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