Since everyone has not registered their names in the houses yet, they cannot be teleported.

So Ye Chuyun can only lead them to walk back to the base slowly.

Fortunately, he has already figured out the approximate map distribution of Area 1888.

A safe route has been planned before coming.

Following this safe route, most of the dangers can be avoided along the way.

Even if they encounter a few beasts seeking death on the road.

Ye Chuyun can easily solve them with one sword.

Now his combat power is close to 50,000, and it is not too easy to deal with these trifles.

But Ye Chuyun didn't know that his nonchalant attitude made the others following him admire his strength even more.

Invisibly, Ye Chuyun pretended to be...

After walking for more than an hour, they had only completed one-third of the journey.

The station chosen by Ye Chuyun was very far from the train station. It would take at least more than three hours to walk there.

The others were fine, and followed Ye Chuyun quietly without any complaints.

But Ye Chuyun himself was a little helpless.

Without the help of a mount, it would indeed waste a lot of time to walk.

But if there was a mount, the three-hour journey might only take half an hour or even ten or twenty minutes.

If their station built a teleportation array, it would be even faster. It only takes one second to teleport from the train to the station.

However, building a teleportation array is something that can only be done by a level 2 station.

While on the road, Ye Chuyun also sent an invitation to everyone present to join the station.

【Tip: Wang Gang has joined your settlement, current settlement population: 2/1500!】

【Tip: Cai Kun has joined your settlement, current settlement population: 3/1500!】

【Tip: Lei Chen has joined your settlement, current settlement population: 4/1500!】

【Tip: Luo Bing has joined your settlement. Current settlement population: 100/1500!】

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for the resident population exceeding 100 and receiving a reward of 50 free attributes!】

【Tip: Yang Tianle has joined your settlement. Current settlement population: 500/1500!】

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for breaking through 500 in the resident population and receiving 100 points of free attribute reward! 】

A series of announcements popped up, not only Ye Chuyun and others, but everyone in the world channel also saw it.

Ye Chuyun's face did not change.

He knew that when the resident population increased to a certain number, the Heavenly Dao would reward.

Others were extremely shocked.

The world channel was discussing again.

However, the people following Ye Chuyun were only shocked for a moment before turning their attention back to the resident.

"Weiyang? Is this the name of the station?"

"This name is good, it feels very noble"

"Level 1 garrison, does that mean it can be upgraded in the future? How to upgrade it?"

After accepting Ye Chuyun's invitation, everyone started to discuss. Qian Duoduo was even more motivated.

Such a large garrison is full of opportunities to make money.

He wanted to study it carefully and try to maximize the benefits of this garrison.

Thinking of this, Qian Duoduo immediately patted his chest and said to Ye Chuyun:

"Boss Ye, now that I have joined the base, the development funds for the base will be on my shoulders!"

""Of course, I'll give you my money."

Ye Chuyun nodded very solemnly after hearing this.

He was very relieved to hand over the money to Qian Duoduo for management.

The main reason was that Qian Duoduo was well-known for his good reputation in his previous life. He was never a person who only cared about interests. Instead, he valued reputation and friendship more.

Although he likes to make money, it does not mean that he will do anything to make money.

Last time, a good brother of Qian Duoduo was targeted by a top-notch first-class force.

Even at this time, Qian Duoduo was willing to give up many interests to this first-class force to calm their anger.

But this first-class force was unwilling to accept it and had to chase him to the end.

At that time, Qian Duoduo's Chamber of Commerce had just started, and in terms of strength, it was impossible to fight against it.

But for the sake of his good brother, Qian Duoduo did not hesitate to spend all his property and invited many masters to go to war with this first-class force. The final result was heavy losses on both sides.

Qian Duoduo's newly developed Chamber of Commerce returned to the pre-liberation era overnight.

And that first-class force was hit hard and instantly fell to a third-rate force, never to be defeated again There is no ability to be arrogant.

If Qian Duoduo is a person who values interests, he would never give up all his property for his good brother.

That good brother is Xiong Yuntao!

After that incident, he followed Qian Duoduo wholeheartedly.

Later, after becoming one of the top 100 god-level masters, he tried his best to resist the forces that wanted to be detrimental to the Chamber of Commerce, making Tongtian Chamber of Commerce the number one chamber of commerce in the Blue Star Region.

So for Qian Duoduo, Ye Chuyun is still very confident in handing the money to him.

The development of the station is still based on financial resources.

Ye Chuyun only knows the future development situation and what things will be particularly valuable in the future.

However, if you want to maximize the benefits of this information, you still have to hand it over to professionals.

But this professional must be trustworthy.

Qian Duoduo perfectly meets this condition.

As long as Qian Duoduo controls the funds of the station.

Ye Chuyun can solve the rest of the things by himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun's sight shifted to everyone present and smiled:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, since you have chosen to join the resident"

"But you will definitely have many concerns."

"I am afraid that this station will not be able to develop"

"Worried about the future of the station and my own future"

"So in order to reassure you, let me give you some surprises so that you can follow me with confidence."

"Surprise? Could it be that Ye Shen, you have some secrets?"

Everyone was puzzled.

With such a clear station, what secrets could there be ?

They had also figured out the functions of the various buildings in the station, so it couldn't be considered a secret.

"Perhaps you have all seen the world rankings?"

"Everyone knows that I am number one in the world rankings and number one in the world combat power rankings."

"Let’s guess, as the number one in the world’s combat power list, how much combat power do you have?"

"How much combat power do you have?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Wang Gang was the first to stand up and said:

"Ye Shen, do you still need to ask about your combat power? It must be more than 10,000."

Ye Chuyun nodded:

"It is indeed more than 10,000. Can you guess the exact amount?"

Seeing that Ye Chuyun did not deny it, everyone's eyes widened.

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