In a blink of an eye, 15 minutes passed.

【Tip: Congratulations, your base has been created successfully, do you want to teleport?】


Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

After all, having a base that belonged to him alone was something Ye Chuyun had never dared to think about in his previous life.

Now that he had finally achieved his first goal, how could he not be excited?

Soon, Ye Chuyun calmed down and quickly teleported to the base.

And just after Ye Chuyun teleported away, a notice popped up on any channel.

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for establishing his first settlement [Weiyang], increasing his reputation by 100 points and receiving a double bonus on his initial attributes.】

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for establishing his first settlement [Weiyang], increasing his reputation by 100 points and receiving a double bonus on his initial attributes.】

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for establishing his first settlement [Weiyang], increasing his reputation by 100 points, and obtaining a double bonus for his initial attributes.

This announcement was different from the previous ones, as it was sent three times.

It seemed to be a reminder to everyone of what Ye Chuyun had done.

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole world fell into chaos.

World Channel

No. 666 Qiao Shanyun:"Fuck, what’s wrong with this guy? It’s only been a short time, how come he has set up a base?"

No. 888 Qian Duoduo:"Did he get the base order? Damn it, if this base is set up, how much money can he make?"

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"@Ye Chuyun, boss, boss, does what you said before about following you still count? I want to follow you."

No. 999 John:"Oh my, how come the Dragon people were the first to build a base, what bad luck."

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"I told you idiot not to appear in my field of vision, didn’t you hear me, believe it or not, I will pull you out through the Internet and kill you." No. 2564

Walter:"Oh, my God, Mr. John, you must not provoke them. This Chu Yunlan is ranked second in the world in combat power. The Dragon people are very scary."

No. 999 John:"Huh, it's just ranked second in combat power. The ranking will always change. Just wait and see. Our Eagle Country will soon establish a base. Let's see if you Dragon people can still be so arrogant then?"

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"Haha, then I'll wait and see."

No. 1315 Jin Zhihui:"Don't dream on the floor above. The second base belongs to our Kimchi Country. So what if it's Eagle Country? Our Kimchi Country is about to rise!"

No. 999 John:"Bold! You Kimchi Country are getting bolder, right?"

No. 656 Hoshino Toru:"Baka, the second base belongs to our Sakura Country. Eagle Country and Kimchi Country all get out of my way and let my Great Sakura Empire stand aside!"

No. 999 John:"Okay, okay, that's how you play it, right? I'll lead the team to hunt the beasts now and never give you a chance!"

No. 1888 Huang Li:"Okay, okay, let's fight. I love to watch." No.

1 Shi Feng:"Okay, okay, Ye Shen, you play like this, right? I'm still struggling in the trial land and dare not go out, and you've even set up a base."

No. 1 Xu Meng:"The one upstairs, why don't we go and seek refuge with Ye Shen? I don't want to work hard anymore."

No. 1888 Wang Gang:"Okay, Ye Shen, you should keep quiet and do great things. Once you get this attribute doubling reward, your combat power will be even more amazing."

No. 1888 Zhuang Liang:"Okay, okay, captain, let's go and seek refuge with Ye Shen."

No. 1888 Liu Qian:"Okay, okay."

No. 1888 Cai Kun:"Okay, okay"

At the same time, Ye Chuyun arrived at his base.


A gust of wind blew by at this time.

Ye Chuyun stood in a very desolate open space and looked around.

It was called a base, but in fact it was just an open space with only a sign and a fence.

The word"Weiyang" was written on the sign, just casually inserted in the open space.

There were not even any houses, and the fences were made of wood. Each fence was only more than 1 meter high, simply enclosing the open space.

This fence couldn't even enclose humans, let alone stop the ferocious beasts that were several meters in size.

The entire open space is about 30,000 square meters in size.

The space is quite large.

【Tip: Congratulations on being the first to complete the station mission and get the initial attribute double reward】

【Tip: Please work hard to develop your settlement and increase your reputation as much as possible.】

"It really is a doubled attribute bonus."

After seeing the prompt, Ye Chuyun smiled slightly.

In his previous life, the first person to build a settlement received a doubled attribute bonus.

This is not the kind of attribute that is added to 100, but a doubled initial attribute bonus.

The initial attribute is the four-dimensional attribute after he takes off all his equipment and titles.

He calculated.

After deducting the attribute bonus of all equipment and titles.

His four dimensions are still very high.

Strength: 3132

Agility: 2119

Constitution: 3284

Spirit: 2743

If his current four initial attributes are used as a benchmark, and the attributes are doubled.

Then his combat power will usher in earth-shaking changes.


Ye Chuyun felt that there was a force that was constantly strengthening his body.

The momentum was constantly rising!!

Ye Chuyun felt that he might be able to raze the entire loess desert to the ground with just one strike.

Those fishmen in Jiulong Lake might no longer be his opponents.

He couldn't wait to open the panel to check.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 12 (436000/500000)

Reputation: 500

Title: The Person Favored by Heaven, God No. 250

Strength: 6544 (C-level, Strength +5235)

Agility: 4411 (D-level agility enhancement, +1764)

Constitution: 7518 (D-level constitution enhancement, +3007)

Spirit: 5876 (D-level spirit enhancement, +2350)

Hearing: 100

Combat Power: 49898 (48698+1200)


When Ye Chuyun saw his own combat power, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He felt that this combat power was too abnormal.

Even at level 30, he might not be able to have this combat power.

But he has already reached level 12.

This is not even including the bonus of talent.

If the bonus of talent is added, it will be even more terrifying.

At this time, Ye Chuyun opened the world combat power list and took a look.

【[World Combat Power Ranking]

No. 1: Ye Chuyun, Combat Power? ? ?

No. 2: Chu Yunlan, Combat Power? ? ?

No. 3: Qiao Shanyun, Combat Power? ? ?

No. 4: John, Combat Power 6834

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