[It's a waste to use your brain too much, so just leave it with me.】

【Congratulations on coming to the world of gods and demons!】

【I am the product of the way of heaven!】

【This is your only chance to gain eternal life!】

【All the healthy people aged 16-50 on the Blue Planet, more than 7 billion humans, you will descend into the world of gods and demons at the same time】

【There, death is commonplace. All you need to do is to survive in this world of gods and demons. But at the same time, you will also gain great opportunities, evolve, and even achieve eternal life. I wish you good luck!】


""Clang, clang, clang."

Ye Chuyun slowly woke up in a train traveling in the void.

He looked around.

The entire train compartment was full of people.

Many people had woken up like Ye Chuyun, and showed panic after discovering their situation.

They wanted to shout, but found that they could not speak, as if they were controlled by some mysterious force.

Ye Chuyun's face also showed a panic expression.

But in addition to panic in his eyes, there was also a hint of excitement and excitement!

"Reborn! I was reborn on the day I descended into the world of gods and demons ten years ago!!"

After being excited for only a few seconds, Ye Chuyun quickly calmed himself down.

This is a habit that must be developed in the world of gods and demons.

Only when he is extremely calm can he think more easily.

Ye Chuyun looked at the void outside the train.

It was pitch black.

Others might not know where it would go, but he knew.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Chuyun recalled everything about his previous life.

He remembered it very clearly.

At the beginning, the train took them to a poisonous swamp known as the Novice Village.

Then the voice that claimed to be the Heavenly Dao appeared again.

Ordered them to hunt down ferocious beasts and to reach level 10 within a month.

If they failed to reach it, they would be wiped out.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun smiled self-deprecatingly in his heart.

In his previous life, because of seeing Having known the horror of the beast, he actually hid himself.

He didn’t dare to hunt the beast for three whole days.

When he made up his mind to hunt the beast, he found that he had already fallen far behind others.

In addition to all the things that happened later.

Finally, he barely reached level ten on the 29th day and survived.

But at that time, the highest level on the level ranking list was already level fifteen.

Treasure chests, elite monsters, and first-pass dungeons were all not his turn.

It can be said that he was one step slow, and every step was slow.

But now it’s different!

He has the memory and experience of the next ten years. This is a unique golden finger that belongs only to him!

Just as Ye Chuyun was recalling.

A white light flashed, the darkness disappeared, and the train drove to a gloomy forest.


The train also stopped.

"All passengers please get off the train within ten minutes, or you will be killed."

After the voice finished speaking, the door opened automatically.

Ye Chuyun came to his senses and ran out without hesitation.

Seeing this, the others did not dare to question the authenticity of the voice and ran out of the train.

Fortunately, there was enough time and everyone got out of the train safely.

Everyone looked at this completely unfamiliar place, looking at each other in bewilderment.


After all of them left, the train also left.

【Congratulations to everyone who has come to the 118th Novice Village, the Poison Swamp. Each Novice Village currently has 1,000 people.】

【Personal panel open】

【Regional chat channel open】

【Announcement: Every three days, the train will return to the poisonous fog swamp. You need to reach level 5 to take the train to the next location.】

【Announcement: The novice assessment task has been launched. Everyone must reach level 10 within one month, otherwise they will be eliminated!】

【Tip: Don't worry, this is an absolutely fair game. There are countless ferocious beasts in this poisonous swamp. Hunting them can get various rewards and improve your own strength.】

【In addition, there are many opportunities in the swamp. Whether you can obtain them depends on your ability.】

【If you can't reach level 10 within a month, then I think there is no need for it to exist.】

【Please don't take chances, please go all out and take it seriously. 】

Various information flooded into Ye Chuyun's mind.

Then everyone had a rusty long knife in their hands.

This should be the initial weapon.

Ye Chuyun's mind moved, and he opened his personal panel, and immediately a light curtain appeared in front of him.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 1 (0/100)

Strength: 6

Agility: 6

Constitution: 6

Spirit: 6

Skills: None

Combat Power: 50 (48+2)

Equipment: Novice Cleaver (Attack Power +2, 0-level equipment)

【Tip: 1 point of 4D = 2 points of combat power】

【Tip: When attack or defense increases by 1 point, combat power increases by 1 point.

After reading the data, Ye Chuyun was not surprised at all.

The initial four dimensions were formed according to his physical fitness.

He was a otaku, didn't exercise much, and ate takeout junk food every day.

He got such a low four dimensions by trickery.

Combat power is a combination of the four dimensions and attack and defense, which can be regarded as a hard indicator.

At this time, the surroundings were in chaos.

"My family members, who understands? I worked 996 for 30 years and saved 4 million. I was about to start a life of retirement and leisure, but how did I end up in this hellhole? I’m going to make a fuss!"

"I won 10 million in the lottery and came here on my way to claim the prize. How will you respond?"

"Are you as miserable as me? I'm taking a shit and I've taken off my pants. Now I'm standing here with my bare ass. Can someone lend me a pair of pants?"

"This place is so hot!!!"

"Damn, I'm so happy collecting rent every day, this is jealous of me collecting rent every day, too baby"

"Heartbroken, the real heartbreak is not about making a fuss, help!!"

"Hehehe, I must be dreaming, I have no k biu biu biu biubiu, dinosaurs resist wolves resist wolves resist"

"Hey, this panel shows that my combat power is 60 points, how much is yours?"

"I'm a scumbag, only 55"

"Hahahaha, after all, I was a Sanda champion before, I'm about 83 points"

"Damn it, big boss, please hug my thighs!"

Ye Chuyun stood in the corner, listening to the conversation of everyone silently, thinking in his heart:

"It's time to draw the lottery."

Just then, the mysterious voice appeared again.

【Everyone, before the beast arrives, I will give you a chance to draw a lottery, which may determine your future destiny.】

【Talents, equipment, skills, special props, everything can be drawn, it all depends on your luck. 】

As soon as these words came out, the crowd exploded.

Before they could discuss, a golden gift box appeared in front of everyone.

"Open it!"

Ye Chuyun opened it without any hesitation.

Because he knew what would come out of the gift box in his hand.

In his previous life, he had opened a special item, a bag of buns.

It was with this bag of buns that he did not hunt the beast, but hid for three days.

At the same time, he also lost the possibility of rushing to the first echelon.

"Baozi is fine, at least it can fill my stomach, which is better than nothing."

While Ye Chuyun was talking to himself, the golden gift box slowly opened.

【Congratulations, you have drawn the only SSS-level talent, 100% explosion rate】


Ye Chuyun was stunned.

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