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This time, the remaining six people were hit hard again.

The top monster, Jeter, was directly cut off with an arm, which was comparable to the strong body of King Kong. He was cut severely, and the gray blood was emptied. And immediately afterwards, Naiyali was beheaded again. Lucifer turned into a shadow of blood and rushed forward, but was also split into two in the air.

As for Oriana and the werewolf Fenrir, they vomited blood and retreated at the same time. Only Joyce opened his demon wings and took Ye Chen's sword.


Nyali's figure appeared again in the void, but this time there was only one ghost tooth. Her face was pale and her eyes were terrified. In just half a minute, she was killed three times in a row. This has never happened in a century.

The face of giant monster Jet is more like limestone. The powerful body of his king of monsters was also chopped by Ye Chen. Zhu Xingjian is a spiritual treasure, and he is naturally indestructible.

As for the other gods, his face was ugly. Ye Chen's speed is too fast, Suzaku's speed is almost beyond their response. Almost in the fingertips, Ye Chen could hit them with a sword at the same time. They have no chance to join forces.

"That won't work, let him kill, we will all die."

Lucifer's body healed again, but this time, his eyes were also dignified. He was originally a capable angel of the Holy See, but he accepted the blood and blood baptism of the blood demon, and thus fell, and his terrifying recovery ability is even stronger than the monster.

As for the spirit of Isby, he didn't even have to be slashed by Jianguang. After the wind was swept away, the soul was completely gone.

The six black cardinals here are still frightened, but Ye Chen didn't show up in the air at all, and the fierce Jianhong turned around in the air, and actually came back.


These six people were immediately horrified. Ye Chen was able to cut out such a horrible sword, which was far beyond their imagination, so everyone rightly believed that after a sword, he needed to cultivate himself, so he was not prepared.

But they never imagined that Ye Chen could even produce two swords!

Unexpectedly, everyone failed to dodge, letting the horrible blade pass by.

Time froze again for a while, and when it re-flowed, the giant spout was the first to spit out a big sip of blood.

He stood at the forefront of the crowd and suffered the strongest damage from Yuanshen Yujian twice. Even the king of monsters could not resist.

"Bloody Lord, I..."

The giant monster Jet looked up to the sky and seemed to want to make a loud noise, but the broken body couldn't make much noise at all. The light in his pupils became dimmer, and finally he died.

Even his soul was wiped out by Ye Chen together.

But this is just the beginning.


Fenrir, the werewolf standing on the second front, showed a blood line from his forehead. This blood line was only a trace at the beginning, but it quickly spread down, through his nose, lips, neck, chest, and finally to the end. . He was divided into two parts from the middle.

Even if the werewolf's recovery ability is strong, he may not come.

In the end, the werewolf Fenrir burst into the sky with countless swords and tore him into pieces.

Jiu Xuan Wan Jian Jue, one sword turns into Wan Jian, if you think you haven't died in one sword, don't be too happy, because the follow-up thousands of sword qi have already penetrated into the limbs.


In the distance, Nayali appeared again, and the last ghost tooth on her ruby ​​ring also shattered.

"Fortunately, there are treasures given by Lord Blood Demon, so I can survive. This leaf dust is so terrifying, it is simply the rebirth of Xuan Xian, and Xiao Yi absolutely has no way to compare with him. Even the last life-saving opportunity was by him Cut it off. I'll leave immediately, how far can I escape."

Naiyali glanced over the body of the giant monster Jet, patting the chest in fear.

But when Nayali was preparing to apply oil on the soles of her feet, she suddenly saw regretful eyes in the eyes of Joyce and others, and was shocked: "What's wrong, why do they look at me like this, wrong..."

Without waiting for Naiyali's reaction, a sword mark suddenly appeared on her forehead, and then the second, third... Naiyali's delicate body trembled, and the dim light in his eyes disappeared. The whole person fell out of the sky in an instant like uncontrollable.

Again, when you think you are alive, the follow-up thousands of sword spirits are enough to kill you.

"Actually only four people were killed. It seems that I am not good enough in the end. If you step into the high rank of Jindan, you three will not be able to escape this sword."

Ye Chen carried his hands on his back and turned his head, and he saw the blue faces of Joyce's three men. Under the sword, only Joyce, Lucifer, and Oriana survived.

Joyce is strong, Lucifer is almost immortal, and Oriana has Lingbao body protection. Only barely escaped from Ye Chen's sword, but also paid a painful price.


The trio looked pale, and there was a horrified look in their eyes. Originally they wanted to say something harsh, but they did not dare to open their mouths.

"These are the seven powerful gods, even the Xuanxian can be beheaded. Why can't you, Ye Chen, who are you?"

Joyce looked over with horror. The black bishop, who had been confident and confident, lost his confidence for the first time.

"This question, you go to **** and ask your blood demon lord to go."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, but did not rush forward.

Arianna's eyes lit up and hurriedly said: "Master Ye Xian, you have even produced two swords. Presumably you have already exhausted. How about we say nothing?"

The delicate necklace on her chest has been cracked and wandered at this time. It seems that as long as it is touched lightly, it will be completely broken. The spirit of this Lingbao is damaged. If it is not nourished, I am afraid it will be difficult to return. Lingbao realm.


Ye Chen sneered: "I gave you the opportunity before, you don't believe it, and now I have seen my power before I want to beg for mercy. It's too late. Not only you, but the entire blood alliance, I will completely destroy it!"

After talking, Ye Chen once again traversed the Zhu Xingjian, and the consumption of the Yuanshen Yujian twice was indeed very large. It was already difficult for him to cast the third sword at this time, but even if the Yuanshen Yujian is not used, this group of people Can't escape his palm.

"Well, at this point, there is only a battle of death. Otherwise, I will be punished by the blood demon Lord when I can escape, and it is better to die than life."

Joyce's face was fierce, and the breath on his body rose instantly, pouring into an unpredictable state. The whole person seems to be connected with heaven and earth as a whole.

The deep black carapace now completely covered the body. Two sharp angles grew on the sides of the skull, and a tail full of rugged bones was dragged behind it, which looked very scary.

At this moment, he was finally transformed into a demon!

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