The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 387: The war will start

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Hearing Ye Chen's sarcasm, Joyce said angrily: "Ye Chen, what do you mean?"

Ye Chen disdainfully said: "Don't say that your blood demon lord is just a mixed-blood race, and the purity of the blood lineage is no longer known to him. Even if he is a pure-blood race, there is no great magical power. , Great opportunity, great perseverance, boldness, overhaul, and want to set foot on the road to longevity?"

"You wanton!"

The seven cardinals in black suddenly became furious when they heard this, and each stepped forward, and the world was shaken in an instant.

The team of seven of them is almost the strongest combination on earth. Xiao Yi is absolutely here, and he has to drink and hate on the spot.

And Bai Yuhan has begun to tremble. Although she had not heard of these seven people, she watched them stand proudly in the void, or surging in darkness, or burning flames, or falling black feathers, or howling wolves, and the same black cardinal as Arthur. , I knew that these seven people were all great masters.

"Let's talk nonsense, Ye Chen, let the gods step on the mystery of Xuan Xian, we can let you go."

The giant monster Jet shook his muscles and thundered.

"It's up to you?" Ye Chen's eyes swept the crowd, disdain.

At this time, he had condensed Jindan, and the Emperor's glazed body had already become a master, and he had even better protection. Even Xiao Yijue's power of Xuan Xian couldn't help Ye Chen. Even if there are so many gods, what's the use?

"Is it an opponent, I know naturally after playing!"

The werewolf Fenrir sneered.

"Master Ye Xian, you have such a brilliant talent that you haven't seen for a thousand years. Why do you have to fight with us here to survive?"

If Jeter and Fenrir were intimidating, the succubus Nayali was seduced. She smiled and said: "It is better to join the blood alliance, we work together for the blood demon lord, privately...Also let the slave family Serve you well."

Witch Oriana also agreed: "Yes, concubine also has many magical problems, I want to discuss with you."

These two women, both hot and charming, make the man crazy, but at the same time, they all scratch their heads at Ye Chen. Obviously they also know that Ye Chen is very difficult to provoke. If he really fights, he can win. If you don’t know what to do, you will have to die a few bishops.

"Ha ha."

Ye Chen's eyes sneered. Since he has become famous all over the world, he is not afraid of others' ideas. Like the seven of Joyce, perhaps the best in the world, the power of the seven people joining hands, is that Xiao Yi is never an opponent, but how can it be in Ye Chen's eyes?

He used his unprecedented fighting will and strength with his last life. The human heart is unpredictable, and even the Immortal Emperor cannot count it. But the strength is true. What if all the heavens are rebellious, and the stars are all enemies?

I cut it off with a sword!

"Let's talk nonsense, take him directly and force the secret method."

The troll Jett had the most fiery temper and roared, but he was an empty muscle guy. The first one to do it was the witch Oriana.

I saw her tricks. An earth-shattering thunder, violently split from the sky, and split towards Ye Chen. Even the surrounding voids were screamed by thunder and lightning, just like Nine Heavens Thor, dancing God punishing a spear.

Faced with this blow, Bai Yuhan couldn't help but look white.

Even if she has a congenital blood root, she is just an ordinary girl who has seen such a terrifying power. Raise your hand to summon Thunder, this is not a fairy? The residents around, and even the people within a few miles of the surroundings, all stretched out their heads and looked in surprise:

"How did it thunder on a sunny day?"

Fortunately, Penglai Inn was originally the place where the warriors lived. In order to avoid the eyes and ears of ordinary people, the ordinary people nearby had already been expelled by Longteng before they were exposed.

"The ants are average."

Ye Chen's eyes were indifferent, standing still with his hands behind his back. The surging body protector really rushed out and turned into a ten-foot-sized cyan mask, covering the father and daughter of the Bai family, including the entire inn, in it.


There was a thunderbolt with thick arms, chopped on the cyan mask, just letting the mask tremble slightly, it disappeared.

Olianna is the strongest magician in the entire western world, especially good at thunder fire magic, and the thunderbolt summoned by her can't even break Ye Chen's body shield?

Seeing this scene, the other five people all stared at each other with a solemn look. Joyce himself, although he had seen Ye Chen's superb power, but after all, he didn't experience it personally. This time he faced Ye Chen only to really realize how strong he was.

"You retreat, and I can spare you a life. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing and destroying the entire blood alliance!"

Ye Chen took a cold hand and said coldly that he was not afraid of these people, but that there were Bai family father and daughter around him. If not, he would have to talk nonsense with this group of people.

"I will not believe it!"

Oriana folded her hands together and pressed hard.


Ten times thicker than before, a bright thunderbolt with the thickness of a tree trunk fell from the sky. The prestige of this blow is far from being comparable before, and even has the peak of divine realm, which is awed by several black cardinals around.


Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and with that Oriana's ability, it was impossible to get such a powerful thunder spell. She definitely used something.

His eyes were so venomous, as soon as the corners of his eyes were raised, he saw the other person's snowy neck with a string of purple-red necklaces.

"Ling Bao, one level with Zhu Xingjian."

Ye Chen's eyes swept the necklace without trace. In the midst of the realm of the **** realm, it can actually stimulate the power of the nerve peak. This is definitely the power of the spiritual treasure. Even when it is fully exerted, it can exert part of the power of the Xuanxian.

"Find your own way."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, his eyes murderous.

"Today, let the blood of Divine Realm spread over the top of Yunwu Mountain. After today, there will be no more Divine Realm in the West!"

As Ye Chen finished speaking, he saw a golden rainbow running through the sky and out of his ring. In the shocking eyes of the father and daughter of the Bai family, he rushed into the sky, like a comet across the sun and the moon, with a fierce and powerful. Jianyi, greeted the fierce thunder and lightning.

Zhu Xingjian!


The blazing thunder and the golden sword rainbow collided together, and a deafening sound suddenly erupted, as if countless heavy artillery fired at the same time, shaking the sky into clouds.

The surrounding residents were almost shocked and almost threw away such things as water glasses, mice, and remote controls.

"What's going on, how did the mountain top thunder on a sunny day? It didn't rain."

Everyone rushed out and looked in the direction of Penglai Inn. But there was a cloud of mist there, and only a group of white awns could be seen, but a vaguely golden light could be seen vaguely flashing in it...

Everyone's face changed at the same time: "Could it be that the group of weirdos came back some time ago?"

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