The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 360: Ye Xianshi came in person?

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At the same time, celebrities have gathered in the Aoba Club, and the crown is covered like rain.

Nowadays, the East China United Chamber of Commerce is powerful, and the major families in Hedong and Hexi naturally have a sense of suspicion, so after receiving the invitation, everyone gathered here to discuss the next year's industrial distribution. After all, the benefits are limited. If you want more points, I will naturally take less.

In the past, Feng Chen, Chu Wei and these four families basically divided most of the shares. The other small and medium-sized families could only pick up some soup and water side scraps beside them.

But this year is not the same. The East China United Chamber of Commerce has also stepped into the field of Hedong and Hexi. As a newly rising predator, it will naturally bite **** this fat piece of meat. The battle for interests has been the bloodiest since ancient times. The so-called breaking of people's wealth is like killing parents.

The four big families regard it as a thorn in their eyes, while other small and medium-sized families are always ready to be the heads of the wall, seeing which side has the upper hand, and turn to the other side to drink soup.

"You said, who will come from East China this time?"

In the party hall, everyone was divided into small circles in twos and threes, and all the young and handsome men and rich ladies and young ladies were well-dressed, holding wine glasses, and whispered with each other.

Among them was a young man with a face like Guanyu, who whispered in a low voice: "As the dry daughter of Queen Yang Lin and the most trustworthy person, Lan Cai'er will definitely come, and Ji Hualing of the Ji family is also possible, the Shen family. Shen Hanlin heard that he was busy with Yanjing and most of them would not come."

Hearing their words, everyone nodded their heads. This person was Chu Yuxuan, the eldest son of the Chu family. He was a famous noble son of Hedong. Not only did he have outstanding ability, his wrists were spicy, he was also very good at meeting people. Anyone who has talked to him will have a good mood like Mu Chunfeng.

"However, if that person came, I'm afraid it would be tricky..." It seemed that Chu Yuxuan frowned slightly when thinking of something.

When everyone else saw me, they were all amazed. I didn't expect anything in this world to make Master Chu feel troublesome.

A young girl wearing a luxurious evening dress and delicate makeup, asked with concern: "Brother Chu, who are you talking about?"

This, Chen Qian’s eldest lady Chen Qian, can only be so intimate with Chu Yuxuan only by her status.

Chu Yuxuan said in a deep voice: "I heard that a few days ago, Yang Lin's daughter Cao Xinxuan came out, she was the disciple of Kaishan, and she was very beloved. If the person who came was her, I am afraid that our group of people together The earth collapsed."

Hearing this, everyone also shook their heads. Although they could not know too much in their status, but Cheng Boxuan, the owner of the Cheng family, was killed. Cheng Jia bowed his head, which was enough to make everyone awe. .

After all, the Cheng family in southern Jiangsu Province was in full swing at that time, that Ye Xianshi could kill Cheng Boxuan, and naturally also could kill each of their owners.

"If there is no accident this year, I am afraid that the East China United Chamber of Commerce will be the first to allocate. Even if the four of us are sincerely cooperating, I am afraid that they will not be able to match that of Ye Xianshi."

Holding a wine glass, Chu Yuxuan calmly said, "After all, the best interests are not important, unless..."

Everyone heard that they were shocked and looked at the young man with great eyes.

Chen Qian couldn't help but ask, "Unless what?"

A light flashed in Chu Yuxuan's eyes, saying lightly: "Unless the Wei family can bring the Yanjing clan behind them, please come over, even if the Ye Xianshi is no matter how powerful, they dare not be enemies with Yanjing giants!"

"Not bad."

Everyone nodded their heads. If Ye Jingjing's giants came, what would Ye Xianshi be?

Just when this group of people just gave birth to a little hope, there was a sensation at the door...

The people from the East China United Chamber of Commerce are here!

As the focus of the entire gathering, and even the upper class society in the two provinces of Hedong and Hexi, the actions of the East China United Chamber of Commerce undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention. When he heard an uproar from the door, Chu Yuxuan and others hurriedly looked over.

I saw several handsome men and women at the entrance of the hall. But to everyone's surprise, the one who walked ahead was neither Cao's Lan Cai'er nor Ji's Ji Hualing, but a strange ordinary teenager.

The teenager was dressed in casual clothes, his appearance was plain, his eyes were as deep as the ocean. Holding a cute blue-haired girl in one hand, Shi Shiran walked in with the two women in her arms. It didn't seem to surprise me that I was the focus of the whole party, and I tilted my head to tease the little girl at hand.

"Who is this person? It looks amazing."

Many people were surprised. Almost everyone on the scene had heard of Ye Chen's name, but those who really knew Ye Chen were few and far between. Ye Chen has participated in public banquets, and there are very few, and they all just stay for a while and leave, so very few people have seen his true face.

Only a few, like Chu Yuxuan, who watched the news of the East China United Chamber of Commerce on TV, suddenly changed their complexion.

"why did he come here?"

As Ye Xianshi's identity today, it is enough to sit on par with the patriarchs, heads of families, and senior elders. Where do you need to come to the junior party?

The arrival of Ye Chen, just like the strongest king playing bronze, is completely inconsistent with common sense and his own identity.

When everyone was puzzled, Feng Shanhe, the young master of the Feng family, quickly stepped forward and bowed slightly: "How can Ye Xianshi be free to come and meet our juniors?"

As soon as he made this remark, there was a sensation in the audience, and everyone was upset!

"What? He is that Master Ye Xian?"

"My God, isn't it that Ye Xianshi is in Jiang province? How did the Cao family move this big Buddha."

"Yes, besides Master Ye Xian, who can stand in front of Cao and Ji's young ladies? Only he can be so young."

"So, isn't the blue-haired girl the Cao Xinxuan, the eldest lady of the Cao family?"


Countless people stood on tiptoes, like fans seeing idols, betting their eyes on the ordinary young man. Want to see what is strange in him, can step on so many giants.

Before, everyone thought that Cao's family would visit Cao Xinxuan at most. Ye Xianshi was above him, sitting on an equal footing with the heads of major families, how could he come to this kind of junior gathering.

But Ye Chen really came, and many people suddenly fell into the abyss. Especially Chu Yuxuan and Chen Qian, their faces are even more ugly. As soon as Ye Chen arrived, he sat in the East China United Chamber of Commerce in his capacity. Who dares to compete with them for the least bit?

After a while, Chu Yuxuan smiled bitterly, drained the wine from the glass, and shook his head: "Now, it seems that our alliance in Hedong and Hexi has not started, it will be over."

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