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When the world is turbulent because of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen had brought the girls back to the villa in Hongfeng Mountain. Although this small villa belonged to the Qin family, Ye Chen was so wealthy at this time that he had already paid the money to the Qin family. In addition, several villas in the surrounding area are continuously taken into the hands.

Ye Chen's maid went to the house with a smile on her face, went to buy a house, and paid twice or even three times the price on the market. And the people of the Liu and Xu families have already been scared. How dare you say half a word?

Even the Qin family dismissed it, but in the end Qin Shuang brought the meaning of dragon, no matter how powerful your Qin family is, there is no way to say no to the official will of Huaxia?

And now the Qin family's status is in jeopardy. If you gritt your teeth, you don't have to use Ye Chen at all. Others who are anxious to please this Chinese first person will join forces to let them go!

In the end, the entire Hongfeng Mountain surnamed Ye.

"Xiaochen, I saw that you have been buying a house, and even bought the entire Red Maple Mountain. What are you going to do?" Qin Hongshuang asked, puzzled with wide eyes.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Of course it is used to hold a wedding."


Qin Hongshuang's eyes widened at once, and he couldn't believe it: "Is it Bingyao? Or your two little maids, or your favorite girl?"

Her performance at this time, like all mothers, was happily calculating, but did not find the smile on the other three women's faces.

"It's for you and my dad."

Suddenly, Qin Hongshuang was shocked by a sentence that came to him, making it difficult to channel: "Ah? What's going on?"

Ye Chen smiled and pulled up Qin Hongshuang's hand: "Mom, you didn't tell me before. When I was with my dad, the entire Qin family was against it. The Ye family were also afraid because they were afraid. You guys, only two of you can drink a glass of wine in the end, and you are married?"

"Now, I want to make up for you and my dad to this wedding, and it is a vigorous, the most grand wedding in the entire China and the whole world!"

Hearing this, Qin Hongshuang's face suddenly turned red. She was originally a strong woman's character, and she rarely had such a little daughter's demeanor, which immediately attracted Liu Bingyao and others.

"You, what does your dad mean?"

Qin Hongshuang blushed with shame, and his **** kept stirring. The look on his face was anticipating and terrifying: "I haven't seen you for so many years. I have become an old lady, and I don't know if he will like me."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Mom, you forgot what I told you before. When I was a kid, my dad cried and woke up in his dreams. The mouth was full of red frost..."

"Scary boy, your dad heard you were arranging me as soon as he came."

Ye Chen's words were interrupted, he threw his tongue out, and immediately hid behind Qin Hongshuang and said with a smile: "Mom, Dad is here. Come on and reunite, don't let him teach me."

With that said, he laughed and ran away with the three girls, and the entire villa was suddenly the only couple that had not been seen for more than two decades.

Before the Qin family sent someone to find Ye Nian, trying to control him, but Ye Chen had already cast a protective spell on his dad, and at the same time, the three provinces of East China were already iron buckets. The people of the Qin family have no way to start.

So it wasn't until this time that Ye Nian came to Yanjing to reunite with his wife. The two were speechless and hugged tightly together, bursting into tears...

Ye Chen, who was peeking in the dark, saw this scene, the corner of his mouth raised with satisfaction, and he, who had always believed in bleeding and not tearing, somehow had wet eyes.

Soon, the news of the couple's marriage spread throughout China.

Suddenly, the whole country shakes!

Not only the martial arts families, martial arts, ancestors, etc. in Yanjing, but also all over China, but also many dark organizations, major consortia, and even countries all over the world were alarmed.

"Ye Chen is getting married? We must go."

"It's not Ye Chen getting married, but his parents."

"Parents get married?"

"Hey, don't you know, let me tell you..."

"Haha, okay, okay, it's so happy, this is the typical Mo bully boy, poor, ridiculous that the Qin family thinks that they are high, did you roll over today?"

"Go walk, you and me walk together, you must participate in such major events."

"What? No invitation? Without invitation, we can send a gift. Even if you can't see Ye Chen's face. It's also good to see his parents, relatives, and friends."

"What distance is tens of thousands of miles in the same place? This is the first person in the world!"

Ye Chen apparently underestimated his influence. After he released his parents’ marriage, let alone Huaxia, even the whole world boiled. For a time, all the people rushed to Yanjing and drove the dragon. Everyone was tired and half dead.

At this time, the Qin family was silent.

It is different from the red lanterns on the Red Maple Mountain. Many Qin family gathered at the top of the mountain without saying a word. After hearing the news that Ye Nian and Qin Hongshuang were married, they were even more angry.

At that time, it was their Qin family. They opposed the marriage of the two and forcibly took Qin Hongshuang away. At this time, Ye Chen was so arrogant, didn't he make it clear that he would hit their faces?

"Uncle, this Ye Chen is too much. Shuhuan never provokes him from the beginning to the end, he was killed by his sword! When are our Qin family being bullied by outsiders like this? I only have Shuhuan this one Son."

Qin Zhiqiang's face grew deeper, his eyes flashed with grief, and he spoke indignantly.

And Qin Xuerong sneered: "Oh, that little **** relies on his mighty force and runs rampant. Don't say elsewhere, Yanjing alone, how many people are dissatisfied with him? Everyone just dare not say it, I bet, wait until On the wedding day. At the door of their villa, it’s absolutely awesome, even if it’s a person, it’s just a group of soldiers.”

Although the other Qin family did not speak, most of them thought so.

After all, Ye Chen is strong, but how to use force to suppress people, how can you convince everyone? People can't afford to provoke you, can't you still hide? Big deal treats you like a piece of cow dung and hides.

When Qin Silong heard the words, he also patted the table and said angrily: "Well, let me see, when this wedding ceremony comes, who will congratulate him? If anyone dares to come, my Qin family will cut off all relations with him from now on, Don't go to the gate of my Qin family in the future!"

Seeing a lot of uncles and uncles, even grandpa is condemning. Qin Shuyao, the little girl, who had originally wanted to speak to Ye Chen's engagement banquet, said nothing.

Only Qin Shuang looked at a group of relatives, the self-satisfied Ah Q spirit here, shook his head, and sighed in his heart: "Ah, ah, you too look down on China's first person too?"

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