The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 332: Gathered in China

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Although Xiao Yijue has not shot for decades, the Ito Musashi who was defeated under his sword at that time has become a martial arts. Xiao Yijue, who is even more amazing, is now in what state?


No one knows.

Ye Chen is the undefeated God of War.

Zhu Chou Lingyun, killing Lin Biluo, killing Ito Musashi, defeating the eight pinnacles of Wu Sheng in the Battle of Xiao House, was even more shocked.

"Go, go to China, you can see these two strong men standing on the top of the earth meet, there is no regrets."

Among the countries in the world, those warrior warlocks who have been hidden for many years are almost a hundred years old. They are still old and still set foot in the world, looking to the east.

And many dark world powerhouses, masters of martial arts, masters of sorcery, abilities. After receiving the news, he quickly abandoned everything in his hand and hurried desperately, hoping to witness this unprecedented glorious battle.

Even those old monsters who have been closed for many years can't sit still...

In Europe, among the blood castles.

Inside is pure darkness. Even in the scorching sun, there is absolutely no sunshine at all, not even the lights on, just a few candles with faint light.

At this time, there were seven masked men in black cloaks sitting on their knees in front of a gate.

For a long time, a strange sound suddenly came from behind the door, as if a giant beast was chewing...

The seven people immediately changed from kneeling to kneeling, even though six of them couldn't understand what the other person was saying.

After a while, the voice slowly disappeared, and the seven people respectfully said, "Give the Lord Blood Demon!"

Although they said so on their mouths, they still maintained a humble posture, and did not dare to stand up until half an hour later.

"Archbishop, what does Blood Demon Lord say?" The voice of one of the women murmured.

As the first person, silence for a moment, said coldly: "Blood Demon Lord ordered me to dive into Huaxia to greet the ninth bishop to return, by the way... kill Ye Chen!"

At this time, countless old monsters lurking around the world, some of them may live longer than Xiao Yi, and even include many alien strong people, no one can sit still.

"This is not just ordinary fighting. Whether it is Xiao Yijue or Ye Chen. They may have reached the top of the world, only half a step away from the realm of the Xuanxian God. In such a battle, which is enough to stimulate the potential, All their energies will be triggered, and they will be sublimated to the fullest. After this battle, someone will surely enter the Xuanxian!"

There are old monsters who can't be seen in the hidden world.

In today's world, no Xuanxian has been born for thousands of years.

The blood demon lord of the blood alliance is only a distant legend, and few people have seen it; and the Holy See is closed for a long time. The so-called **** angel is only present in the doctrine story.

Many powerful gods are stuck under Xuan Xian, from young youth to drooping old. For them, there is nothing more than Xuan Xian.

There is no doubt that Ye Chen and Xiao Yijue are the closest to Xuan Xian. Their battles will greatly inspire countless people.

"Oh, uh--!"

A strong man, like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, showed his magical powers and rushed to China.

At this time, Longteng was facing a great enemy. Not only did he enter the state of full preparation, he also issued a conscript to the three people and four factions on the second floor of a house, asking many warriors to take action together to protect the dignity of the Chinese martial arts community.

Many Yanjing big families are already stupid.

Originally it was just a marriage. As Xiao Xiao, even without Liu Bingyao, I didn't know how many daughters were proud, and I was looking forward to marrying him.

But I didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, and it has completely surpassed everyone's expectations. It seems that grabbing the marriage itself is no longer a remarkable thing.

This Ye Chen and Xiao Yijue, it is obvious that Mou Zujin is determined to fight against the other side!

"Oh my god, the world's top powerhouse, gathered in China. How many years have not seen such a situation?"

Countless people are terrified.

"I'm afraid there is nothing that can match the blood alliance and the Holy See."

There is an older generation of historians who said vowedly.

Some people doubted: "Speaking of which, Ye Chen's fighting power at this time should be obviously stronger than Xiao Yijue? After all, when he was closed, he was just the peak of the Holy Land, and he didn't say that he didn't reach the Divine Realm. , Even if it's there, it's at best not comparable to Ito Musashi, where is Ye Wushen's opponent?"

But immediately the older generation sneered and retorted: "Naive! Mr. Xiao is sitting in Yanjing, Megatron China. Is that a joke? Legend has it that when I was just established in China, the blood alliance once tried to reach out. A total of three black cardinals came here, but they were all beaten out by old Xiao Xiao. It is important to know that every black cardinal in the blood alliance is enough to match the gods."

"What's more, it's been so long now, who knows how strong the sword **** is?"

Many young warriors changed their colors suddenly. Such discussions are circulating around China and even around the world.

Although Xiao Yijie has not shot for many years, he has too deep an afterthought. Who knows, has the sword **** already entered the realm of Xuan Xian?

"I'm going, this scene is not right." Compared to many top powerhouses, the Yanjing people are dumbfounded.

Compared with the battle between Ye Chen and Xiao Yijie, what is the contradiction between the Xiao family and the Qin family, and the Qin family and the Liu family is not worth mentioning at all. The war between the two men can even affect the direction of the world, and even the presidents of major powers are paying attention.

As for the Qin family's abacus, it's just a little trouble.

"In the beginning, we just hoped that Ye Chen would fight the Xiao family fiercely to defeat the Xiao family, and then our Qin family would rise naturally. Who would have thought that Xiao Yi would have shot himself at this time?"

Even Qin Shuhuan, who has been helping behind the scenes, is now ignorant, said unbelievably.

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes. Although things are still running according to the plan of the Qin family, the influence has far exceeded the Qin family's control.

The other Qin family members are in a mess.

This battle has attracted the attention of various countries and many forces and consortia around the world. Among them, the Qin family can only be regarded as an insignificant member. Only then did they know how terrifying Ye Chen's real influence was.

Qin Silong shouted with a deep voice: "Whatever panic, no matter who wins or loses, my Qin family is the winner. Ye Chen won, he is my grandson of Qin Slong. Xiao Yi won, my Qin family is still Yan One of the four major families in Beijing."

Many Qin family members only reacted at this time, yeah, in any case, the Qin family are winners, what are they afraid of?

The group nodded and smiled.

Qin Shuhuan flashed a bit of coldness in his eyes: "Ye Chen, the one who hopes to die is you!"

But at this moment, there was a voice outside the gate suddenly:

"So this is ah……"

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