The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 296: Qinglan Wooden Armor

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The reason why he didn't go out is because Ye Chen still needs some time to become familiar with his practice.

The Jindan period is completely different from the two phases of foundation repair. In the cultivation world, the Jindan period's integrator can already be called a master. The Jindan period's integrator can already start to awaken magical powers and create The magic weapon, drove the world alone.

With Jin Dan absorbing the spirit of the world, the invigorator's true energy is almost a hundred times that of the period of physical cultivation. Such a huge amount of energy is enough to support the use of several magical powers.

Now, Ye Chen is preparing to awaken a magical power that belongs to him, and is also a defensive magical power.

This time Ito Musashi struck him with a sword, struck him, and sounded the alarm for Ye Chen.

Although the Emperor's glass body was small, there are still many weapons or characters on the earth that can hurt him. The sword of Ito Musashi is comparable to the high level of the gods. The sword **** Xiao Yijue is estimated to be in this state. Although the sword was only on Ye Chen's shoulder, leaving a sword mark that could be repaired between breaths, it was still beyond his tolerance.

"Shenjing advanced, it can hurt me, if it is replaced by the peak of Shenjing or even Xuan Xian? I am afraid that I can only retreat as if he is a star evil old man. Not to mention, those comparable to Xuan Xian's blow Of intercontinental missiles and even nuclear weapons."

A trace of haze flashed in Ye Chen's eyes. If he hadn't, he might not be so anxious, but the rejuvenation of the aura is imminent. If he stops again, he may be completely eliminated.

After all, there is only one earth in the eyes of other people, but he knows that there are countless strong men among the vast stars. If any of them is attracted to the earth by the recovery of the aura, can he survive?

At this time, he possessed the Dao body that the Yuanying strong people were greedy, but he did not have the magical spells and magical weapons of the Yuanying strong, and he did not have the majestic true Yuan of others. There is no way to compete with the innocence among Xingyu. Perhaps his various cards have been very powerful on the earth, but those who come from the disciples and even the elders of the famous school are far more than themselves. Strong!

If the aura recovery really attracts those horrible guys, if Ye Chen is not an opponent, the whole earth will fall.

"Earth's cultivation environment is too barren, and almost no refining materials can be found. A zhu star sword is already the best weapon that can be found now, but unfortunately it is an attacking weapon, the defensive law I want. It’s a luxury."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen sighed.

If you want to carry the peak of the Divine Realm, Xuan Xian and even stronger attacks, you must at least be a defensive weapon of the Lingbao level. But where can I find so many spiritual treasures on Earth, this Zhuxingjian doesn't know how long it took the old Xingxie to search for the materials before it was made cheaper.

"There is no defensive weapon. It is even more difficult for the Qing Emperor's longevity to improve, and now he can only play the magical idea."

Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and he looked at the golden pill in his capital with satisfaction. He was very successful in refining the golden pill. Although it was not the best, it was also a rare golden wood Shuangling root top grade golden pill. .

All the supernatural powers that I have mastered now, such as the original water sword and the stormy waves, are all brought by the Emperor's glass body. At this time, the newly awakened supernatural power can choose between the two types of gold and wood.

Ye Chen wants to practice a ‘protective supernatural power’ that can protect the enemy’s shock.

"The two systems of gold and wood... The gold powers are mostly sharp, and they are good at attacking. The wood powers are more control-assisted, but if you remember carefully, it is not without defense."

Ye Chen touched her chin, the name flashed in her heart.

"Wooden Qing Emperor's body protection. No, this great supernatural power needs the blood of Qing Emperor's descendants to be cultivated, and other practitioners can't practice it."

"Golden Thousand Blade Scale Armor can not only defend against attacks, but also bounce it back, just need the heart of the Thousand Blade Dragon. Don’t say that the monster of the world of the world does not have the earth. live."

"Indestructible gold body...Just kidding, if I could build it on the earth, I would cross the star body directly and leave this ghost place."

A door with supernatural power, quickly passed by Ye Chen's eyes, and was immediately eliminated. In the end, Ye Chen chose to pick and choose, but only selected this door:

"Qinglan wooden armor, the inferior body protection supernatural power, after repairing, can cover a layer of greenwood armor around the body, the defense is low, the only bright spot is that it will automatically trigger when attacked."

"Your sister!"

Ye Chen smiled bitterly, holding the entire Xingyu magical power practice cheats in his hand, but he could only choose the worst one because of environmental factors. This feeling seems to be a fierce man with ten females at night. After traveling to her daughter's country, she became a five-year-old Xiao Zhengtai...

Feeling weak!

Body protection supernatural powers are more difficult to practice than general supernatural powers. After all, the body protection is supernatural, but it is extremely difficult to kill. If you can build an immortal golden body, you can even be immortal, even if the form and spirit are all destroyed, you can also reincarnate and live for the ninth.

The magical power that comes with this Jinmu double line Jindan is Qinglan Mujia at most.

In fact, the practitioners of the Jindan period usually don't consider this kind of thing, at least they will practice body protection and magical powers only after they get the outing period. Under the trick, which one needs to consider body protection and supernatural powers? Just bring a few pieces of body protector.

"Forget it, it is better than nothing. This defensive power is relatively low. Once it is completed, even the attack of Xuan Xian, it may not necessarily get me."

"You are the one."

Ye Chen's thoughts moved, and Jin Dan in the Zhongfu suddenly opened his eyes, ejecting a massive amount of wood-type aura. This breath condensed on his body and gradually formed a light blue shield.

"that's it?"

Ye Chen frowned, and suddenly crossed the Zhuxing sword in his hand and cut it towards his neck.

In an instant, the pale blue shield turned into a navy blue, condensed into pieces of scale armor, covering his whole body, and blasted Lingbao's attack out of life.

"Well, at least it's pretty good."

Looking at his navy blue armor, matching the Emperor's glass body's dharma body, like the **** of war, Ye Chen chuckled, shrugged, and then stepped out.


He had just walked out of the door, and he only heard a scream. Qingli Sayuri, with tears on her face, ran straight to Ye Chen and knelt down: "Congratulations to Master for stepping on the Divine Realm!"

Ye Chen has not spoken yet, but Sayuri Aokawa has congratulated her enough to see her confidence in her master. When she saw her, Ye Chen smiled and said lightly:

"Let's go, we...back to Yanjing!"

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