The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 294: Refining Jindan

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After stating his attitude bluntly, Greedy Wolf looked around and found that no one showed any opposition. He continued to explain:

"What do you think is Ye Chen's most terrifying thing? He can't figure it out, I don't know whether it is the state of Martial Saint or Martial God? His attitude of a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, even Ito Musashi dare to challenge? Or......... he martial art Shuangxiu, but both are proficient in understanding?"

"Nothing in my opinion, his most terrible place is his age! Ye Chen is only twenty-three years old this year, twenty-three years old! Even if he learned martial arts since childhood, he can reach his level, and Has geometry?"

He asked in this way, but his eyes had turned to Qin Shuang, who had once been a named disciple of Xiao Yijue and knew the sword god's past well.

Qin Shuang thought for a while and calmly said: "Old Xiao Xiao learned the sword at the age of seven, and was successful at the age of fourteen, but when he was twenty-three, it was just a master of martial arts."

Hearing this, everyone's complexion changed. Before that, they didn't think Ye Chen was so powerful. Although the gods were so powerful, they claimed to be an enemy country, but the so-called country was only a backward country such as Myanmar and Vietnam. As a big country in the world, and dominate the East, it will naturally not be afraid of a divine state.

It's ridiculous that Ito Musashi is arrogant and arrogant, and he is also doing the big dream of conquering the Chinese martial arts world. If he really does it, I am afraid he doesn't know how to die.

Not to mention the terrible nuclear weapons and various strategic thermal weapons, nor to say that Xiao Yijue, who still sits in Yanjing, is the only four martial arts practitioners in the dragon, and he wants to kill him in every possible way.

They only need to hold Ito Musashi for a while and release the ban on the greedy wolf, even if the **** realm will fall!

Therefore, the senior leaders of Dragon, even if they heard that Ye Chen beheaded Ito Musashi, they did not take it seriously, but they were shocked by the greed wolf today, and they were horrified. The young man’s terror level is definitely not Xiao Yi’s absolute. under!

"You can kill God Realm at this age. If you give him another few decades, I am afraid you can reach the Realm of Profound Immortality?"

"What's more, he also got the Xingxie Sword Spectrum. With this thing, even the most blunt warrior can ascend to the Divine Realm, and with Ye Chen's talent, he might become the next Xingxie old man."

"Fortunately, such a talent is fortunately from China. Otherwise, even if it attracts dissatisfaction from the international martial arts community, it will be completely killed!


A lot of people have debated and basically agreed to the argument that the greed wolf is "unmatchable." Seeing this situation, the greed wolf nodded and said: "In this case, I suggest that Colonel Tang should communicate with Ye Chen. After all, both parties are also acquaintances. ..."

However, this time, he couldn't finish his words. It was Qin Shuang who interrupted the greedy wolf. He was kind and proud in his eyes: "No, I will talk to him personally."

At the time when the outside world was turbulent, Ye Chen was sitting in the stone room on the ground, carrying out the Jindan refining plan.

It's just that although he looks relaxed on the outside, he actually feels a little anxious in his heart. After all, time is too tight.

Liu Bingyao's big marriage was just a month later. Although Ye Chen hadn't figured out what he was thinking, he was definitely going back.

For the refining Jindan, one month's time is too short. Even if he has the talent of immortal emperor and still has the knowledge of the previous life, it may not be enough.

"Since time is running out, let's do it now."

Ye Chen has made a good decision, taking this golden birch tree heart as the main body, pouring the aura extracted from the ebony sword and the Qingxu bamboo in turn, and then using other heaven and earth treasures as a guide, supplemented by the water aura of his emperor's glazed body Nourish and cultivate a golden pill with golden roots!

At that time, water can produce wood, gold can produce water, and the cycle is endless. The power of oneself can only be described as horror!

Ye Chen thought, sitting down cross-legged, his body gradually rising and floating in mid-air, and the heart of the golden birch tree soaked in the Lingquan also seemed to react, slowly floating, and stopped at Ye Chen opposite.

"Bang Bang!"

The Qingxu Bamboo and Ebony Sword, which had been nourished by the aura of the water system, exploded in an instant, and two pure wood-based Zhenyuans penetrated from the inside. Once the true Yuan came out, the surrounding stone walls began to grow moss. Come.

Under the guidance of Ye Chen, this true element was slowly injected into the heart of the tree. The dark and gloomy heart of the tree suddenly burst out into a sapphire blue gold, slowly flowing on the surface of the body, and the surging golden wood. The two lines of Reiki suddenly overflowed into the cave.


Ye Chen was relieved. This first step seemed simple, but it was very difficult. If the wood spirit was rejected by the heart of the tree, he would have to exert effort to suppress it and slowly inject it into it. This would take time. There are too many.

But unexpectedly, the heart of the tree refused to come, and directly absorbed the aura, thinking that it was soaking in the spiritual spring for a long time, and he had already become aware of it.

This is good news. The so-called "knowledge" is to open the spirit and gain spiritual meaning. If you soak this tree essence for a few more decades, it will become a sperm on its own.

Now that this guy has psychic intelligence, the effect of refining Jindan will be better, and it won't take too long. For Ye Chen, who is not very time-savvy, it can be said to be a charcoal in the snow.

He stroked his hand and called out the three flavors of real fire, and carefully baked it under the heart of the tree, not only to let the fire aura penetrate into it, but also to pay attention to not letting the heart of the tree burn out, which was very consuming.

But Ye Chen's last life was closed for thousands of years. How could he not be patient? He controlled the flame very attentively, and nothing outside could distract himself...

Gradually, the light on the surface of the heart of the tree became more and more full, and its shape became rounded, and the center of the tree gradually became smaller as the brilliance circulated.

Seven days later, the tree heart has completely shrunk into an orb of glory.

Fourteen days later, the streamer on the surface of the tree's heart was once again taken back into the body, fully absorbed, and Ye Chen also began to increase the firepower, and put all kinds of natural materials and treasures into it.

Twenty-one days later...

Sweat oozed out of Ye Chen's forehead, but he didn't dare to wipe it at all, carefully turning his wrist, slowly leaning on Samui's true fire, slowly leaning towards the heart of the tree.

At that time, the heart of the tree had become as white as jade, crystal clear, the surface radiated with golden light, and the inside seemed to contain a large world.

"Jinmu Zhenyuan has been completely absorbed. Next, as long as it is moistened with the aura of the water system, and then increase the firepower to bake, the success or failure of this golden pill refining is here!"

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